[2.5]Ancestral Warchief MinMax Deluxe! 1.3mil+ DPS, 8100 life (or more), no legacy gear!
Shield charge seems kind of a clunky skill to me. Why not go with something like lightning warp?
you didnt link any jewels
IGN-BeautifulMiledi or OnlyUseCold
awesome builds...
I start this in hardcore with 20chaos. I bought 700 facebreaker for 2c and meginord. everything was a breeze. I ripped at 87 on atziri. Kill her one time. I managed to farm over 800c worth of currency. I used BoR to get me to t10 . Then bought a 6l (today) . 10min after i ripped. But it was my fault. Solid build and it performs really good on a budget. Dps was 105k with 0 dps flask. conc 160k per totem. (0 dps flask). |
Would tou Luke tô gear about muito build
Evaluate my build what to improve
its a nice build but my Totems die very fast idk why They get 1hitted by Tier 12 map mobs
Got the same problem. My totems die very fast. What im doing wrong?
IGN: DarkMorgana PinkMorgana
seems like a bad build
Thank you for the build,man.It's really nice.Better than other berserker AW out there due to the larger life pool,since the dps is not a problem.People should look a bit more into it.I started with it in the new league and have 250k+ dps already without flasks and just with hatred(facebreakers,abyssus,shitty rings and amulet).Hp is 5,5k currently.The builds needs 1-2 more jewel slots and it's good to go.Probably better with Tukhohama and blood magic life nodes later.Thanks again for the build!
The build was from Dec. 2016, at this time they nerved a lot in this build. You never got 8k life, in Legacy xou have 6 up to max 7k with the same items. I played the Skill since Breach League and it makes a lot of fun.
Don't play maps with physical reflect |