Path of Exile Talent Competition

My little, crazy and not serious cosplay. BTW I loved to play SRS before the changes.
I love all the stuff posted so far.

This community can be truly amazing.
Currently working on a drawing myself, should be finished before
the competition ends.

Ok, I am uploading my entry from page 20, cause it seems the link does not work anymore. So I am changing the format, to direct JPG for easy access.

Here it is:

Title: Path of Exile - Chains of Fate


You really put alot of work and creativity into this and i like the result!
But i think the uniques are really unbalanced.
In PoE uniques are supposed to give you a new way of playing a build or the game.
20% max all res just breaks the game and the downside is not anywhere close to balancing that
huge benefit.
Cool artworks and ideas tho.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year guys!

Reedock #Yeeside
Updated my entry again. Tried to make the items more balanced.

Here it is:

Title: Path of Exile - Chains of Fate

Last edited by Occisus on Dec 27, 2016, 6:44:15 AM
darketka1990 wrote:
My little, crazy and not serious cosplay. BTW I loved to play SRS before the changes.

Full of joy, beautiful, PoE's community kicks ass!
Here is my entry hope it's good.
I'm new to PoE and when my friend showed me his fight with malachai
he was such an epic boss to me so i decided to draw him.
Last edited by Killerpool on Dec 28, 2016, 12:23:46 AM
Mouse swirling technique,

6L Unique, White mouse of luck - VAAL RNG CYCLONE, Additional RNG Accuracy, Server's Block Chance Reduction, Concentrated RNG Effect, RNG Manipulation, Streamer RNG Leech Support.

Can do all end game content:
Hi dear community!

This is my submission to the chaotic ocean of creativity. This has been made of plaster.

Stay safe exiles!
Last edited by LippaiAgoo on Dec 28, 2016, 12:25:52 PM
Alright, after breaking and severing part of my finger, getting this thing done seemed doubtful, but I was fitted with a smaller splint that made painting somewhat possible, though still very uncomfortable and cumbersome. Anyway, it's done as far as I'm going to take it with my current condition:

Last edited by Chthonian on Dec 28, 2016, 9:21:58 PM
Last edited by Zambash on Dec 28, 2016, 10:27:06 PM

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