[2.6] Fire Burst Burning Prolif CI Elementalist ✪ Low Budget/Fast ClearSpeed/Shaper viable
💀 This build doesn't work in 3.0.💀 This is Fire Burst build. Fire Burst is Essence of Hysteria weapon mod skill. Many people think it's weak. But actually Fire Burst is amazingly strong in proper build. Mechanic About Fire burst 10% Chance to cast on hit 500ms cooldown time 703~1055 base fire damage 5% base critical chance 60% Damage effectiveness Spell , AoE , Fire skill tag Support gems in weapon are linked to Fire Burst. Socket Link is not needed. Same mechanic as Whispering Ice. 6S Staff/Bow gives 7L Fire Burst. High base damage 7L Fire skill is very good Ignite generator. Cooldown time is not problem for burning prolif build. This build is similar to Flameblast build. I've played various Flameblast builds. I feel this build is faster than them. How to proc Ball Lightning is best skill for proc Fire Burst. 5hit/s , 4s duration Lightning damage=-50%Fire resistance Elemental equilibrium Lightning skill=Trigger Master mind of discord Projectile AoE=Synergy well Curse on hit gem and Dying Sun 10% proc chance is enough rate for BallLightning. BallLighntning-IncAoE-CoH-1~2Curse BallLightning reduce 75%Fire resistance(EE+Discord),apply curses,and proc Fire Burst. Usually one ball clear one pack. Orb of Storms,Herald of Thunder and Cwdt-BladeVortex are also helpful to proc. DemonstrationVideo >>T13 Gorge Run(1:37)<< Gorge run score is 1:35 around. I think T11~15 fast map clearing is best usage of this build. >>Chayula's Domain<< >>T16 Guardians<< Phoenix has ignite immunity.But it's not problem. >>T17 Shaper<< Shaper viable.But not good farmer.
Other videos
Pros: + Low budget.6L is not required.Good league starter. + Fast clear speed.Easy to kill all monster in Breach realm. + Very high ignite DPS. + Tanky. 11~12kES with end gear+VaalPact Life leech. Cons: - Can't run Elemental Reflection map. - Can't kill Uber Atziri.(All other contents is viable.)
Skill Tree
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAAVCBx4NfA5IDlwPqw_EEFgRLREvEVARlhM1E3EV1xa_F6QYahqBGyUc3B0UHU8gbiL0JIso-ioLKjgrCiycLL8y0TW5O3w8BT1fQZZFR0V-RlJJUUmxS65Ms1AwUXRSU1RHVmNXyVgHWK5ca13yXqVfamr6a3psC20ZbWxwUngvfIN85X_GgpuESITFhq6HZYnTjDaOZI8aj0aP-pD6kyeVLpeVl_SYrZo7m6GbtZ_foS-io6aZpr6nCKcrrrO1SLb6uJO4yrmTvorAZsMJwzrDbci_0B_Q0ND118_ZW99t34rpAutj6-7r9ewY73zviO_r8NXyHfem99f5N_xM Bandit SkillPoint-SkillPoint-PC Ascendancy [SC]Shaper>Beacon>Pendulum>Paragon or MasterMind [HC]Paragon>Shaper>Beacon>Pendulum If you want to prevent RIP perfectly,I recommend to take Pagragon first. Reflected Fire burst damage is most dangerous for this build. HC player should not use Fire burst specific to DPS without Paragon. Sibyl's Lament and 10%reduced reflected elemental damage taken node(Near EE) are also helpful for preventing RIP. I think Paragon+Sibyl's Lament is good setup for HC players. Low Life version will be 7~8kES. If you think it's not problem,you should go Low Life.
Leveling Tree Example
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAASzES0c3Cj6LJwy0TwFRKtFR0WdU1JVrlZIa3p8g4IQgpuPGo-mmK2aO5rgn9-iAKcIuJPAZsi_2CTfit-w6-7vfA== 31pt ScourtingRay(Main skill) OoS(for trigger EE+EO) Gem setup example SRay-ContD-EFocus-RapidDecay-FasterCasting OoS-CritChance-Curse on Hit-Flammability Clarity FlameDash-FasterCasting https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAASzCPQOSBEtEZYc3B_HIvQo-it4LJwtizLRPAU9X0SrRUdFnUZSSbFSU1NSVEdVS1WuVkhd8mHiakNremwLbRl8g3_GghCCm4w2jxqPppMnl5WX9Jitmjua4J7En9-iAKa-pwi4k8BUwGbIv9fP2CTfit-w6-7vfO-I-Tf8TA== 58pt Flameblast or ScourtingRay(Main skill) OoS(for trigger EE+EO) https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAASzBUIHHgj0DkgPxBEtEZYWvxqBHNwgbiL0JpUo-ioLLJwy0Tt8PAU9X0GWRKtFR0WdRlJJUUmxTLNQMFF0UlNTUlRHVUtVrl3yYeJqQ2t6bAttGXBSfIN_xoIQgpuJ04w2jxqPpo_6kPqTJ5Uul5WX9Jitmjua4J_fogCio6aZpr6us7iTuMq5k8BUwGbDCci_0B_Q9dfP323fit-w6-7r9e9874jv6_DV8h35N_xM 82pt Equip Hysteria 6S staff.Then respec to Crit build. Fire Burst is main skill now. Don't forget to remove Elemental Overload. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAAVCBx4NfA5ID6sPxBEtES8RUBGWEzUV1xekGGoagRslHNwgbiL0JIso-ioLKjgrCiycLL8y0TW5O3w8BT1fQZZFR0ZSSVFJsUuuTLNQMFF0UlNUR1ZjV8lYB13yX2premwLbRltbHBSeC98g3zlf8aCm4auidOMNo8aj0aP-pD6kyeVLpeVl_SYrZo7m6Gf36EvoqOmmaa-pwinK66ztUi4k7jKuZO-isBmwwnDOsi_0B_Q0ND118_ZW99t34rpAutj6-7r9ewY73zviO_r8NXyHfk3_Ew= 98pt Respec to CI with ES gears.
Starter Gears and Explanation
6S Staff(20%block or 80%critical chance) or 6S Bow+SoulStrike. I strongly recommend Staff. Fire Burst is not gem. Gem level mod+Empower don't work. And bow has coloring problem.(BBBBRR Crude bow=Average1151 chrom) You have to avoid "Add fire damage to spell" mod. It will break EE mechanic. High tier"Add cold damage to spell"mod is not recommended to this build. Shatter stop burn proliferation. 6S Staff is cheap in market. If you don't want to use market,Flora's Gift card will help you. You should use Hysteria to 6S Staff for save Jeweller. Good weapon mod list for this build Prefix (Global) #% increased Spell Damage (Global) #% increased Spell Damage, +# to maximum Mana Suffix (Global) #% increased Cast Speed (Global) #% increased Fire Damage (Global) #% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells (Global) #% increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier Reduce Ball Ligntning projectile speed enchant is NOT recommended. Normal speed Ball Lightning have enough proc rate. Spell range is important for speedy map clear. ES+Resistance ES+MS 4~5L ES chest Valyrium(Eye of Chayula) is necessary. Sibyl's Lament is good choice for HC players. Bleeding is dangerous for high hit rate build. I recommend Stibnite Flask of Staunching. It's very spammable. Dying Sun is luxury option. If your highest resist is Fire,Wise Oak works well. Energy from within*1 / Fire+Area damage jewels. Ignite double dip=Elemental damage,Fire damage,Area damage,Damage. Spell damage jewel is not recommended. Energy from within is very expensive in Legacy league. You can change it to rare jewel. It's not essential.
Endgame Gears Example
(Commandment of Flames is not intended enchant.Fire enchant is not recommended.) Gears and Gems of my first Shaper kill movie. I'm using Cwdt-IC-Duration instead of Scorching Ray Totem in other maps. Maybe this gem setup is not good for Shaper. I think CwC-Scorching Ray setups are better for Shaper now. Adjusted skill tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAN-Ka3rfbRM16QLIv5D6F6RLrkZSGyX8TNlbbRkRUJf0IvQ1uVJTbAunK5eVPV-TJ0yzvop_xu-IUzWus0V-0B8gbqEvoqPBxfk3UEJBlg5c7-tQMFF0D8TsGMNt18-MNgVC0PVq-hqBO3yP-iy_XGtJsYnTLJymmbjK8NXQ0Ov1FdeESHBSES1JUV9qwwmGrvfXKgt8g7mTVmNd8uvu8h0rCqcIHNwy0REvj0a4k48aRUcTcZuhKPrAZl6lGGqYrVfJPAVYrngvDXyf3-98fOWaO1gHgpsQWIdlVEemvuUZ62O1SG1sD6u0OCSLwzoqOJu1hMXsOIV7ZlQ= Paragon=Default , MasterMind of Discord=Shaper only Useful unique for map run Red Nightmare/Dream=Left side of Templar. Cwdt-IC-Duration+4EC=3s IC duration=IC cooldown time. These gears+Cwdt-IC make you very tanky.
Gem Setups
Hysteria weapon FirePen ContD CritChance Conc LifeLeech IncAoE(CritDmg) Socket link is not required. Chest 4L BallLighntning-CoH-AssassinMark-IncAoE(or GMP/FasterCasting/Echo) 5L BallLighntning-CoH-EleWeakness-AssassinMark(Flammability)-IncAoE(or GMP/FasterCasting/Echo) EleWeakness-AssassinMark+OoS=Fast Map run setting EleWeakness-Flammability+OoS-PCoC=Top tier boss fight setting Hit number is important for proc Fire burst. But too many hit number setup is not efficient. Fire burst has 500ms cooldown time. Hit number is not proportional to DPS. Ball Lightning doesn't need many gems for proc Fire burst. You can change IncAoE to GMP/FasterCasting/Echo if you like. Cwdt-IC-Duration (or ScorchingRay-SpellTotem-FasterCasting) The Red Nightmare/Dream synergies well with Cwdt-IC-Duration. Adjusted Tree for The Red Nightmare If you need more DPS,I recommend ScorchingRay Totem. -24% Fire resistance debuff boosts Fire burst and ignite damage. Cwdt1-BladeVortex8-BallLightning4(PCoC)-0oS20 More proc Fire Burst and Lag spike protection. Automatic Fire burst increase clear speed greatly. Cwdt1 has 70%less damage, but it's not apply to Fire Burst. Cwdt1 work as pretty strong Counter skill. This link work in Lag spike,leech from FireBurst will save you. LightningWarp-FasterCasting-LessDuration (or Leap-FasterAttacks-Fortify) Movement skill. This is also AoE attack skill. Warp/Leap into mob pack have chance to trigger Fire Burst. Discipline , Herald of Thunder(Clarity),ArcticArmor Swap Gems CritDamage , PCoC , Flammability , Clarity11~14 Swap Gems for tough boss fight(Shaper,Guardian etc) These gems are not needed ~T15maps. Frostwall For Porcupine.They are dangerous for this build. Build mechanic kill them at once automatically. This gem is not needed while Cwdt-IC+Red Nightmare setting. This build has very high flexibility. You can arrange gems as you like. Other Gem setup Examples
Scorching Ray-CwC-Ball Lightning
Hysteria weapon FirePen ContD CritChance Conc LifeLeech IncAoE(CritDmg) Chest(5L) OoS-CoH-EleWeakness-AssassinMark(Flammability)-Herald of Thunder(PCoC) Scorching Ray-CwC-BallLightning-GMP Cwdt-BladeVortex-BallLightning-IC LightningWarp-FasterCasting-LessDuration ArcticArmor , Discipline
Scorching Ray-CwC-High DPS Ball Lightning
Reduce BallLightning projectile speed Enchant recommended. Hysteria weapon(100%Crit implict) FirePen ContD CritChance Conc LifeLeech IncAoE(CritDmg) Chest(6L) Scorching Ray-CwC-BallLightning-ContD-EFocus-CritChance OoS-CoH-EleWeakness-AssassinMark(Flammability) Cwdt-BladeVortex-BallLightning-IC ArcticArmor(or Clarity) , Discipline , Herald of Thunder , FlameDash This gem setup needs Skyforth for keeping PC in Shaper fight.(or cast one curse manually in Shaper fight)
Vaal Righteous Fire
Vaal Righteous Fire is useful to kill Guardians quickly. Hysteria weapon FirePen ContD CritChance Conc LifeLeech IncAoE(CritDmg) Chest(5L) Vaal Righteous Fire-LifeLeech-Conc-FirePen-CritChance(or ContD) BallLightning-CoH-EleWeakness-AssassinMark(Flammability) Cwdt-BladeVortex-BallLightning-IC ArcticArmor , Discipline , OoS-Herald of Thunder(PCoC/Vaal Lightning Trap) , FlameDash
Vaal Righteous Fire+Scorching Ray-CwC-Ball Lightning
Vaal Righteous Fire is useful to kill Guardians quickly. Hysteria weapon FirePen ContD CritChance Conc LifeLeech IncAoE(CritDmg) Chest(5L) Vaal Righteous Fire-LifeLeech-Conc-FirePen-CritChance(or ContD) OoS-CoH-EleWeakness-AssassinMark(Flammability) Scorching Ray-CwC-BallLightning-GMP Cwdt-IC ArcticArmor , Herald of Thunder(Vaal Lightning Trap) , FlameDash Ring Discipline This gem setup needs Skyforth for keeping PC in Shaper fight.(or cast one curse manually in Shaper fight)
Tri Curse
+1Curse Amu/Ring required. Hysteria weapon FirePen ContD CritChance Conc LifeLeech IncAoE(CritDmg) Chest(6L) BallLightning-CoH-EleWeakness-AssassinMark-Flammability-IncAoE(or GMP) Cwdt-BladeVortex-BallLightning-IC LightningWarp-FasterCasting-LessDuration Discipline , ArcticArmor , OoS-Herald of Thunder(PCoC) , Vaal Lightning Trap
Tri Curse+Scorching Ray-CwC-Ball Lightning
+1Curse Amu/Ring required. Hysteria weapon FirePen ContD CritChance Conc LifeLeech IncAoE(CritDmg) Chest(6L) OoS-CoH-EleWeakness-AssassinMark-Flammability-Herald of Thunder(PCoC) Cwdt-BladeVortex-BallLightning-IC Scorching Ray-CwC-BallLightning-GMP Discipline , ArcticArmor , FlameDash-FasterCasting(Vaal Lightning Trap)
![]() IncAoE+5PC+Pendulum "Spell Fire Damage" and "Spell Critical Multiplier" are important. "Damage per Use" is not important. Crit fire damage=53870~80846 Initial Damage boosted to 171k~257k by negative resistance and curses. Ignite DPS is 830k~1245k. ![]() CritDmg+5PC+Pendulum Crit fire damage=67487~101281 Initial Damage boosted to 215k~322k by negative resistance and curses. Ignite DPS is 1039k~1560k. Shocked mob will take 125%more ignite damage.(1.5*1.5=2.25)
Ignite DPS Calculation
InitialHitDamage(Crit) IncAoE 12299~18458*4.38=53870~80846 Damage/Hit CritDmg 12318~18216*5.56=67487~101281 Damage/Hit IncreasedDamage 119% increased Spell Damage [Initial Hit] 230% increased Elemental Damage [Initial Hit][Ignite] 134% increased Fire Damage [Initial Hit][Ignite] 106% increased Area Damage [Initial Hit][Ignite] 25% increased Damage [Initial Hit][Ignite] Fire burst has 614% increased Damage. Ignite has 495% increased Damage.(=*5.95) MoreDamage 59% More Area Damage(Conc) [Initial Hit][Ignite] Penetration/Curses(EleWeakness+Flammability) 62% Fire resistance penetration [Initial Hit] 106% Resistance Curse [Initial Hit][Ignite] (44+44)*1.2(CurseEffect)=105.6% 50% EE [Initial Hit][Ignite] [Initial Hit] -62-106-50=-218%FireResistance (=*3.18) [Ignite] -106-50=-156%FireResistance (=*2.56) 3.18*2.56=8.14 IgniteDPS(Curses+EE) by IncAoE Fire Burst 53870~80846*0.2*5.95*1.59*8.14=830k~1245kDamage/s IgniteDPS(Curses+EE) by CritDmg Fire Burst 67487~101281*0.2*5.95*1.59*8.14=1039k~1560kDamage/s Shock is not included. If you want to know current ignite dps easily, I recommend to install "Path of Building". https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1716360 Install and update > Import your character tree and gears Configuration Ignite calculation mode : Crit Do you use PC? : On Is Pendulum active? : On Enemy was hit by Lightning damage? : On Ignore skill hit damage? : On
My Character Code(Path of Building)
Other versions
Abberath's Hooves+Cast on Ignite Life/MoM Berserker version
Automatic Fire Burst version. DemonstrationVideo >>T13Shaped Atoll<< >>T16Maze of the Minotaur<< Path of Building Code https://pastebin.com/9JHuL4a0 Tree http://poeurl.com/bgJ7 Bandit Life-Point-FC + Insane clear speed.This build can kill mobs just running through. - Life+Vaal Pact build.Degeneration is annoying. - Ignite DPS is not high.170k(with Ele Prolif)~270k(without Ele Prolif) - Many unique required.(High budget)
Gears and Gem setups
5L+1 Fire burst staff. 6L has VMS+Elemental Proliferation gem problem. 6L Fire burst for normal~rare. 5L VMS for bosses. Ideal mod Prefix : Spell damage , +2Fire gem level , Adds Fire damage to spell Sufix : Fire Burst , Increased Fire damage Swap gem Elemental Focus(Inc AoE slot) for Guardians. Rallying Cry effect enchant works well. Spirited Response*2+50~75%effect enchant=30~35% of damage gained as mana when hit The Rat Cage for VMS. BBBGR 5L is not easy color. If you feel it's too hard, you can change Ball Lightning to Bladefall. FlameDash+Firestorm+2Free Slot Cloaked in Savagery+VaalPact+Cwdt-DamageSpells=Auto healing. Intimidate=10% increased damage taken=21% more Ignite DPS(1.1*1.1) Cast on Ignite set.
Grand Spectrum Non Critical version
Grand Spectrum*14 version + Ignite DPS is slightly higher than Crit version(Very high level character only) - High Budget - No Jewel slot for Red Nightmare Tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCABzcm6FR-1nzjxpV4GwI-ehoZd9t6rr316crmK3IvyL0uJObtYTF7-uhLxslxPY9X0uuFdd85YauSVHK0-wY18_YJL6KvSd_xmaeRX746w18X2pYByo4j0b60kcGrKrZW1JTKPrr7pMnHRTNFt-K2-dGcRhqRlLXlqcIbAvBxekCf_tWY8Lsgsfz3YMJDly-gBM1GDxWSIx2TLMsv0mx8Yq0DI_6tzFSKfxMl5VtGSLqHxj3MhFQXGuDX9DQeC9yD5f0GFaESOjWWyYajcauPC3DbXKpavpmVGhYlG_5N9Afa3qxkBekBbXqGLTFWFrDOlfJHU_w1YnYNbnviJD6Lag= Bandit Point-Point-Point Hysteria weapon gems FirePen ContD IgniteChance Conc LifeLeech IncAoE
Experimental version
Heartbound Loop Occultist version
Berserker is refined version of Heartbound Occultist. I don't recommend to try this version now. Heartbound Loop semi automatic version. Build goal=Just run to kill all around enemy ~T15maps. This version spent many point for automation,so this is not strong build. If you need strong character, I recommend Elementalist version. I think this experimental build reached goal,but build has problem of stability. I don't recommend this version to who want to be Lv100. This build don't work well with Low level/budget character. If you want to try this version,you should make it by respec of high level character. You should not think this is leveling build. This build is designed for "Lazy farming". DemonstrationVideo >>T12 Shaped Ashen Wood<< >>T13Gorge<< >>T15Overgrown Ruin<< + Lazy and Fast. - Legacy Soul Strike required. - Stability is not perfect.Accident will happen.SC build. - Ignite DPS is not high.100k(Ele Prolif)~230k(ContD) - Heavy visual effect. Mechanic Mechanic is very complex. Cwdt1-Skeleton-SRS This ring and minions can make endless Cwdt loop. Triggered Ball Lightning trigger Fire burst. Skeleton duration decides cast interval of Ball Lightning+Arctic Breath. Frequent trigger needs reduced duration of Skeletons. Cwdt has 250ms cooldown. Minimum viable duration is 300ms. 0~249ms duration Skeletons can't make loop. 20s*0.03(-97% duration)*0.5~0.51(Lv20~21LessDuration)=0.30~0.31s You can adjust build stability by Skeleton duration. 0.3s setting needs high ES. 0.4~0.5s setting is recommended to generic gear character. Army of Bones*5+LessDuration Q bonus=97% You can adjust total reduce duration by gem quality. 2% gem quality=1%duration. 0.5% is ignored.(Q18=Q19) This build use ES recharge/regeneration for survive continuous 350 physical damage. Cwdt-IC can make a period of time for ES recharge. IC duration should be same as recharge delay. Less IC duration is better for keeping loop. ES recharge delay=200/(100+150+20+15)=0.70s 150%Soul Strike , 20%Brittle Barrier(or Leo's craft) , 15%Tree IC duration=0.4*1.74=0.70s 74%Q20Lv20IncDuration 20%ES/s leech,4k/s ES rechrge and 500+Vile Bastion(0.5%ES*killed enemy in 4s)regeneration are enough rate for survive in red maps. Wicked Ward is necessary for ES recharge. This build must be Occultist. If player take elemental damage while IC,ES recharge don't start. Usually it's not problem in combat. Leech+Regeneration can keep ES. You have to avoid burning ground while not leeching. Burning ground map mod is dangerous for this build. 0.7s IC stops 0.3~0.69s duration Skeletons loop. 0.7s~Duration Skeletons have chance to skip IC duration,but that loop is unstable. Sometimes they can't survive 0.7s. They are very fragile. SRS can solve this problem. Cwdt1-Skeleton-SRS-LessDuration SRS has 2.5s duration. Player has 5~7SRS when IC ends. SRS dies every 0.25~0.3s. Death of 1~2SRS restart Skeletons loop. SRS is not targeted by mob and ignore ground effect. Almost SRS can survive 2.5s. Blink Arrow is also useful for keeping loop and moving faster.
If you have no ES/Resistance problem,I recommend The Beast Fur Shawl. If you have no ES/Resistance problem,Shavronne's Revelation+"Mana gain when hit" corrupted implict will work well. "of Dousing" Flask is essential. Green Dream=Left side of Templar
Gem Setups
Hysteria weapon gems FirePen CritChance Conc LifeLeech Hypothermia EleProrif(ContD for hard map) No green bow is difficult to make. So this version use Hypothermia. Chest Cwdt20-IC-Duration-Flammability-VaalDiscipline Cwdt1-BallLightning-ArcticBreath-GMP ArcticBreath for Hypothermia. Cwdt1-Skeleton-SRS-LessDuration If you remove SRS,loop will be stopped by IC. Discipline , HoT , Purity of Elements(or Vitality) , Blink Arrow , Skeleton1(or SRS1) This build is "semi" automatic. Manual cast is sometimes necessary for start loop.
Path of Building Code
Last edited by solencen#4408 on Aug 2, 2017, 8:18:03 AM Last bumped on Jun 2, 2018, 11:41:07 AM
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Core movie added.
This build is viable in end map. |
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Great build man, I just entered maps with it. At lvl50 when i could equip my 6 socket staff the game went into easy mode. Very cheap, 1c for the staff 8c for Hysteria. So cheap it could even be a league starter. Good job, im having fun.
Last edited by dy2746#5873 on Dec 11, 2016, 4:02:39 AM
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What changes did you make to your gear to be able to do tier 15 maps? Do you think this is Uber lab/shaper ready?
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" Other gear is not changed. I've spent almost currency to Map. I've not done UberLab in this league. I need one more trial.(No Discord now) I think Uber Izaro is not difficult. This build have enough DPS/EHP/Leech. I guess this build is Shaper possible. But my gears are not ready to fight him for me. I want more ES. Last edited by solencen#4408 on Dec 11, 2016, 6:16:26 AM
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building this now
Last edited by nadnerb#6568 on Dec 11, 2016, 6:38:33 AM
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" Yes. This build need 6S staff. |
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" Point-Point-PC |
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Why are you running elemental weakness instead of flammability? It seems our lightning/cold damage is much weaker and the added chance to ignite would be beneficial. Or because our crit chance is so high we don't need the added ignite chance?
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