Essence Stash Tabs

Mahanen wrote:
Just posting to echo others comments:

Would probably buy regardless but....
1. Seperating the generic currency slots slightly from essence slots would improve it
2. Being able to have an 'upgrade' toggle would be ideal...i.e. when 'on' clicking a stack will upgrade one set to next set - this means you can control upgrades by just clicking as many times/places as you want. The toggle can then be clicked off manualky or would automatically turn off when leaving the tab for any reason.

Yeah I don't want a "upgrade all" button.

There are plenty of reasons where I may not want every single one of my essences upgraded to if I'm looking to speed up leveling a new character; or I haven't found that many ( or have that many left ) pieces of a particular essence ...and need every one of them at their current tier.

A toggle makes immensely more sense, and helps to avoid accidents or regrets down the road.
ClayPigeon888 wrote:
This is my first time posting and I've got to say this.

This is awesome. Thank you for being really responsive on this level.

Now.... if you could find a way for us to move all currency items from a stash tab to the currency tab... that would be very cool ;). :D

If you use the Ctrl+Click method, it goes pretty darn quick. I think I merged my Essence league currency tab with my standard tab in about 1-2 minutes. Just have an empty inventory and it goes as fast as you can click. This could be easily applied to the Essence stash tab.
It would be really nice to have ctrl-click automatically put essences and currency in their respective tabs no matter which tab is open when interacting with the stash (Div Cards too while we're at it).

Jerle wrote:
Not sure how useful this would be with the reduced essence spawn.

exactly my thoughts.
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
I will definitly get this ^^

As for improvements:

I'm in with what a lot of people have suggested already:

1. It should go from the lowest tier left, to the highest tier right (so basicly turn around the order from high->low to low->high ... makes way more sense)

2. Instead of a 'Upgrade all' it should be a toggle or there should be a button to upgrade a single essence.... if you want to keep only 1 type of essence the 'Upgrad All' Button is basicly rendered useless...

3. The 'Generic Currency Slots' should be more seperated...

Similar to the rest, would prefer to have the lower tier left side starting top.

Oh hi
i would like to see a map stash tab mostly after a league im filled with maps and have like 5 tabs just for them
Last edited by blackheartsteel#1134 on Dec 1, 2016, 1:10:27 AM
blackheartsteel wrote:
i would like to see a map stash tab mostly after a league im filled with maps and have like 5 tabs just for them

Definitely this.
I think the image above item slot is taking too much space, it is best if you shrink or complete remove it . Move the item slot little above and have the wild slots under it.

or if is possible to re arrange slots our self --> right click tab-->option button arrange-> slots becomes movable--> save :D

+1 to map tab, could be the best selling tab.
Last edited by ExileArch#4139 on Dec 1, 2016, 2:03:13 AM
I need that asap! lovin' it! GGG delivers once again :D

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