"Upgrade all" sounds great. I also think upgrading specific essences as wanted would be a great function. I don't know how to implement that though. Maybe something like micro transactions - select "upgrade" button and then click every essence you want to upgrade until you right click off-screen when you're done, something like that.
Thank you for the TAB!
Reality is an illusion, Exile.
Posted byMBQ#7883on Nov 30, 2016, 1:28:05 AM
on the left side, instead of it begin high <- small make it small - > high so you dont start filling it from the center as you level so that it will have deathening in the center :)
Posted byHeytrix#5438on Nov 30, 2016, 1:40:51 AM
Tobias1501 wrote:
Reiterating what many others have said or alluded to in this thread already, this seems like a cash-grab, and it's not very aesthetically pleasing (totally just my opinion though) in it's current iteration. The essences should be ordered in a way that delineates the tier or power level of the essence. The left side is definitely backwards (except for maybe languages that are read right to left I suppose, in which case the right side is backward!) but that's not the only issue to me. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just doesn't feel right. I've looked at the image below (props to the artist- I'm not sure who you are, but thanks!) for the entirety of the essence league and feel the tab should be ordered in a way that is similar to it. I also think the 'wildcard' slots should be below the crafting slot just like in the currency tab.
Aesthetics aside however, the bigger problem is that a stash tab like this should not be a purchasable upgrade. The currency tab was a great idea, though it probably should have been implemented for free instead of a purchase as well. If it's to be implemented, there should not be a charge for it. I understand that the company has to make money, but adding tabs such as these feels mandatory, at least for any semi-serious player. Please don't start with the argument that any serious player would make these purchases, I already know that- I have purchased supporter packs damn near every time a new set has been offered.
The point here is that these tabs (currency and essence) as MTX are exceedingly close to the pay-to-win type of MTX that GGG has said time and time again that they will never offer for this game. This same argument could be (and has been) made about the current implementation of premium tabs with relation to trading.
Posted byTuche#0682on Nov 30, 2016, 1:42:45 AMBanned
i think it is brilliant as it is, pls release it before 2.5 :)
Posted byMidkraft#3345on Nov 30, 2016, 1:44:26 AM
Can we get a spot for Perandus coins on Currency tab?
Posted byKRUHKS#3423on Nov 30, 2016, 2:02:04 AM
2 or 3 small plaxes for orb of scourings, exalteds dir crafting
Posted by_DavidAegis_#0777on Nov 30, 2016, 2:34:51 AM
and there for a moment we thought essences were added for any other reason than selling a new tab.....
Greed Greed Greed
IGN: Bluntexile
Posted byBluntexile#4253on Nov 30, 2016, 2:37:42 AM
Good goyim
Posted byVoltaxic#1773on Nov 30, 2016, 2:41:27 AM
I have a better idea for the tab... A single Sidebar with a sexy smooth scrollwheel.
Like this;
Would save a ton of space...
Can you somehow make this work?

Posted byWhqpper#0851on Nov 30, 2016, 2:44:03 AM
+1 for the Maps and Cards tabs. That could actually be more useful.
I think players have way more tabs space ocuppy by Cards and Maps than Essences itself.
Thank you for the Essence tab either way GGG that's the way to go.
Posted bymooks#1556on Nov 30, 2016, 2:56:35 AM