Name: Sevaxa
Primary Character: Depends, "CrawlingInMySkiin" on Standard atm
Levels of highest characters: 96, 95, 92x2, 90x2
Number of stashtabs: around 40 plus everything except unique stash tab.
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
Yes - I have a Mic & Headset
Previous Leagues: O boy, almost every league since Torment.
Let's list that out: Torment, Warbands, Perandus, Perandus, Prophecy, Essence, Breach, Legacy, Harbinger, (skipped Abyss), Bestiary, Incursion, Delve, Betrayal, Synthesis
Location (Gateway): Washington DC
Timezone: EST
Usual online time: 6:00AM-10:00PM
Online (Days per week): 7/7
Do you stream: Occasionally
Describe your experience level in Path of Exile:
Veteran. Been playing since a few days after release. I like to play the meta and make decent amounts of currency in the first few days to supply the rest of the league with
Notable Achievements (If any): 31/40 in Essence, about 8 challenge totems as well other than that. I'm not a challenge pusher but I let the challenges come to me naturally, so that's why my challenges aren't impressive :C
Additional Info (If any): Internet E-girl nerd looks for good guild to push in Legion with <3
Hi Sevaxa,
Looks very promising, so I'd like to accept your application. I'll add you to my friends list in-game, and if I'm not online, feel free to contact any of our officers in-game or on Discord
Name: Balodal
Primary Character: BaronOrbing in Synth League
Levels of highest characters: 95,92,91 Hopefully a few more 95+ next league
Number of stashtabs: 16 (Inluding Maps,Currency,Cards,Essence and Fragment Tabs)
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
Yes - I have a Mic & Headset, speech maybe a bit Klunky at the start because im not usually talking english that much (normaly reading,writing and listening).
Previous Leagues: mainly spent time in: Startet in Abyss with friends then stopped with them to Play other games.
Then startet mid/end Betrayal League again.
Full Synth League
Location (Gateway): Mostly Frankfurt sometimes Amsterdam.
Timezone: CEST
Usual online time: 18:30/19 - 22/23, most Sundays the whole Day.
Online (Days per week): Usually everyday
Notable Achievements (If any):36/40 in Synth League.
Name: Balodal
Primary Character: BaronOrbing in Synth League
Levels of highest characters: 95,92,91 Hopefully a few more 95+ next league
Number of stashtabs: 16 (Inluding Maps,Currency,Cards,Essence and Fragment Tabs)
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
Yes - I have a Mic & Headset, speech maybe a bit Klunky at the start because im not usually talking english that much (normaly reading,writing and listening).
Previous Leagues: mainly spent time in: Startet in Abyss with friends then stopped with them to Play other games.
Then startet mid/end Betrayal League again.
Full Synth League
Location (Gateway): Mostly Frankfurt sometimes Amsterdam.
Timezone: CEST
Usual online time: 18:30/19 - 22/23, most Sundays the whole Day.
Online (Days per week): Usually everyday
Notable Achievements (If any):36/40 in Synth League.
Looks good; if you could join our discord we can get you tagged up. Just send one of the officers a message.
Velka's Ravens: 1772222 ༗
༗ Mirror Thread: 1832043 ༗ #1 ES Wander Opal Ring ༗ #1 Lab Runner Vanguard Belt ༗
Last edited by WarcryLegion on Apr 20, 2019, 9:30:34 AM
Last bumped on Jun 4, 2019, 4:15:52 PM
Posted by
on Nov 25, 2016, 5:26:41 PM
Apprentice SupporterSovereign SupporterLunaris SupporterProphecy SupporterPhoenix SupporterBreachlord SupporterLegacy SupporterLegion SupporterHarbinger SupporterScholar Supporter
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Sample Application - Optional But Helps A Lot (Faster)
Primary Character: Warcry
Levels of highest characters: 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
Number of stashtabs: 70+
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
Yes - I have a Mic & Headset
Levels of highest characters: 97 and 96. had a bunch of ~lvl92 characters i deleted.
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
yes and i have a mic
Previous Leagues: started in bestiary up to now, didnt play delve.
Location (Gateway): NA usually play on washington/texas gateway
Timezone: CDT
Usual online time: 9am- 12pm on weekends. varies a lot on weekdays. will likely be the same since its summer break and im not working.
Do you stream: no
Describe your experience level in Path of Exile:
have a good understanding of the game, go for 36 challenges every league now. ~1.2k steam hours
Notable Achievements (If any): killed uber elder deathless my first try. with winter orb tho :^) (synthesis)
sadly dont have any gear to showcase since i give it away most of the time.
Last edited by Myst3ryMan99#5954 on Jun 5, 2019, 8:00:48 PM
Levels of highest characters: 97 and 96. had a bunch of ~lvl92 characters i deleted.
Are you willing to join our Discord Server?
yes and i have a mic
Previous Leagues: started in bestiary up to now, didnt play delve.
Location (Gateway): NA usually play on washington/texas gateway
Timezone: CDT
Usual online time: 9am- 12pm on weekends. varies a lot on weekdays. will likely be the same since its summer break and im not working.
Do you stream: no
Describe your experience level in Path of Exile:
have a good understanding of the game, go for 36 challenges every league now. ~1.2k steam hours
Notable Achievements (If any): killed uber elder deathless my first try. with winter orb tho :^) (synthesis)
sadly dont have any gear to showcase since i give it away most of the time.