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just let us turn of the shadows its realy sucks
Archwizard wrote:
I have a dream, some day people will try things out before judging them.

Well, you know what they say about dreams, right?...
You wake up and they end. 3:)
Better fix 32bit version, ffs.
I've had some issues since the 2.4.2 Content Update, what are you doing about this?
We have some fixes in today's 2.4.3b patch and many more coming in the following days. We are actively monitoring all reports of crashes and other bugs associated with the performance update in Content Update 2.4.2. We are working to find solutions for these as quickly as possible. In the meantime, please report any bugs you encounter in the Bug Reports section of the forum.

What about the inherently shit performance that has plagued ATi-users sinse 2.1 - 2.2? FPS that jumps from 180+ down to 20 when i approach a shrine for example... Why don't you fix that first, until i pour money over you. Thank you.
“Close your eyes and let the mind expand. Let no fear of death or darkness arrest its course. Allow the mind to merge with Mind. Let it flow out upon the great curve of consciousness. Let it soar on the wings of the great bird of duration, up to the very Circle of Eternity.”
tslt wrote:
this rory guy is a joke. does he even know whats going on in poe?

Rory is probably the best developer they have. Pretty much anything he touches turns to gold (like when he was doing uniques, he came up with Whispering Ice, or that the last few challenge leagues have been good because of him)

I would say that instead of insulting the guy, try to contact him with whatever issues you have and they'll look into them. I admit that there are some issues that, while they're trying to avoid spending time going back fixing fundamental aspects of the game in favor of releasing new content, there's just no way around it. In which I would say yeah, him trying as hard as he is to not go back and touch up some stuff is kind of questionable to me.

Btw, his response to PT ranting was phenomenal... 'I'm sorry, I seemed to have missed that. Was there a question in there?" G I T R E K T S O N

Last edited by tacotiklah#2882 on Nov 21, 2016, 3:31:21 PM
KEEP essences in the game PLEASE
Why does Scorching Ray specify that it cannot go above -24%, when that's the maximum possible from 8 stages?
This is so that if you have multiple players or totems using Scorching Ray, it can't exceed -24%. Each Scorching Ray debuff on an enemy can have 8 stages. An entity can be affected by multiple Scorching Ray debuffs at a time (from different beams). They’ll all apply their damage over time based on their individual stages, but the total Fire Resistance penalty from all of the debuffs on a particular enemy cannot exceed -24%.

i'm really confused if this really works since dot usually cannot be stacked unless it's poison dmg
Hell ya!! :)
sSasori wrote:
Will Breaches open when you click on them or when you run near them?
When you run close enough to them, they'll begin to open. "

that doesnt even answer the question.... but i would assume you have to click anyways. would
make no sense if you just ran into it

Can't you read? He said it opens without a click.
Will we get breeches to go with the breaches?

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