[2.6] CI Best Scourge ClawFlurry, Up to 134+ Mill DPS,Uber/Shaper/Guardians, Budget Version Inc.

zabosnu wrote:
The Tree and the 6-link for CI has been updated. We do not use the increased critical chance in the 6-link due to the buffs to the claw nodes. This is done to maximize output damage. You can test this via Path of Building, which will yield much more damage.

You just make the game even harder with Regalia-GGGRRB. God damn dat colors dude.
Btw, the minions damage on jews work? Because when i equip 15% minions damage, the tooltips damage doesnt change like nothing happened. Am I missing something and how the attack speed affect to our build?
Last edited by ntien93#6984 on Mar 8, 2017, 11:40:19 PM
is better to keep leveling CWDT instead of keeping it at level 1? why is that?

Iangefy here, can you help me?
Idk how can proced now! I can "farm" dried lake act 3 easy, and can proceed act 4, but dying if im not sooo carefull... I dont know if i try full armor/life, or if i try swap to some ES, where to focus, how many res i must get to continue or anything.

forestlk wrote:

Iangefy here, can you help me?
Idk how can proced now! I can "farm" dried lake act 3 easy, and can proceed act 4, but dying if im not sooo carefull... I dont know if i try full armor/life, or if i try swap to some ES, where to focus, how many res i must get to continue or anything.


Why you go too far from the left of the tree? Just take Soul Raker and Claws of the Magpie they give you damage, life and mana leech, accuracy if you stick with Claw or some Dagger nodes that you can refund later and Blast radius completely useless when you're lvling. Leave ES node for later, you're lvling by Life base so just take life node and damage, as, leech, also take Vaal Pact if you want. You wasted too much skill point for nothing, those ES nodes you can take it easy when you reach Dried Lake merciless. My opinion
Why you go too far from the left of the tree? Just take Soul Raker and Claws of the Magpie they give you damage, life and mana leech, accuracy if you stick with Claw or some Dagger nodes that you can refund later and Blast radius completely useless when you're lvling. Leave ES node for later, you're lvling by Life base so just take life node and damage, as, leech, also take Vaal Pact if you want. You wasted too much skill point for nothing, those ES nodes you can take it easy when you reach Dried Lake merciless. My opinion

i play this game less than 1 month, im trying focus on def before get some offensive points, because that i was following tree like i did. Idk exactly how many points i can refund, and how do that, so im affraid to take any point in offensive weapon if i pretend to end this with a claw.
So, may i consider forget ES for now and continue as life base? Trying stack armor+life? or try get evade? This is the point i never understand. Also i ever try get 75% res on all, but dont know if like 100 armor > 100 evasion. Also, idk how to and when transfer for ES. Is lik, keep any good item with ES on inventory and try change all and get CI node?
And dont know how vaal pact works well, i thought about it.

sorry for bad english ma frend
Last edited by forestlk#6585 on Mar 9, 2017, 11:17:41 AM
forestlk wrote:
i play this game less than 1 month, im trying focus on def before get some offensive points, because that i was following tree like i did. Idk exactly how many points i can refund, and how do that, so im affraid to take any point in offensive weapon if i pretend to end this with a claw.
So, may i consider forget ES for now and continue as life base? Trying stack armor+life? or try get evade? This is the point i never understand. Also i ever try get 75% res on all, but dont know if like 100 armor > 100 evasion. Also, idk how to and when transfer for ES. Is lik, keep any good item with ES on inventory and try change all and get CI node?
And dont know how vaal pact works well, i thought about it.

sorry for bad english ma frend

Most of people lvling their character by life base, trying to get HP, some res and armour on your gears. They hit CI node when they have 5-6k ES depend on softcore or hardcore

Don't be afraid about the refund, when you complete the quest some of them give you free passive refund point or if you run out of them 1 regret orb = 1 refund point, you can go whatever make you feel good when lvling about 10-15 skill points, its ok but don't go too far.

Vaal Pact make your life leech applies instantly but you have no life regeneration, since they remake claw base type from %dmg leech to life on hit, its pretty good to lvling by claw because now you have life on hit + vaal pact and some leech from your skill tree (Soul Raker)

And my English suck too :)
Last edited by ntien93#6984 on Mar 9, 2017, 12:11:08 PM
Most of people lvling their character by life base, trying to get HP, some res and armour on your gears. They hit CI node when they have 5-6k ES depend on softcore or hardcore

Don't be afraid about the refund, when you complete the quest some of them give you free passive refund point or if you run out of them 1 regret orb = 1 refund point, you can go whatever make you feel good when lvling about 10-15 skill points, its ok but don't go too far.

Vaal Pact make your life leech applies instantly but you have no life regeneration, since they remake claw base type from %dmg leech to life on hit, its pretty good to lvling by claw because now you have life on hit + vaal pact and some leech from your skill tree (Soul Raker)

And my English suck too :)

Ok, im really thinking about create another class, because getting hard with this..
But, ill try again, try farm some life/arm gear, and storage any ES equipment appear good.

Ill try these nodes you suggested later.
really thanks for answer for now.

yeah bad english rules.
Without trying to replicate your Path of Building setup, I figured it would be easier to ask: would dropping the Faster Attacks linked with Blade Flurry for an Increased Critical Strikes, then slotting the new Marylene's Fallacy with minion damage implicit, be a DPS increase? Especially while using an ES helm?
wyvernfist wrote:
Without trying to replicate your Path of Building setup, I figured it would be easier to ask: would dropping the Faster Attacks linked with Blade Flurry for an Increased Critical Strikes, then slotting the new Marylene's Fallacy with minion damage implicit, be a DPS increase? Especially while using an ES helm?

Off the top of my head, no. It would mean that you would have to run a lucky flask, even then it would not be worth it. The "40% less Critical Strike Chance" is a huge hit to your critical chance. However, you can try it out (or even frame it out in Path of Building).

I'll be posting a budget version soon (tree + gear).
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Last edited by unchainedlive#6561 on Mar 9, 2017, 2:41:34 PM
i wonder if this build is gonna work on zerker?

like in this one but to use better claws like yours??
Last edited by BaMbuSTiK#7143 on Mar 10, 2017, 2:12:57 AM

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