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yay, nice info.

don't expect much improvements performance wise as the game already runs smooth on my machine but it certainly is great news for all these players with problems.

for your crazy release cycle: that's a serious amount of dedication you guys put into your baby, for a free to play game that's amazing. thank you very much for providing this smooth service over all the years and caring for your player base this much.

keep up the great work and stay classy, ggg!
and don't forget to let your devs see the sun or a gym from time to time, haha!
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
jahcinto wrote:
TwoEyedYoom wrote:
Please not the 5th Act. I don't want to run 15 boring acts just to get some respec points for quests... 12 are already killig me each time i start new character. Not fun.

If you dedicated the same amount of time of rant to research/development interest you would know that along the act 5, the plan is to cut down the total acts to around 10 (the prediction is dat cruel difficulty would b removed in this case - not confirmed)

Actually, it was confirmed around here somewhere that Cruel is being taken out back and shot when A5 comes out.
Support a free Hong Kong.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
I really wonder how having a x64 client will affect performance. Now that I've got a strong machine it's not like I've got problems with it anyway, but I'm curious all the same.

As for acts - the introduction of act 5 is removing Cruel. I predict things will stay the same all the way until like act 8 comes out, then difficulties will probably be done away with altogether and integrated with acts themselves - starting from 5 or so you'll get a 5% penalty on death, and subsequently the 10% we all know and hate. That's the logical thing to do in the long run, at least.
Last edited by Xfing#5293 on Nov 8, 2016, 9:17:45 AM
Chanelling skills, like Flame Blast, require the character to stand in place for protracted periods to make them work effectively.
What defensive mechanics are going to be put in place to support being an unmoving target?
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
Awesome! Let's hope the DX11 64-bit version will make a big difference! Next could you please improve the shadows resolution in a future patch? They're kind of very low resolution. The current High preset could become Medium, and you could implement a higher resolution preset as High.
great. would be lovely to get the cold snap coc/cwdt fix
IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
Barivius wrote:
Sexcalibure wrote:
lol very funny

just because im not an idiot motivated by boring Challenges doesnt mean i dont play the leagues, i make atleast a dozen of lvl 75+ builds each league, just because i delete them every now and then doesnt mean they never existed

and go ahead if you are so erudit, how is my opinion supposed to be uninformed and childish

Even if you were telling the truth (and you are not), that makes you qualified to complain about content up to Dried Lake. Great informed opinion you have on what is good and what isn't. Maybe focus your trolling on the leveling and new player experience so "elites" like me can't smell the bullshit for 100 yards away. I'll throw down. Make a feedback thread when 2.5 comes out. Link all of your characters and describe what you liked and disliked about your journey to 75 on each of them. Just think, you could take a shot at the Lab a dozen more times. Show us you aren't a waste of html and maybe try to convince someone to agree with you.

As for why it is childish, you never explain why you don't like something such as in your OP. You just state something sucks and we should all accept it as gospel. Then not only do you say something sucks, you throw words around like calling the developers lazy because you didn't like prophecy. Well sorry to tell you, but people ate that shit up.

You "elite"

First thing we see when we enter your character section is that you are playing a blade vortex

You can't be a meta sheep and call yourself elite. Anybody that call himself elite is 1) a jerk or 2) not elite

And what? I don't explain why some things are bad ? Hahaha that's 90% of my forum and Reddit posts

Just because you don't agree with my facts doesn't mean they aren't explainations

Lastly, I never said prophecy sucks, I always preached it as the content with the most potential in the game and it's exactly why I find GGG moronic and lazy about this mod. Prophecy has the potential of fixing 90% of the problematic content in the game and GGG doesn't use it just because they are too focused on releasing NEW content, half done content just for the sake of having new stuff, but almost never fix the previous content that is lacking badly
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
༗ Velka's Ravens ༗
༗ IGN: Legintown ༗
༗ Velka's Ravens Thread: 1772222 ༗
Just one question - when the auction will be implemented into game?
Becouse trading in game now looks like a pain.
Sweet! Can't wait!

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