(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)

23exe wrote:
what is better guys ?

Depends on the rest of your gear (mainly rings/amulet)

If you have a lot of flat lightning to attacks rolls, then Piscator is better.
If you have a lot of % elemental damage with attack skills, the rare wand may be better.
That rare wand has no crit. Chance, neither an attack speed roll.

I'd stick to piscator's.
Hi guys,
got my first HH and decided to try it with this build. Sadly I'm missing damage for some reason I cannot figure out. Would someone please look into my char (IGN: Mueslipott) and give me some tips on improving?
Thanks a lot!
Schmalli wrote:
Hi guys,
got my first HH and decided to try it with this build. Sadly I'm missing damage for some reason I cannot figure out. Would someone please look into my char (IGN: Mueslipott) and give me some tips on improving?
Thanks a lot!

At first glance, you're missing a LOT of damage from your rings/amulet.
Since you're using Piscator, you should look for rings with 70 life and flat lightning damage on it. It will boost your damage by a lot. Your tree is pretty typical and on the right track

You can also get the 1-160 lightning damage enchantment on your boots.

Hope this helps!
Looks like we get a nice Support Gem to play with:

Volley, def. looking forward to link Kinetic Blast with it :3

Just want to let you guys know,that this Thread will be updated as soon as possible.
Checking the Homepage on daily bases #hype

Also this Build is already Reflect Safe without any isntant Leech.

(in before the "is this Build Viable for 3.1" posts)

About all the "Wander's musst be nerfed"-Stuff going on the Quality-Platform Reddit.

Really rethink that topic.

Nerfing Kinetic Blast or Barrage(which will also affect bow-build's), will make it only harder to start a Wander.

The "ohh look wander's are broken" showcases, where mostly done on low level map's and/or overgeared Build's.

The Dps (unless you go to buff-town collecting all the stuff through headhunter etc) is coming from really good gear. There is no double-dipping or any other broken mechanic.
Just honest Dps scaling by investing (quite a lot) into gear.

Or how should a Build that cost's a shhload of Exalt's perform on a map?

I think it's ok how good Kinetic Blast is, since wander's are really struggling with Single Target.
Oh and killing trash btw. wasn't even a thing with any Skill/ Build since 2.0, so setting this as a benchmark is pretty vague.

Anyhow, i still got plenty of play to get more Dps, since my focus went on having Movement Speed and Defense up to par with Dps.
Last edited by Toma_Hawk#1634 on Nov 28, 2017, 11:43:35 AM
Hey Toma! I made a wander near the end of legacy and whined on this forum about how hard it is to level (idk whether you remember or not xD) Recently decided to get back to it and I must say, the build performs superbly well. I know a lot of my gear is still trash but its so fun to use it!
I wanted to actually ask your thoughts about the new showcased wand! It would be a phys wand and would require a pretty different tree but the fact that it is a ranged mjolnir might make it worthwhile? In any case the build is awesome and your efforts to continuously update it as well as help people is what would keep the build alive even if it gets nerfed a bit.

P.S.Kudos to everyone else who helps in answering him the questions. Still amazes me that this build exploded after 3.0 released with 300 pages worth of comments!

Well the Wand is not really an option, since it's not having a Crit. Chance Roll on it.

But Piscator's ist just sooo good (maybe legacy soon?) to start with.

Rory talked with Ziggy about the Reflect Changes, so.. this Build will stay reflect safe (not counting reflect map's) for sure.

Which is cool but sort of sad too, since i really hoped for a different change.
Something that punishe's build's that don't care about defense yet reward's those that do.

Oh well we shall wait and see.

Also some change's/ maybe nerf's to Helmet Enchant's? The thing is, if.. IF you can only get 1 additional Projectile as a Helmet Enchant.
This would Hurt the Player's starting a Wander rather than the High end Geared one's.
Like i would drop down to 4.4ish Mill. (shaper) dps, so no big issue.
However someone that barely made it above 2 Mill., well.. will have a hard time.

But that's all speculation's, so all keep calm ( i try to) :)
Would the Curse on Hit setup work with Herald of Thunder? I find I'm shattering everything and I'm playing with a summoner who needs some of the corpses for his spectres.
Of course it works with Herald Of Thunder, you will even have better Dps for single target.

Aoe Clear will be slower though.
Last edited by Toma_Hawk#1634 on Nov 30, 2017, 9:17:49 AM
I'll try it RIGHT NOW, BEFORE START THE NEXT LEAGUE! So hyped to try this build :D

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