[2.4] Scourge Lacerate
" As you can see Duelist's skill tree, there are no claw or chaos specific nodes. While using Reave and Blade Flurry, your weapon will alternate(will use both weapon which means, you deal almost nothing with your claw). And i will probably add dual-wielding the Scourge version for duelist to be able to use Reave and Blade Flurry(the skill tree will be completely different) +ASS version is more flexible. Because it can use Lacerate, Reave and Blade Flurry; which is why, i find it more fun. Last edited by WarmKitty#2367 on Nov 21, 2016, 9:12:33 AM
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I don't understand why you say I can't use Blade Flurry and Reave as duelist. I just can't benefit from The Scourge, which means I will have to use swords.
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" Ah, yes, i get that(i used the word 'can't' because people might dissapoint about it :c i think it's a strong word..), but if you can't benefit from the Scourge, then it kinda doesn't serve the purpose of this build(70% damage from the scourge, 40% damage from your helmet, 15% damage from your gloves..) I updated and fixed something from your feedback(alternating another weapon for reave and blade flurry could be good as well) thanks. Updated Physical DMG version(can deal with guardians easily, can kill the shaper, but harder than chaos dmg version) Last edited by WarmKitty#2367 on Nov 21, 2016, 11:56:24 PM
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atm im lvling a witch to do abit of testing for the next league,
planned tree
IR is a maby, well, most likely as that + grace will probably get me more armor then determination. Full phys tree with plenty of dmg & life nodes too chose between for the last few points. DW scourge, just afraid the dmg will be abit on the down side :/ ah well, we shall see what happens this weekend :) @SpyChicken
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" I'm concerned about DPS as well. Nice tree though. I think physical dmg version(if we can make it good) is better since we don't have to worry about life and mana leech on Warlord's Mark ._ . and yeah, we shall see what happens in the upcoming league :D This is physical dmg version i'm currently making(very not optimised).. but i doubt that dps will be good :(I'm thinking about going crit as well, but.. skill points aren't enought :( However, i don't have to use Warlord's Mark for leech.. I will probably be using Blade Flurry with Poison support gem instead of Voidheart http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAUhBQU1EQXdzQWQ5LUtWSzU5MGlMMGJSa0k5TUJVYWtPWDlGSlRQVi1YbFV5ejBCX3Y2MnZiN0lvRUI0UGJWY1k2V0d3TGt5ZS1pcUV2ZjhZUmxnY2VsUzd3MVVsUkRraGQ4aXNLRVNfclk3VklGcjhtbFdIaVZVczJQWjJxYkl4aXJBLXJKSXZET2lvNG03V0V4YlRGRmYyS09HU3ZSZlJ2VjQyQlN4eVB3ZFlIZGYyRWI5UkN3dXdGdFFad1RwOTZmNDJfMUNOZnNNcEtiNTZEQ1dCRGJqMi1nUEd6UzFmQTQxRk1yRWQ5V3lwTlB5ZEt5RzZxdGZJMWt0aTlfZ3EzUG9QTVBDM0dyc1QyY3FuM01uelo4a1U2NGY2UFRlT21WMjIwcUFkbmdJTmZwbl90UWV5RDA0OUlqZzNpRlNlTXNadUt2azg9ABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA= Last edited by WarmKitty#2367 on Nov 25, 2016, 2:13:36 AM
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