ingame hint to act 5

So there I was stuffing around in my stash when suddenly in chat it said

"Bottomswell is the first character to enter the Ossuary in Merciless"

(I'm Bottomswell for those keeping up)

I kind of flipped out for a moment and I forgot I was using the innsbury edge so yeah. it got me good.

a quick google search of "Ossuary" returns:

"a container or room in which the bones of dead people are placed."

Thats some dark stuff there. So maybe not so much hint at act 5 just GGG trolling again.

Last bumped on Jun 21, 2017, 11:14:36 PM
At a guess, the item would have been created by a supporter based on the Cthuvian Innsmouth.

ia ia cthulhu f'taghn
Its not the first time its messed with me.

it "killed me off" once in hardcore. before i knew what it was I was flipping out. Even filled out a bug report. Didn't I feel silly when it became apparent what was happening.

Yeah I think this is just dark crazy stuff related to Innsbury. I wish there were more items that gave Insanity, because the ~10 levels I used it while leveling were very entertaining and confusing. I would love for that kind of crazy shit to happen more.
Gaza wrote:
ia ia cthulhu f'taghn

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
Bring back race seasons.
Dude, thank god I found this thread, I was almost going insane IRL xD

Gaza wrote:
At a guess, the item would have been created by a supporter based on the Cthuvian Innsmouth.

ia ia cthulhu f'taghn

Man it feels like I missed a lot not knowing anything about that lovecraft stuff when I played The Secret World.
Innsmouth Academy is a quest hub there. ;)
Perception is reality.
Pretty sure that's one of those insanity effect.
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (
Fun fact actually.

ossuary means a container or room in which the bones of dead people are placed.

Well, seems like google actually suxs big time.

Ossuary comes from the latin "ossum" which means bone or bones.

Meaning: the place where you place bones.

Doesn't necessarily means a box, coffin or chest but instead, a place where you place the bones. More like a crypt actually, but, if you place bones inside of a box it's correct to say ossuary.

It's not dark. It's rather usual in europe.

Here's a good example

A chapel made of bones. Technically also a ossuary.


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