[2.6] Sorith's Arctic Breath Shotgun Witch [Budget friendly & nice clear speed]
" Wowo ok thx ! well tried it but to hard for me can't end it ven in cruel at lv 69 .. T.T |
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I have been running arctic breath off and on for several seasons now. I just love the skill. It is so satisfying visually and to hear the shatters and explosions. I am curious about several things I ask everyone when I see a build come up for arctic breath. Some generic, some specific to a build.
For this build, any reason you don't link herald of ice and frostbite together? I have in the past with great success. Any specific reason for added cold instead of faster casting? I know the dmg increase but there is a bit of a long cast animation. Plus getting the volley fire effect with chill and or freeze. With that thought in mind, what about a pledge of hands staff. I know you loose out on the freeze chance and +1 to cold but a lvl 30 spell echo and alot of spell dmg is rather good as well. Also, any reason to go or not go for a crit based build? And a low life hybrid or pure CI build for that? My biggest problem has been survival in higher tier maps and some of the top end bosses. Freeze seems to loose some of its luster at that lvl. I am at work at time of reading so I can't see the skill tree but I love what you have so far. Keep up the Arctic breath love my friends! |
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" Herald of Ice - No point in doing that, you clear mobs pretty fast and just debuff some stronger rares & bosses with Orb of Storms. Also we want HoI-Clarity-AA connected to Enlighten for bigger mana pool. Thanks to that we can absorb more damage with Mind Over Matter. Added Cold Damage - Hmm we've already got nice cast speed with Spell Echo and those few passives. I think it's overall personal preference. I prefer to hit harder. It's just swap setup so feel free to adjust it to your preference. Pledge of Hands - Ya that was an option too when I was doing this build, but I just wanted to focus on freeze. Pledge of Hands is a good choice too, you'll have more mana so Mind Over Matter will benefit more. To Crit or not to Crit - I wasn't going for crit build coz I wanted to focus on freeze and freeze duration, mostly for clearing stuff and being safe thanks to that. Crit build would be fine too but you would have much lower freeze chance & freeze duration. That's why I was using Decoy Totem with this build, coz I was pretty much able to permafreeze stuff near obstacles/walls. Higher Tier Maps - Well, I know higehr tier maps can be tough sometimes but sadly there's no love for Arctic Breath from GGG. I knew this build won't be super strong, but it was super fun to play. My point was to share what I really enjoyed in Essence. Also sorry for the late response. I was busy playing new league. Maybe when I'm gonna get bored with mu current build I'll make Crit basted version with CI and some other tweaks. |
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Thanks for the response.
I wasn't knockin' anything you did, just wanted to get different perspectives on things. I think I have done 3 AB builds thru the years now and each patch it gets a little better from buffs to available gear. I think it is over all the funnest build I have ever played. Just wish GGG would think about some of the original skills and bring them up to par with the new stuffs. On a side note, correct me if I am wrong but doesn't a cold skill crit also cause freeze? Granted when you go for crit you hope to one shot trash but maybe in the higher tier maps the crit would help? Not sure, never gone crit with it. Honestly to worried about reflect and nuking myself with all that aoe crit it would have lol. AB FTW! |
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Ya you could kill yourself sometimes when there would be offscreen rare with reflect, probably.
And yes, if you Crit you also Freeze enemies. But again if you go for Crit you must give up freeze duration. Also if I would go for crit build I would give up life too. CI would be better with Crit coz chances to 1-shot yourself will be much lower with high ES pool. So those would be my 2 build types: Life Based, Non-Crit, Freeze Duration & Chance High - Safe CI, Crit-Based, - Nuke I have some ideas for 2 more builds in this league but currently they're not top priority. One will be AB CI Crit, to test it out and second will be Crit Shotgun Fireball(probably Templar-totems, for 2x Fireball + Decoy) When I'm gonna try AB I'll tell you how it goes. But for now I'll just stick to my Wild Strike build idea ^^ Last edited by kierny#5243 on Dec 7, 2016, 6:13:49 AM
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This build seems really fun! I would love to try this out however, I play in HC what recommendations would you make/skill tree to make this playable in HC?
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I'll make skilltree in few minutes and add a HC version in the main post so check there soon :)
But to be honest I think even this version is HC viable. When I was playing this build my first death was really late in game. I think it was Uber Lab Izaro who smacked me pretty hard and he was first one to actually kill me. Also it was my dumb mistake coz I forgot to take out Frost Wall from CWDT setup ^^ Keep in mind some bosses will be hard to kill with this build, but clearspeed is rather nice. Decoy Totem is your best friend! EDIT There you go mate, added HC version of the skilltree. Hope you'll enjoy it as I did :) Last edited by kierny#5243 on Jan 27, 2017, 4:08:02 AM
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Hey i am new on this game
this arctic breath will work on Tabula Rasa l find it last day or it need to be put on 6 link weapon only? |
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How am i suppose to get green sockets on staffs? RNG is not on my side :(
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How abaut version with snakepits rings?
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