Atlas of Worlds Fan Art Competition Winners!

Oh yay, i made it among the winners :) There were so many awe-inspiring entries, i considered myself pretty beaten from the get go. I love to see Thiagolehmann in the top 3. His was my ultimate winner.

I also liked LKChiara's popular pool party Malachai :D

Atcaxe's great, immersive map montage

Villur's stylised and professional-looking illustration

Attlus's amazing black and white carnage box tribute (i wish i could make art like that *.*)

Congrats to all, and keep the art contests coming, GGG! :D
I really want those "snack of exile". I think there's something to try there. like trying to get a biscuit akin to "pan di stelle" (italian brand : ) with the distinctive markings of path of exile's maps.

you could even try flavour like sugar (white), caramel (yellowish), and raspberry for red.

I soooo want to eat this :D
Everytime I yank a jawbone from a skull, then ram it in an eyesocket, I know I'm buildin' a better future !
The best submissions were Pyramidhead41, Gehinom, and Lkchiara.

Those cookies look delicious too.
all of perfect.. i loved cookies ! :D
You know one of the winners missed the deadline by 10 hours?
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Dear community, Dear GGG: I'd like to redirect you to my thread. Please read.

Last edited by veek91#3557 on Oct 12, 2016, 4:44:48 PM
Those guardians playing CCG..Give's me the idea that ccg style poe cards could be a go duel as a mini game :D
cipher_nemo wrote:
CindyCorselle wrote:
While we are looking at this topic, would anyone give me some advice and tips on how I can improve my humble artwork moving forward? Some criticisms would be good!

Here's mine:

Ok. Keep in mind I'm not an artist, but I am involved in multimedia in the digital form, so take my advice with a grain of salt. :-)

It's a nice concept, but the artwork is rather flat. It doesn't seem to come alive both from physical perspective (rather 2D-looking) and from not having any specific focal point. And the perspective you do have doesn't match everything (eg: cards is off perspective, characters are flat, but board has perspective).

Thanks for the feedback, and thanks to veek91 too. I know the art looks flat but I didn't have the time to add the light source and better tones to the characters. The Marauder is supposed to be holding 2 daggers as well hehe. I didn't sleep the day before and while I have a few hours more I couldn't continue. Still, had fun and yes, some perspectives are off :p

Maybe I'll finish the piece some day but now i like to play the game instead haha.
When I just can't deal with the Shaper.

WOW I'm impressed how many talented ppl playing this game. GJ every1 and GZ to winners.
"There is only one true god in PoE and that is Greed... "

I don’t need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off!

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