Dear GGG, Your game is fucked...

that's probably the "risky thing" ziggyD spoke of when he had a sneak preview at atlas:
it extends the endgame but it's more or less still locked for casual players.

before atlas, most casuals probably couldn't care less about some streamers perma running the 4 to 5 endgame maps/bosses, now it's quite alot of more stuff they miss out by not being able to invest more than 2 to 3 hours per day.

yes, it's a matter of getting your expectations right: the game has to offer special rewards for it's most dedicated players and it only feels special if it's kind of exclusive.

casuals like me have to deal with it: poe is a game from hardcore players to hardcore players and ever been so. it strayed from the path a little but got right back on track with atlas.


my only issue: even if you have the skill you can only succeed with massive playtime.

especially trading which is a substantial factor requires you to be online but i also think that a fully automatic offline trading tool will make that worse because having to permanently adapting prices will take even more time.

and imho, chris' opinion that the game depends on players massively playing it is mislead. this game isn't subscription based and profits from playing hours. those are just a indicator for it's popularity.
poe only profits from players liking it, those with shorter playtime can still be the biggest supporters because they have an steady income.

ergo: massive playtime keeps being a factor despite the game's success doesn't depend on it. and it won't change because even nolifers need goals!


unrestricted endgame access removes these areas feeling special and a achievement.

and it would require devs to make endgame areas much harder and unrewarding by default, with currency investments needed to make it easier and rewarding so it still works as a currency sink.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio#1992 on Oct 11, 2016, 8:03:47 AM
I lost three guardian fragments in the space of 5 minutes because of rollbacks AFTER the map was started but somehow BEFORE the fragment dropped.

Lemme explain:

1. start a minotaur maze.
2. chimera map drops
3. latency through the roof
4. game logs out
5. when i log in all portals gone + chimera gone from inventory.

6. Buy a minotaur maze
7. start minotaur maze.
8. go to town, take a piss back after 2 minutes.
9. game logged out, portals gone.

This is why the game is fucked guys.
Second-class poe gamer
dagul23 wrote:
ImSlower wrote:
Ooooh, "kid"! Always a good way to bolster any online statement.

You mentioned bad drops and Perandus, which was the closest to D3 in terms of market dilution and ease of getting geared fast. You infer that end-game only applies to no-lifers, or kids, or perhaps kids with no social life, which seems odd. You've bought 70 tabs and love the game, only not endgame, itemization, lab, difficulty of gearing, or... Marketing? What?

Are you drunk?

I guess i have to explain it further:
1. Getting to endgame means killing Zana's father, Shaper. How to get there, either farm maps till you get t16 maps, the 4 guardians. Hard fo casuals really, even a semi casual for me. I've never ever seen a t14 or T15 that's why i said on my post buying T16's. Also, although Uber Atziri isn't endgame, the chances of trying to "play" her relies on vaal fragments.
2.Everyone should have a chance at endgame, it should not be gated by fragments or whatever.

1) It seems to me that MOST of the people like you, OP can't get one thing.
Ever heard of (sorry, i'm translating this from my language to english)
"must measure your desires by your means"
(harmonize\balance your desires with your abilities)?

Who told you that "everything should be for everyone"? Specifically, in this game. That's not a socialism\democracy or any other utopian sh*t
Ever heard of "the bell curve"?
Majority won't reach what the "edge people" would be able to.

If it is hard for you to catch the idea, i'll simplify - "average joe" won't EVER reach the same as AXN\Rayamn\_put streamer name here_\etc people reached.

Funny enough, but it is also automatically supports\negates your 2) claim.
Because, imagine this, EVERYONE HAS A CHANCE at endgame. EVERY PLAYER. HAS A CHANCE.
Question is "how soon would they do it?" And how much would they want to work on it.
And is it really worth it (for them)?
Remember, suffering is convenient.
That is why many people prefer it.
Happiness requires effort.
pr13st wrote:

This is why the game is fucked guys.

Sounds like your internet is fucked up tbh
First of all, I would like to argue that Diablo 1-3 is no longer the golden standard for arpgs, they have been surpassed.

Secondly, all content in POE is accessible, and accessible with one single investment: time.

It takes time to gather the currency, items and levels to reach end game. Rng? Maybe, but I would argue that rng in this game can be negated with time invested. This is why you see "no-lifers" and professional gamers (aka twitch-streamers) get ahead. They simply play a lot more than us casuals.

Choose a build that doesn't take too much rng investment, let's say facebreaker brotems, and the rest is just a time investment.
The plan is simple: win! If you do not win, you did not follow the plan
HarukaTeno wrote:
dagul23 wrote:
ImSlower wrote:
Ooooh, "kid"! Always a good way to bolster any online statement.

You mentioned bad drops and Perandus, which was the closest to D3 in terms of market dilution and ease of getting geared fast. You infer that end-game only applies to no-lifers, or kids, or perhaps kids with no social life, which seems odd. You've bought 70 tabs and love the game, only not endgame, itemization, lab, difficulty of gearing, or... Marketing? What?

Are you drunk?

I guess i have to explain it further:
1. Getting to endgame means killing Zana's father, Shaper. How to get there, either farm maps till you get t16 maps, the 4 guardians. Hard fo casuals really, even a semi casual for me. I've never ever seen a t14 or T15 that's why i said on my post buying T16's. Also, although Uber Atziri isn't endgame, the chances of trying to "play" her relies on vaal fragments.
2.Everyone should have a chance at endgame, it should not be gated by fragments or whatever.

1) It seems to me that MOST of the people like you, OP can't get one thing.
Ever heard of (sorry, i'm translating this from my language to english)
"must measure your desires by your means"
(harmonize\balance your desires with your abilities)?

Who told you that "everything should be for everyone"? Specifically, in this game. That's not a socialism\democracy or any other utopian sh*t
Ever heard of "the bell curve"?
Majority won't reach what the "edge people" would be able to.

If it is hard for you to catch the idea, i'll simplify - "average joe" won't EVER reach the same as AXN\Rayamn\_put streamer name here_\etc people reached.

Funny enough, but it is also automatically supports\negates your 2) claim.
Because, imagine this, EVERYONE HAS A CHANCE at endgame. EVERY PLAYER. HAS A CHANCE.
Question is "how soon would they do it?" And how much would they want to work on it.
And is it really worth it (for them)?




Sure the things you say are true in themselves, problem just is you don't get the point so the points you make do not connect and as such are irrelevant strawmen.

If i make a game with 10000000 hours content and only make 1000h realistic for everyone but the very topmost players (0.01%) = good game = good design?

Some of the whitenknights on here are what GGG are left with after they drove off the people with realistic expectations and now left with the people who will just suppress themselves.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
dagul23 wrote:

I guess i have to explain it further:
1. Getting to endgame means killing Zana's father, Shaper. How to get there, either farm maps till you get t16 maps, the 4 guardians. Hard fo casuals really, even a semi casual for me. I've never ever seen a t14 or T15 that's why i said on my post buying T16's. Also, although Uber Atziri isn't endgame, the chances of trying to "play" her relies on vaal fragments.
2.Everyone should have a chance at endgame, it should not be gated by fragments or whatever.
3. Did i rant about itemization, difficulty in gearing,lab(I SAID I'M GOOD AT IT)?
4. You want to question about Marketing? Ask GGG

What? To me that would be FINISHING the endgame, not getting to it. As far as GGG is concerned, the endgame begins when you start mapping.

Also, I find it very suspicious that you've never seen a tier 14 or 15 map, yet you act like you have all of this wealth and what-not, and have been around forever. How is that even possible?

Have you ever tried to farm an Uber-Atziri set? It takes a bit of time and dedication, but isn't nearly as impossible as you make it sound. Most of your arguments sound like complaining about the accessibility of end-game content that you haven't even seriously tried to access. There isn't much content in this game that requires THAT much effort to get to. Yes, there is some RNG involved. Yes, you have to know the mechanics, and understand what to do to access that content (for instance, how to roll maps to get to reds/14s/15s/16s/ etc., or how to farm sac frags to get sets to then run for Mortal frags).

On a side note, Perandus IS in the game now, as a Zana map mod. It is pretty reliable as well. Most of the unique maps I've unlocked on my Atlas came from Cadiro for example.
dagul23 wrote:
1. endgame for the no lifers
2. bad drops
3. no AH (yes no. 3)
4. prophecy league instead of perandus league in standard ?
5. labyrinth!! I'm good at it ok,just too...stupid,really! arpg!
6. people think you listen, but for an old time gamer, it's still marketing
My take on this:

1. The delay of mapping until after completing a full story mode not just once, but three times, is bad design. The content core of PoE is mapping, and Atlas shows how it can be an entire game unto itself (something I had trouble explaining to people in the past). Essentially, mapping should start after what we think of as Normal Hillock; I'd probably make Twilight Stand longer, maybe even multiple zones, definitely tutorial more than it does now... but the game doesn't really need towns - once you reach your hideout, it has a map device in it, and off you go.

2. Bad drops aren't the fault of bad droprates. Assuming all gear can be put on a number line from "best for your character" to worst, droprates do not impact upgrade frequency; that isn't opinion, that's mathematically provable. The key to good drops isn't droprates, it's itemization balance, because itemization balance prevents players from putting gear on that strict number line, as they have to consider two different items with very different mods which both appear to be about equal in power for their build. Note that a design focused on build-around-me uniques isn't conducive to this; by definition, build-around-mes are de facto best-in-slot, required for a build to even function, essentially destroy the ability to upgrade gear in slots they occupy, and never raise questions in item valuation for players using the builds designed to use them.

3. I'm thoroughly against automated buyouts, but that isn't the same as being against automated auctions. Although a silent auction house allowing AFK trade would create exploits - exploits I cannot find a solution to prevent - it's important that someone does find it. The "always online" trading culture is toxic, creating tedium in contacting fake-online sellers and putting trade squarely in control of those who can afford to keep a PoE window open all day.

4. Cadiro is a necessary component of a build-around-me, unique-centric itemization design, as he lets players actually have the uniques to build around them. However, he's antithetical to a continuous gear progression model of itemization, as he delivers instant gratification, past which there isn't much progression. What this means is: he's a symptom of a larger problem. The build-around-me, unique-centric itemization design is itself at odds with the continuous gear progression, affix-centric itemization design. Those who argue for the combination don't understand that unique-centric benefits from as many slots occupied by uniques as possible to make gearing about the clever combination of fixed choices more than it is about difficulty of acquisition (similar to how deckbuilding in CCGs benefits from a deep card pool and relatively easy card acquisition), while affix-centric design benefits from as many slots occupied by affixed items as possible to offer as many simultaneous threads of gear progression as possible. Given the grindy game PoE wants to be, it should have put the fun mods for wacky builds into the affix system, not relied on unique items at all, and therefore have no need for Cadiro.

5. I touched earlier on the ridiculousness of repeated story content, and Labirynth is no exception. Also, having some traps deal percentage-based damage (which essentially ignores your investment in +HP and +%HP) is probably okay, but having every trap (and zero non-Lab content) deal damage that way makes it an outrageously polarizing experience. GGG would be wise to limit the Lab's distinction from other content mostly to its limited-attempts feature, while trying to make its traps a little less special and a little more like general content. The contrast is unnecessarily sharp.

6. Listening to player suggestions isn't usually wise for a developer; players aren't game designers. But players are players, so feedback is usually accurate in a way which suggestions are not. It's not surprising to me that GGG doesn't just do what the community says, but when it leaves something untouched for a long period, which significant portions of the community are incensed about, it does disappoint me a little.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Oct 11, 2016, 12:16:51 PM
dagul23 wrote:
1. endgame for the no lifers
2. bad drops
3. no AH (yes no. 3)
4. prophecy league instead of perandus league in standard ?
5. labyrinth!! I'm good at it ok,just too...stupid,really! arpg!
6. people think you listen, but for an old time gamer, it's still marketing

I love your game, really. Started playing open beta, supported till prophecy, got 70+ tabs. acquired stuff mostly from farming. It's a lovely game to be honest, endgame sucks! Yes, i can buy t16 maps,yes i can buy pieces of shit to get to uber atziri, that endgame is bullshit!
You know why Diabo is still the standard in ARPG? Becauae you can get to endgame with no BULLSHIT!

That's the feeling I have aswell.

Unless you have awsome gear, you'll have to end up doing trap/totem/warchief builds to bypass all the "if"s.

Last edited by SupaMF#6823 on Oct 11, 2016, 1:11:46 PM
Docbp87 wrote:

Also, I find it very suspicious that you've never seen a tier 14 or 15 map, yet you act like you have all of this wealth and what-not, and have been around forever. How is that even possible?

To be honest... yes, i haven't found a t14 or a t15 map yet. I don't have all the wealth but as i've said found most of it by farming, got lucky with 6-linking, most of the good stuff i found or traded with in Perandus league. I still remember where i chanced my skyforth, cells map. One time a 6-linked a shavs,which i got on trade with 6-sockets and a few fusings later 6-linked a voll's. Also got a corrupted atziri gloves on trade because it was the cheapest. All the good stuff i get i post on global so if you're still suspicious, ask ggg to check all my stuff. :)

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