Aww, what is his name? I see he is in an igloo!
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Me and Ghost
![]() And then I eated him. Last edited by frenzul#4262 on May 24, 2018, 10:45:28 AM
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"His name is Ratatazz. We aren't sure who named him. He's a rescue that was dumped off at the humane society when Hurricane Irma hit us here in Florida. :( He loves to chew that friggin' igloo up, as you can probably tell! He looks sweet but unfortunately we're sure he was mistreated as he will often flinch/bite. Hi.
IGN: Lady_Serena |
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" That is so sad! Animal abusers are such scum! GRRR We used to get most of ours from a breeder sort of in our area. The first ones we got from an unplanned pregnancy but I would not call it a rescue since the people were careful about how they placed the pups. Later, we did indeed end up rescuing a pair though we did not know it at the time. It was a lady that claimed she wanted to "rehome 2 males due to moving". Yeah, suspicious sounding but one does not know. They were not abused so much as neglected. Covered in lice! Totally anti social with other rats (we ended up having to keep them separately). She had them in a too small cage as well. Weird thing is they were rat haters but were fine with cats (which was refreshing to me as our cats loved them but the rats did not reciprocate and even bit a cat) and people. And even weirder they were total TV addicts. You had to let them watch their shows or they would throw fits. We are not much in the way of TV watchers so it was pesky. Eventually I weaned them off all except Dancing w/the Stars (I don't know why they liked it) and Brit coms (I love Black Adder!). Censored.
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I dont see any any key!
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"I see nothing wrong with the latter. XD This one is a bit difficult to manage, but we have figured out that if you actually take apart the cage and remove the igloo, he will jump out on his own, allowing us to change his bedding without fear of being bitten, then if you put the igloo back in, he'll go back in, eliminating the need for picking him up (as he will have NONE OF) to facilitate changing his cage. When he's roaming, he doesn't necessarily gravitate towards the igloo, nor find it distressing that we've removed it so I don't feel bad about using that as a means to keep his home tidy, even if he does get a little pissy when he finds his food stashes gone! We also use it as a way to let him have some time outside of his cage. If he doesn't want to come out, he won't, but more often than not, he appreciates the space to roam. He's been by himself all this time. I kind of wanted to adopt a companion for him as I know it's bad for rats to be alone but truthfully, I'm not certain he wouldn't harm another rat. Hi.
IGN: Lady_Serena |
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" Waiting for a concert with headphones on? Apparently you just can't get enough of music. (why a classy looking girl has a rodent for a pet, i'll never know... WAIT, YOU WERE IN MEXICO... is it named Speedy Gonzales ?) I sort of like the rodent now |
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" Yeah, and then you would have 2 lone rats to entertain. I'm generally against lone rats but in your case I think you made the right decision. Some of them are just to messed up to ever get along with others. It is sad but you gotta work with what you have. As an aside, we no longer have any at all. We made the decision when the last 2 passed away that that would be it for awhile if not forever. It was too upsetting when they died. Wife got depressed when her fave died, then we lost another not a month later. They live, relative to most pets, short lives, but it's enough to bond and not enough to not feel cheated when they die. :( Censored.
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"That was my stance after my last 2 passed away, however after the hurricane, we saw this one at the humane society and they (staff) not only appeared clueless with rats, they also couldn't adopt him out. They weren't really "selling" him to anyone with "he bites. bad." I felt sorry for him so even after he mangled me at the facility, I still took him home. I don't think I'll be having any for a while after him. "Truer words never spoken! Hi.
IGN: Lady_Serena |
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Resurrecting this for Halloween! I'm hoping to see some goofy pics!
I have no Halloween pics but this is close enough, I guess. Taken a few years ago but I have nothing newer sorry. ![]() Censored.
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