[2.6/3.1] Shaper down on budget 5-link - The Debuffing Pizza (Tri-Curse CI Elementalist Flameblast)

hey Guys!

First of all: THANKS for this build, it's really amazing. I just started it (after i realized i got everything i need for it even though i only started this season (on standard ... omg) as a complete n00b.
Now i'm lvl69 and got most of my useful ES gear equipped (8.4k ES). It was the easiest run on the merc lab i did so far. this time i will have a chance at winning in the uber lab, i'm sure of it :-) (failed so with my rangers ... all the time)

however, i do have some questions/comments:

1. How important is stun immunity? i have the immunity amulet, but so far i dont really see the need for it.

2. with a mana flask + damage leeched as life/mana from a boot enchant, i dont need an elreon ring/amulet anymore!

2.1 with #2 in mind, what about those points of stun avoidance right at the witch starting point? 55% avoidance, multiplied with the basic ES 50% avoidance should reward us with a bit above 75% avoidance when casting. Worth it?

3. to me, it seems that the aoe/mapclear speed is the biggest "problem" of this spec. Killing bosses is a walk in the park. For this reason (and since im lucky enough to have a decent 6L chest) i started using vaal ice nova when i got it. Now i can clear several screens worth of monsters with just 1 cast and the Pyre Ring. (add to that, like this the ice nova "triple dips" because it also profits from cold damage - even when its converted to fire)
of course, its rather pointless in indoor maps, but those are usually crappy anyways ^^

any comments on my list?

looking forward to some higher content once i "grow" the char a bit more. feels like it wont be nearly as painful to get there than it was with my rangers :)


Dunkelvieh wrote:
3. to me, it seems that the aoe/mapclear speed is the biggest "problem" of this spec.

How is this possible? You cast OoS and 3-stack Flameblast and white trash dies to direct damage + ignite. Proliferation spreads ignite to other trash mobs. Did you watch the video couple pages back? The guy is just running through the map killing mobs very fast.

Edit: Wait, you're not using Doedre's Damning (+1 additional curse). You do have +1 curse from passive tree, but you're using three curses (Temporal Chains + two more from OoS). You're missing out one curse.
Last edited by Wermine#1485 on Nov 7, 2016, 6:31:24 AM
i know i am missing out on 1 curse. the double res-reduction curses basically only apply on range - meaning most of the time only vs bosses. That's actually where i need it. Temporal chains + 1 reduction curse is amazing vs trash - makes me feel much safer, i can easily run into big packs to unload my ice nova.

btw yes, i did watch some vids, including fast trash clear (thats why i put "problem" in quotation marks. Its not a real problem. but the 6th slot in my chest is basically wasted when i put something like increased burn damage. hence i fooled around with vaal ice nova. and trust me, once you got some nice density (beach, i'm looking at you ^^), it is amazing!
utvara11 wrote:
One of the best builds I've played. Congrats. but I've got a question, is 5L The Beast Fur Shawl Vaal Regalia worth buying? I have 1 exalt spare and was wondering what to do? the rest of equipment is pretty much solid, maybe a new helmet but that's not that expensive. once again, great, great build.

Hi. It doesn't worth it IMO. It doesn't provide much survivability. A rare chest with high ES is preferred.
Dunkelvieh wrote:
hey Guys!

First of all: THANKS for this build, it's really amazing. I just started it (after i realized i got everything i need for it even though i only started this season (on standard ... omg) as a complete n00b.
Now i'm lvl69 and got most of my useful ES gear equipped (8.4k ES). It was the easiest run on the merc lab i did so far. this time i will have a chance at winning in the uber lab, i'm sure of it :-) (failed so with my rangers ... all the time)

however, i do have some questions/comments:

1. How important is stun immunity? i have the immunity amulet, but so far i dont really see the need for it.

2. with a mana flask + damage leeched as life/mana from a boot enchant, i dont need an elreon ring/amulet anymore!

2.1 with #2 in mind, what about those points of stun avoidance right at the witch starting point? 55% avoidance, multiplied with the basic ES 50% avoidance should reward us with a bit above 75% avoidance when casting. Worth it?

3. to me, it seems that the aoe/mapclear speed is the biggest "problem" of this spec. Killing bosses is a walk in the park. For this reason (and since im lucky enough to have a decent 6L chest) i started using vaal ice nova when i got it. Now i can clear several screens worth of monsters with just 1 cast and the Pyre Ring. (add to that, like this the ice nova "triple dips" because it also profits from cold damage - even when its converted to fire)
of course, its rather pointless in indoor maps, but those are usually crappy anyways ^^

any comments on my list?

looking forward to some higher content once i "grow" the char a bit more. feels like it wont be nearly as painful to get there than it was with my rangers :)



1 & 2. Chayula is very important. It is crucial that you have 100% control over your character in any situation if you are going to do end-game contents like Guardians/Shaper. For low level contents you can live without it.

3. Haven't try Vaal Ice Nova because the map clear is fine to OP so can't comment on it. If you are looking for more fun you can try VRF for the 6th link and use the ultimate move on Guardians/Shaper. You will be amazed. It's absolutely fun. :D
EFSpooner wrote:
N4Z wrote:
WOW. WTF JUST HAPPENED!! I one-shot uber izaro today.

It's insane for boss kills, I ran uber izaro yesterday for enchant (no buffs on him) while I was at lv81 and killed him in 3 seconds after applying burn with 10 stacks. I even got 20% reduced discipline reservation so I can run it with empower now. I haven't even skilled Breath of Flames yet.


Thanks for sharing! The video pretty much says it all. :D
loonger wrote:
utvara11 wrote:
One of the best builds I've played. Congrats. but I've got a question, is 5L The Beast Fur Shawl Vaal Regalia worth buying? I have 1 exalt spare and was wondering what to do? the rest of equipment is pretty much solid, maybe a new helmet but that's not that expensive. once again, great, great build.

Hi. It doesn't worth it IMO. It doesn't provide much survivability. A rare chest with high ES is preferred.

Thank you, gonna buy me some high ES rare chest then :)
FlyingCasual wrote:
loonger wrote:
FlyingCasual wrote:


Have you considered the enchant that increase the buff golems are giving to you ?

" 150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Lightning Golems "

( Could give a lot of additional cast speed and save few nodes from tree that could be used elsewhere )

The enchant is great. The build doesn't rely on any enchant to work, so any related enchant is a bonus. No need to pursue a particular enchant unless you have time to do so. :D

Eh who have the time to hunt enchants now-a-days ? It take 5000 hours to get the one you want lol

Also i'm pretty new to the game and wanted to ask a question that may be a bit harder to answer about gears priority in the sense do we have a kind of order for gears upgrades ?
Example when you are starting to gear for endgame do you have a specific order of priorities ? ( example: Belt then shield then boots then helmet and so on or another order )
Or do you generaly just take what you can as long res are capped and so on without aiming to much for min maxing and more for taking just what looks enough to reach higher levels ?

Only really big upgrade for this build i see right now would be:

- +1 curses eye of chayula allowing us to remove doedre's damning and then get a ring with cast speed and fire damage eventualy.

- Or using Kiara's Determination for stuns freeze and so on then removing chayula and going for some more ES pool res etc in amulet slot ...

Do you have some more great defense or DPS upgrades that come into your mind after creating this build and managing it for a while ?

Hi. Get a 5-link chest with decent ES. It's the first priority. And get Chayula before you go to CI. OP doesn't like relying on flasks to get Stun Immunity which is too important. +1 curse Chayula is absolutely an upgrade. By saying that, Doedre's ring is great on its own actually. The +5 mana on kill comes in handy.
I'm still interested is it possible to incorporate some decent ES regen or leech to the build? Possibly ZO plus 2-3% life regen from the tree could contribute to this? Shav ring seems to be quite expensive option though.
Now that i have around 11k ES without discipline ( 13250 with ) i wonder if it wouldn't be better to consider another auras like haste or clarity instead ( i have an enlighten level 3 sleeping in stash and i could take one 4% reserved mana node aswell on tree.

What do you think about that ?Is it really important to stack so much ES ?The build is pretty tanky already and i feel comfortable even in vaaled t15 maps ( my second death except the HC one now that i'm in standard happenned on Phoenix Guardian wich is an extremely boring fight with this build i've to admit ... ).

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