[2.6] Norse's Earthquake Slayer / Budget Viable / Guardian & Shaper Farmable

blekotacz wrote:
Ragnorak wrote:

...swapping a defensive curse for Vulnerability or Punishment ...

Im afraid punishement wont work very well since it requires melee hit and we do very little direct melee hits, we hit with our AOE so more dmg and attack speed wont aply.

Earthquake has the melee tag. All hits with it count as melee hits, so punishment will work. It's the same reason the Melee Physical gem increases all the damage of Earthquake.
could you tell me how much damage u have with earthquake when you fight with shaper?

i was tring to make a earthquake assassin bd, the POB shows very poor damage.
bought a disfavour yesterday for 9ex and 27 chaos the game now is izi pizi

i also think a voidhearth legacy will be the best ring for this build so we can drop cospri and pick a rare
blekotacz wrote:
I play with Uul Embrace and i think its safe to say its third BIS weapon for this build. Better options are only 560+ pDPS rare axe and lastly Disfavour.

With Uul netol, you want highest APS (0,9) and the higher DMG the better. You will need at least 20% reduced duration of EQ with 20% less duration and rapid deacy, or if you cant go with rapid, dont buy attack speed jewels or get worst attack speed on the axe ... just aim for skill duration of EQ to be faster then your attacks (check it with onslaught on, becouse you will have this buff often). You dont need 30% reduced duration of EQ enchant on helmet, not until you will use Disfavour or some 1,3+ APS rare axe.

If anythink is uncertain, check my profile (char name: BlekotaTheThird).

Love this build so far! Im just a bit worried about the Disfavour prices and if its viable to guardian and shaper without Disfavour :/

Switched to Uul-Netols myself recently. Without the Bleed/Poison this build is really not viable for endgame. The damage is simply not there. So either Uul-Netols or Disfavour is pretty much needed to make it work. I guess you could also go with the bleed gloves (Haemo...something) and a Voidheart but the lost life/resist plus the investment to get a voidheart doesn't add up to just getting an Uul-Netols. Will switch from a 5-link Belly to a Cospris soon too so I can double curse and take out Poison for a Rapid Decay in the Earthquake setup. Will also finally result in an Aftershock after every hit. As you said, annoying to manually attack slower to get them.

Just a little bit worried about life with Cospris. I still have a good deal of life nodes to collect, but still, will be hard to get enough to be able to survive some of Uber Izaro's hits.

Norse really should add Uul-Netols to the gearlist in first post. It is by far the best stepping stone to a Disfavour and really very cheap for what it does for this build.

Concerning the prices of Disfavour: They will not become cheaper^^ Usually they tend to settle down at around 12-15ex.
Last edited by Mecielle#3021 on Mar 10, 2017, 12:58:37 AM
What about using The Blood Reaper for leveling? It does not have very much DPS, but you get life and it cause bleeding on hit.
Last edited by bibanul#7894 on Mar 10, 2017, 1:05:29 AM
bibanul wrote:
What about using The Blood Reaper for leveling? It does not have very much DPS, but you get life and it cause bleeding on hit.

For leveling just get a Cauteriser at level 40. It has almost as much DPS as level 64 weapons... It will easily carry you into maps.
RedStark wrote:
bought a disfavour yesterday for 9ex and 27 chaos the game now is izi pizi

i also think a voidhearth legacy will be the best ring for this build so we can drop cospri and pick a rare

How'd u get it for that c heap? the cheapest ones i see are 10.5 exa

Only need is 6linked all =) ready for the blast
Ragnorak wrote:

Earthquake has the melee tag. All hits with it count as melee hits, so punishment will work. It's the same reason the Melee Physical gem increases all the damage of Earthquake.

Well i thought so and give it a try and it works rly wierd. Sometimes i dont get the dmg buff sometimes i do and most of the times i wont get the attack speed buff.
What do you guys think about adding either flame golem or blood rage to the final build? As ways to increase damage a little bit. Or both but i'm not sure how that would work. Blood rage offers a nice chunk of leach and attack speed, plus frenzy charges which is grand total of 32% attack speed, 1.2% leech, and 12% more damage (Also the more damage will double dip in poison/bleed and increasing the initial hit). Seems like a lot of damage to not take and the damage per second is completely negated by our life regen, not even considering the leech. There are also some damage nodes 2-3 passive points away that we could potentially drop a little life for (if I feel like I need more damage)

The only thing I could think of was using another unset ring for one of them, or dropping the CWDT setup. Maybe linking flame golem to blind?

Flame Golem-Blind-Bloodrage-?

Does increased duration increase the time of blind or the abilities that the flame golem uses? If not you could put vaal lighting trap there or enduring cry, potentially freeing up a ring.
Last edited by vladimars#1834 on Mar 10, 2017, 8:50:13 AM

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