(2.4) Wormblaster the Third (A Herald of Ice build)
Did a Shaper kill with the newest setup. Pretty satisfied with the damage output. In-game: leonid
All Challenges Done! (Ana/Ons) 9/9/2013 All Challenges Done! (Dom/Nem) 1/30/2014 All Challenges Done! (Tor/Bld) 3/10/2015 All Achievements Done! 9/28/2016 |
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" Yeah, seems emberwake/taming is just strictly better for the most part. Thanks for the valuable contribution with those videos. Horrible content-creator and memelord.
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" Well, hard to say, but I'd propably guess it will be sub-par compared to Slayer and Hireophant. First off, the build doesn't really have any problems sustaining flasks, and the Pathfinder notable would barely be noticed. Secondly, the only thing that would really improve the builds survivability at this point is a bigger life-pool/elemental resistance of any kind. The mana and life-recovery certainly is nice though, but with all the recovery-scaling the build already has, it seems a bit overkill getting more, diminishing returns and all that. Horrible content-creator and memelord.
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" You guys are doing great work with this build, I wanted to roll this in BHC when the new league hits and I've been researching builds, this one is the best imo. That said, I have 2 fairly important questions, I pretty much never post on the forums but I have to ask: 1. Why not just use the boot enchantment "adds fire damage if you've killed recently"? Does it only add the damage to attacks? the way it reads makes me think it would add damage to everything, including herald of ice. If the uber variant does too much damage and kills the worms you could simply use the cruel version, which is only 16-24. This isn't too much but you cut the mantra of flames. 2.Why is blasphemy even being used? You can just put a ball lightning in that slot and have frostbite/ele weakness/ball lightning on cwdt instead. Ball lightning gives more ignites, which means more damage, and the absurd aoe of the build means its going to hit several times. I would even stick a ball lightning in the 6L harvest setup as well just to get as many ignites possible, because theres no way blade vortex is getting anywhere close to 300 alone. With 2 ball lightning setups maybe you could get up to like ~250. Sure you aren't linking with chance to ignite, but the build has about 45-50% crit right? so half of the balls will be igniting anyway. Chance to ignite might be better for the 6L harvest setup but I can't think of a reason why the boot setup is why it is. Edit: I'm also confused as to why prolif is used, when things shatter they cant prolif. I Did notice that prolif was igniting mobs inbetween shaper kills, so can you explain a bit about whats going on there? Last edited by Ramza11#6974 on Nov 28, 2016, 9:10:08 AM
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" I agree that blaphemy set is bit useless. Not only taking the gem slot but also prevented from MoM. But you choose ball lightning is because you dont know why to use prolif. Prolife helps emberwake stack as many ignites as possible and those ignites on worm will reflect on shaper too, thats why kill shaper that quick.Ball lighting cannot help to stack the igintes so its not an option. Also when coming to chance to ignites, with full power up, bv crit chance is 0.3. with inc crit, is 0.5. you will get some ignite chance from tree and prolif, so its 15%. then your real ignite chance is 1-(1-0.5)*(1-0.15)=57.5%. Replacing inc crit with chance to ignite (lv 20 49%), the real ignite chance is 1-(1-0.3)*(1-0.64)=74.8%. If inc crit and chance to ignite together, it would be 1-(1-0.5)*(1-0.64)= 82% Desipite the aspect of gaining flask charges, it has more chance to ignite with chance to iginite gem. Here is what i thought. I think with forst bomb and frostbite, the cold res has been reduced to a very small amount(64% cold res reduced ). it would be better to use a temp curse to increase the ignite effect time so that more ignites can be stack. Last edited by fljsdbd#7138 on Nov 28, 2016, 11:06:21 AM
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Can anyone find why I can't get to 9000+ life? I am currently missing 12% life nodes from the skill tree and have 8,615 life. All my jewels have 7% life. I am using The Taming + Emberwake but I thought I will easily get to 9500 life or so.
My Gears
Here is my character link RedCoco. (ps. I sold my 30% ele dmg helmet because I can get better a helmet after the essence league ends) Thank you so much for advice or help! Last edited by SleepingMarine#6516 on Nov 28, 2016, 11:53:21 AM
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" Well, using emberwake + taming is giving up 2 ringslots with life/strength, which is about 600 life. You're also only level 87. The build scales really well with levels, so just getting a higher level character will help. Also, that belt could pobably be upgraded for a better one with more life. I'd like to see your jewels as well, as it's pretty much one of the most impactful ways to min-max the build at this point. Horrible content-creator and memelord.
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" Hi, 1. Yes fire damage boot enchant will work. It kinda slipped off of my mind. I can get more life and slightly more cold damage for dropping mantra. Right now however, I'm kinda lazy to do uber labs. 2. Blasphemy frostbite is used so that worms can freeze and shatter right from the get go. With high level cwdt there will be cooldowns so not as many worms will get frozen = less HoI procs. You can use cwdt + ball lightning + curse on hit + frostbite, but there are simply not enough sockets. Lastly, ball lightning can be useful but chance to ignite is too useful to drop, and most importantly someone has already tested in sarn arena to prove that BV setup alone with prolif and chance to ignite can get up to 300 ignites in 3 sec. 3. Prolif is used so that monsters are frozen and ignited. Not all worms get shattered, so their corpses stay and keep the ignite prolif. The worms that are alive (for split seconds) also prolif, on top of the ignites the BV applies directly on target. In-game: leonid All Challenges Done! (Ana/Ons) 9/9/2013 All Challenges Done! (Dom/Nem) 1/30/2014 All Challenges Done! (Tor/Bld) 3/10/2015 All Achievements Done! 9/28/2016 Last edited by sunleonid#7793 on Nov 28, 2016, 3:21:37 PM
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I just assembled the build and have been experimenting with it. It's freaking awesome! But... I'm having a problem with the "infinite" Immortal Call.
With the following setup, our Immortal Call duration should slightly exceed its cooldown: lvl 16 Cast when Damage Taken lvl 17 Immortal Call lvl 20 / 20% quality Increased Duration 5 endurance charges Total duration: 0.4s(1.00 + 1.48*5 + 0.74) = 3.66s It would seem that our Immortal Call should refresh itself every 3 seconds and therefore we have 100% uptime, but I'm finding that there are gaps between the end of one IC and the beginning of the next casting of IC. Has anyone else experienced this? I've even gotten an extra endurance charge through a corrupted belt implicit and, while the gap between IC buffs has decreased, I can't seem to get a permanent uptime. Suggestions? Thoughts? Cheers, folks. Eyks272 Last edited by Eyks272#0212 on Nov 28, 2016, 10:42:15 PM
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" Just level CwDT and IC up. The guide is a bit outdated, and I've come to the conclusion that level 20 gems are the best way. At around level 18 or 19 you should stop experiencing these slight gaps in Immortal Call. I'll rewrite the guide once 2.5 patch notes hits, and update with all the incredible finds the community has made for the build. Horrible content-creator and memelord.
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