[2.4][EHC] Kitava's Thirst Mana Tank Inquisitor - High cast speed with hundreds of mana regen
Character: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/kujalla/characters
IGN: Kasterapu Premise, Pros and Cons I wanted to build a character based around the new Unique introduced in Atlas of Worlds, Kitava's Thirst, that has a chance to proc spells on spell cast provided you spend over 100 mana for the cast. This requires quite a hefty amount of mana regeneration which I've decided to get from Inquisitor's Pious Path. ![]() Pious Path grants an additional 4% of maximum mana regenerated per second while on Consecrated Ground. This works similarly to Base mana regeneration so it's effectively a 229% More mana regeneration buff. The amount of regeneration you can stack with this is so substantial that it is actually reasonable to reach mana regeneration amounts of over a thousand. At the time of my death I had just under 600 with budget gear. Pros: -Really low gear requirement. Life+mana rares will suffice. -Can easily run off of 4-links. -Reasonably tanky with a decent pool. -High Regeneration. -Can be built with any combination of multiple skills for synergies and area coverage. -Can alternatively be built as a crit variant with Inquisitor's penetration passives. Cons: -Not a lot of damage from the tree so struggles before you can use Kitava's. -Chance based inconsistent damage output. -Mind Over Matter doesn't help against Degeneration. -MoM can cause mana problems because of the high casting cost, especially in less regen maps. -Can't run auras that well -Not feasible for 400% attack speed Whirling -Generally not Pathfinder Blade Vortex The Build Itself Required Items:
Kitava's Thirst Mechanics
The Mana has to be actually spent, and actually as Mana, for the effect to trigger. This means no Soul Taker or Eldritch Battery synergies. Remember that Spell Echo only spends the mana on the first cast. The trigger is a single roll for all the socketed spells to be cast at the same time. This means that socketing multiple spells doesn't increase the consistency of successfully triggering any spell but the resulted dps is the same. You cannot trigger multiple copies of the same spell. Only one copy will fire. The socketed spells should trigger in order starting from top left and clockwise through the links. The spells are cast on you. This means that big area skills and automatically targeting skills like Arc work best. That's it. The rest of your gear should be towards increasing your defenses and damage however you choose. Since I play in Hardcore I've decided to build the character as a high Life and Mana pool tank with Mind Over Matter and Acrobatics as the main sources of increasing the effective life pool. Damage wise I went for the combination of Storm Call for the cast skill with Vortex and Ice Nova for the triggers. Storm Call is the tied fastest base cast speed spell with Flame Surge at 0.5 second cast time. The triggered skills I chose for being hard hitting area skills with Vortex's granting additional benefit of a damage over time portion and a Chill effect regardless of hit damage. The spells also complement each others cast areas well with Storm Call being able to be spread further away while the triggered skills keep monsters near you in check. My intention was to proc Instruments of Virtue from attacking with Frenzy with a wand and gain frenzy charges that way in the meantime. Other than that: some CWDT setups and a lot of room for utility skills like self cast curse and decoy totem.
Gem Links
Main Spell: Storm Call - Faster Casting - Lightning Penetration - Less Duration You should consider Controlled Destruction, Concentrated Effect, Increased Area of Effect and Elemental Focus for the additional links. Kitava's Thirst links: Ice Nova - Vortex - Cold Penetration - Elemental Focus Elemental Focus can be switched for Controlled Destruction but without being a crit build the freezes are quite minimal and Elemental Focus doesn't make Vortex's damage over time area not chill. CWDT: Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration Other useful skills: Flame Surge - Faster Casting Lightning Warp - Faster Casting - Less Duration Golem of Choise Decoy Totem Enduring Cry Frenzy - Faster Attacks - GMP I was planning to use this with a wand to proc Instruments of Virtue and to gain Frenzy Charges later on. Essence League Special!: You can socket your main skill in your gloves' 4L with the Essence of Insanity effect "Socketed Gems have 20% more Attack and Cast Speed" for more cast speed and a pseudo 5L. I was using this to great effect. You can additionally use a weapon with Essence of Hysteria effect "10% chance to Cast Level 20 Fire Burst on Hit" This is an area spell triggered on the target you hit with roughly the area of Storm Call that hits really quite hard. It also complements the builds Cast on Cast theme.
Current Gear
Nothing special what so ever. Gems level 18-19 without quality. Was progressing on self finding maps at tier 7.
My defensive stats with and without Consecrated Ground and Storm Call stats
My triggered spells' stats without buffs
Item stats to look for initially:
Body Armour, Gloves, Boots: -Life -Mana -Movement Speed(boots) -Resistances -Strength or Intelligence for extra life and mana Consider Carnal Armour for the mana, Occultist Vestments for the Spell Damage and Astral Plate for the resistances. Fingerless gloves' spell damage mod is a good alternative to a glove enchant. Belt: -Life -Mana -Resistances -Strength for extra life -Flask charge mods for more uses of Sulphur Flask(and others The flask duration mod doesn't seem as useful since you'll be moving a lot and require new instances of the Consecrated Ground from your flask quite often. Jewellery -Spell Damage(amulet) -Life -Mana -Mana Regeneration Rate -Cast Speed -Resistances Weapon: -Spell Damage -Added Damage to Spells -Mana -Mana Regeneration Rate -Cast Speed Shield: -Life -Mana -Spell Damage -Mana Regeneration Rate -Resistances -Crafted Cast Speed Getting Mana Regeneration Rate from every gear slot you can is quite mandatory but see how much more do you need to sustain and don't skip a high spell damage roll on a weapon if it doesn't happen to have mana regen.
Ascendancy and Bandits
Oak - Passive - Kraityn ![]()
Build at 90 passives when I started to use Kitava's
Intended Build
My Current Build That I Died On
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAUBAAQHBLMFtQj0D6sWvxo4HNwfAiL0I_YmlScvKPopizBxMHwy0TWSNj02xTfUOkI62DrhPAU9X0GHQ8hFR0WdS3hMs02STeNPBFBCUUdSU1M1U1JVS1XGVkhboF7AXyph4mKsZlRo8mpDbAtsjG0ZbWx8DnxLgDCCm4LHg9uFMoV7iFqMNo19jb-PGpBVkyeWdJeVl_SaO5rgm26ce52qn9-hL6IAplenCKdVtMW3PriTvOq-isBUwGbC7NAf1CPVptgk2L3dqN-G6-Tr7uw47TztYe987-vwH_JF-ej-Cv6P -203% increased Maximum Life -109% increased Maximum Mana -165% mana regeneration rate -5% of Life Regenerated per Second
Defensive Options To Consider
-Mind Over Matter -Lightning Coil and other damage conversion mechanics (Now On Rares Too™) -Acrobatics or -Armour and Endurance Charges since we're close to the left side already or -Hybrid with ES Regen from Pious Path and double effect from high Intellect
Flasks to Consider
Other than Sulphur being quite mandatory for keeping up Consecrated Ground, any utility flasks will do. I personally like Basalt with "reduced charges used" for two sips and Stibnite for cheap as cheap defensive options. Remember to consider that a Hallowed Life Flask has more life from it per charge than a Divine one - 10 charges per use, 30 held versus 15 charges per use, 45 held. A Mana or a Hybrid Flask is advisable if you find yourself often not being able to cast because of Mind Over Matter.
Curses To Consider:
-Temporal Chains and Enfeeble For obvious reasons. The top of survivability from slow and damage reduction. -Warlords Mark You benefit from both life and mana leech a lot especially since you leech for spells isn't that easy to get without the gems. The additional stuns from this curse are actually nothing to scoff at. -Poacher's Mark If you're going for a spell combination with incredibly high rate of hits you might find the life and mana gain on hit useful. Also gives a hefty chunk more flask charges. -Any damage curse relevant to your spell choice If you're going for physical or damage over time effects you should consider Witchfire Brew - Vulnerability in a bottle.
Suggestions for a Crit Variant
Gifts From Above for Consecrated Ground sustainability would allow you to possibly even drop Sulphur Flask for another utility or damage flask. The ground effect from it is spread under the target of the critical hit. Switching for Inevitable Judgement for the other 4 points of Ascendancy would allow for another gem to be used in place of the penetration gems. This would be especially useful if you wanted to proc spells of different elements from the helmet. Voidbringer Conjurer Gloves could be used to replace a Fevered Mind Jewel and for the spell crit chance.
Took a few clips in a Racecourse that I had on after the rip: http://webmshare.com/play/4RwJ4 http://webmshare.com/play/9MgRv Rip to Canyon boss, 7k dps bleed: http://webmshare.com/play/3vazq Youtube videos of the character now in standard: Old T10 Chateau Old Tier 9 Gorge and New Tier 9 Crypt Old Tier 11 Academy if you're blind, it's harder for you to hit yourself -Mark_GGG Last edited by kujalla#1027 on Sep 19, 2016, 5:58:12 AM Last bumped on Mar 22, 2017, 11:52:29 AM
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if you're blind, it's harder for you to hit yourself -Mark_GGG
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Great looking build but, why not use a Voidbringer?
Last edited by TheLadyApoLLo#4002 on Sep 18, 2016, 8:45:47 PM
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" Excellent question. Mainly because the gloves themselves offer very little stat-wise for the build. The spell crit is wasted and with acrobatics the energy shield is halved. And hence the opportunity cost of using them - whatever life, mana and resistances you would have on your gloves otherwise - is worse than that of the Jewel I use instead. Secondly I wanted to try out the new 20% more cast speed essence mod on the gloves. On a hybrid life/es variant I could maybe see myself using them and on a crit variant I would totally see it being worth to use Voidbringers. if you're blind, it's harder for you to hit yourself -Mark_GGG Last edited by kujalla#1027 on Sep 19, 2016, 7:01:14 AM
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Hey. Is this build GOOD? Or it it just a fun experiment? I was planning on respeccing my Flameblast totem Inquisitor since I didn't really like it and you're build looks like good fun! ;D
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" To be honest it's more fun than it's Good. Perhaps the thing I liked most about the playstyle is the Zoning. You can pick your targets with Storm Call while the stuff running up close to you can't hurt you as easily. I liked how high the life and mana pool and regeneration was - didn't even have to consider leech most of the time. But since I had so much invested on life nodes and the gear was cheap stuff to resist cap for maps, the dps end it didn't feel too good. Sometimes you don't get procs and stuff doesn't die and you have to cast again. I was planning to maybe remake it with crit next (But first I'll have to take up on that fan art contest thing.) and I'm sure the damage will be there that time. But that will hurt the cast speed a bit. I was calculating that with Instruments of Virtue and Frenzy charges I should have easily reached 6-7 casts per second with the 20% more gloves. And I bet that would be quite a lot of fun. (I was at 4.07 at the time of death) Hope you can make any sense of this. Edit: I mean, it's a self cast build that casts spells to kill stuff. As long as you can get enough damage it'll always work. And if you do, I'd say it's strictly better than a single spell self caster. Regardless of what you put in your helmet. if you're blind, it's harder for you to hit yourself -Mark_GGG Last edited by kujalla#1027 on Sep 20, 2016, 9:42:31 AM
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Do you think this could work with arc as the main skill and also in the helmet?
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" Sure, but Arc has quite a bit slower cast speed at 0.8 seconds so it's not as effective. The helmet skills would effectively proc at a rate of 62.5% compared to a 0.5 second cast speed skill. I ran with Arc on the helmet for a bit and I think it fits there better. Chains to stragglers and what not. To get the most effect out of the helmet you'd want to cast a faster skill yourself and proc slower skills that hit harder. If you over simplify it, using the same skill on both makes it similar to a 30% more damage multiplier. (30% of the time an extra free cast.) But of course you could use different support gem combinations and item effects such as the essence mods so it's often a bit better than just that flat 30%. if you're blind, it's harder for you to hit yourself -Mark_GGG
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I'll try to roll a trickster, with the 20% chance to recover 10% mana, it should also be quite capable of sustaining the required mana. Too bad there is no ignoring reflect with that one, but nothing an elemental penetration gem can't fix. Last edited by ragbasti#6251 on Sep 24, 2016, 3:36:09 AM
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Thanks for the pointer the idea is greet. I may advise next time you share something, please think about mobile user and take the 3 second to add the url tag to the links you put they will be soooo gratefull ;)
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra " Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG "If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG |
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