[2.4]Omega Burst (fire burst + triggers) (ultra fast clear speed)
Salutations and other inane social pleasantries. There are a multitude questions in the realm of wraeclast... Number one; who am I... what is my purpose? Each of us fabricates our own identity using the pallet of our experiences. I AM Skycore. And i choose to share my knowledge and wisdom, not because some invisible man on a pink pony commanded it, but because we should always behave in a manner in which we would prefer others to do likewise. If you follow(^) my guidance for this build, you too can achieve obscene levels of pure power. I will show you unique and novel ways to maximize "everything" to reach optimal performance.
The primary skill we use here is Blade Vortex. But wait. This is not just another BV build. This one is different in many good ways. The real skill here is hidden on our platinum dagger, 'fire burst'. It is obtained through the essence of hysteria on a weapon and averages 20k damage with critical multipliers of +550 and a crit chance of 75%. Support gems in the weapon apply to your fire bursts. We use increased AOE, life leech, and fire penetration. With a 10% chance to proc fire burst from every hit, BV is ideal to maximize our triggers per second. Others exist whom are worthy: Bladefall, firestorm, glacial cascade, and ball lightning all impact a large zone and score hits often. And we will utilize them supported by trigger gems. Being CI means we get stunned often, and rather than see it as a negative, we can manipulate the situation and turn it into a big positive using that cast when stunned linked with life leech, blade vortex, and bladefall. In addition we use a level 1 cast when damage taken for even more spells; firestorm, glacial cascade, and immortal call(or ball lightning). *note the commandment of force on the gloves is yet another often triggered aoe which in turn triggers the rest of our chain. Counter attacks such as vengeance, reckoning, and riposte also apply even more chances to proc fire burst. Currently we are very socket starved so we limit ourself to just vengeance. These skills have the added benefit of counting as 'attacks' for the purpose of causing bleeding and maiming through our assassin ascendancy "noxious strikes". Which in turn enables toxic delivery to power up our damage to insane levels. The essence of insanity offers us a virtual 5th link on our helmet at no additional mana cost. 50% additional physical damage as lightning is extraordinarily powerful. Everyone is shocked. We inject our blade vortex supported by life leech, added fire, and increased AOE. Controlled destruction/ critical strikes/ concentrated effect/ or spell echo are also decent choices. I can feel the anger of viewers whom havent been able to find the tier 8 essences needed for this build. Remember your meds... M E D S. Misery envy dread scorn. Save your essences of corruption to use on these and you have a chance to get them. If youve run out corruptions, quick runs through sarn or northern forest can quickly yield large numbers of them. But i digress on tangents... Focus. Focus is the key for all things mental. Attention should always be harnessed on positive steps you can take to achieve your goals. And speaking of goals: the eye of essence is an end game item that grants 2% life leech for fire damage and a large increase to your fire damage while ignited. It also deals 100 fire damage to you whenever you ignite an enemy and has a 10% chance of igniting. So great you may be thinking, i should ignite myself often with that damage reflection. But wait, it doesnt work that way. Your ignite chance is not applied by your own damage. Well thats the most useless piece of trash ever then right? Wrong. The ring Mokou's Embrace allows us to ignite ourself for that extra leech and damage bonus. But there is more. Multiple goals are accomplished through this one thing. Synergy. That fire damage we take applies to our CWDT possibly allowing for an infinite number of firestorms. For auras we run discipline, herald of ice, and blasphemy warlords mark. In hexproof maps we swap out warlords for herald of ash. For phys reflect maps we swap in physical to lightning for our increased aoe on our BV, also we swap out our cast when stunned's bladefall and BV for detonate dead and phase run. For ele reflect we swap in increased duration for our added fire on our BV. And we make sure we use our resist flasks often. We should have a surgeon's resist flask for each elemental damage type that we swap in depending on map mobs, or by default a ruby. We use a tri-fecta of physical mitigation surgeon flasks; granite, stibnite, basalt. For our final flask we can run either kiara's determination or an overflowing chalice. Of particular note, an aquamarine flask is especially useful in most nasty fights. Other notable flasks include rumi's, atziri's promise, and the writhing jar. Mix and match to taste. On our open ring we use an essence of hysteria for 10% additional physical damage as fire. This allows all our BVs, bladefalls, whirling blades, and glacial cascades to ignite... which then triggers our innocence... which triggers our firestorm/ cascades... which triggers and yet more firestorms/ cascades. For our belt, nothing is better than an essence of horror on a crystal belt. 5% additional physical damage reduction is huge for CI. Ideally, we would use an essence of horror on a vaal regalia. But getting 500+ ES needed for CI in this way is very resource intensive. But it does provide a satisfying end game goal. Without strife and struggle, joy is dimmed. Last but not least, we use As for how the build plays, its incredibly simplistic. Go face, stay there leeching every last drop of blood until they are dead. Rinse. repeat. For trash you can often just whirling blades right through packs and move on as firestorms will finish them off. Indeed you can have a respectible clear speed with this build without using blade vortex at all. The trigger gems alone devistates most everything. For bandit rewards: Normal- Skill point Cruel- help Oak/alira or skill point. Merci- help alira Simple (raw) demonstration in dried lake: https://youtu.be/N5nNFmjoFwQ Another (raw) demonstration in dried lake using shield charge ONLY. The passive damage is hysterically obscene: https://youtu.be/Kmi32fhrTm0
Earlier versions
Simple raw demonstration of a dried lake run using ONLY whirling blades: https://youtu.be/EtmPr6rdzjA Normal dried lake run (raw): https://youtu.be/xCoCN2zOpu0 Tier 10 map clear(raw): https://youtu.be/cH9GY4XhMWg =====================edit==================== There are so many options available in the skill tree with this build. More crit multiplier, mana reservation reduction, ES, physical damage, spell damage, jewel sockets, cast speed. All directly connected to the core of this tree. There is always room for improvement. Currently i have only 8k ES, but i dont expect it to be too difficult to reach 11k+ with simply better gear. The better your gear, the more you can afford to invest in damage/ speed in the tree. Priorities change. Iv noticed the boss damage in the top tier maps to be absurd. More defense may be warranted for killing the end game bosses. Perhaps grace instead of blasphemy+herald. Perhaps arctic armor instead of herald. Maybe spec out of the templar power charge for an ES cluster... What do you guys suggest for added defenses against end game bosses? Updated movement skill to be shield charge. With its AOE triggering fire burst it destroys packs even faster than before. The speed is so incredible im having a difficult time adapting. I often find myself shield charging a couple times up against a wall before i can react and manually move away from it. For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it Last edited by SkyCore#2413 on Sep 26, 2016, 5:58:20 PM Last bumped on Nov 21, 2016, 5:13:46 AM
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Version 2.0
Iv found myself using shield charge so often while clearing, i decided to change some things around. We now run shield charge linked with CoC, BV, faster attacks, and life leech. I bought a 5 link chest and crafted a decent helm with an essence of woe to accommodate this change. ![]() Although this cuts back on our boss killing damage, most bosses are conveniently in their own room allowing us to swap out shield charge for added fire(or reduced mana/ inc duration), faster attacks for added cold/ rapid decay, and CoC for poison... then manually cast BV. We also swap out herald of ice for arctic armour against physcial/ fire bosses. Iv tried changing around the skill tree quite often; mana reservation reduction, crit multiplier, etc. But i always keep coming back to my original plan. Iv tried Voidbringers and although the ES on them (giving us over 1k additional ES) is really nice, mana becomes a real issue and the hit to our critical multiplier is serious. When shield charging iv found the best tactic is to hold down the move button and tap shield charge. This prevents us from repeatedly shield charging up against obstacles. Simply not pressing our shield charge button is a lot faster than having to manually press down the movement button. You might not think this is such a big deal, but i assure you the speed of this build is so great that the extra milliseconds saved really add quickly. For the final piece of the machine we use The Dancing Dervish in our weapon swap for rampage. If you were unaware, socketing a trigger gem anywhere in the weapon disables its affect which disables our weapons. And yes, if our dancing dervish disables itself it also disables our shield on weapon swap. So the process to gain rampage is to start the zone with with the dervish equiped, kill a few mobs and then swap back to our standard weapons. Our rampage count will continue so long as we keep the kills coming in on time.
So in total this is what our gear and links looks like:
And we use these jewels
Reflect maps are a bit more tricky with this variant. I dont recommend doing ele reflect, but if you must i suggest replacing our fire burst weapon with any spell damage dagger/scepter. For phys reflect: remove cast when stunned's BV and blade fall with desecrate and detonate dead, and replace our CoC'ed BV with detonate dead. Doing trials can be nasty as CI, especial with this build as we take extra damage from igniting and are constantly burning so our ES is slow to replenish. So i suggest alternative jewellery, replacing them before izaro/argus. (raw) Video of this variant farming dried lake. https://youtu.be/wQauzgd_MEQ Sometimes the limiting factor of clearspeed is your graphics card: (raw) https://youtu.be/Akn7YxsukRQ (raw) Video (potato quality) in an easy t15 abyss. Note that a better pilot would be much quicker. https://youtu.be/Jfx_GhAlloQ?t=41s ==== update ===== Crafted a new weapon and a new ring. Also bought a new shield with 31% block. An apex rapier with extra attack speed. This gives us yet more speed. Unfortunate that we are unable to craft spell damage / crit multiplier onto it. For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it Last edited by SkyCore#2413 on Sep 24, 2016, 10:23:24 AM
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nice build. definitely nice to see some essence-exclusive items being put to good use.
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wht did u use for leveling? i got like 40c atm. this build seems so damn fun
Last edited by FCboyz#5969 on Sep 19, 2016, 10:28:51 AM
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" Blade vortex of course. I didnt spec out of any clusters, just followed my planned tree in softcore. When i needed life i got hybrid life/ES. When i didnt need anything in particular i went for aoe. Save the power charges and most of the crit until after cruel ascension is behind you. If you are planning on doing this in HC, i do NOT recommend leveling as ES. Grab a bunch of life nodes and respec out after you got yourself a good ES chest. Note that the fire burst weapon has a really high minimum level. Which is when the build really begins. Kind of a shame really. But the alternative would be so broken it would end in a nerf. " I need to take down those videos. I recorded them while many key gems were low level. It is MUCH improved now. Shield charge really pushes it all over the top. IMO this build is better than old CoC using the metrics of clear speed and survivability. For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
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" arent kris bases( copper kris) available from like lv23? if i use essence on it will its level shoot up in 70s? or do i need it to have specific ilvl? coz if not then i can directly start using fireburst as soon as i get my hands on a kris and hysteria |
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" When you use a hysteria on a weapon it becomes required level 78. For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
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Resources are becoming a real problem to improve this builds gear. The price of essences of hysteria/woe and high ES helments have tripled in the last week. I would really like to rock a 6link on my CoC set up, but they are well outside my price range.
For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
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Updated to include a t15 raw video.
For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
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i changed starting nodes to elemental ones, way better than % phys damage.
Pretty funky build man, im lvl 83 and going ham. I removed my life leech from shield charge btw, doesnt seem effective to me, got fortify on it atm. And im testing double strike + multi strike + fortify + coc + BV as single target setup, seems aight so far. But single target, esp bosses, is definatly an issue... not sure if double strike is fastest attack out there but it seems better then just casting BV to me... Also i notice that, cause of coc nerfs, i have pretty shit BV stacks during maps, it works but im wondering if there is a better way to trigger the fire burst... |