" It's definitely an option. You could also look at Carcass jack for more AoE, Kaoms Heart for massive life, or just a GG 6l armour piece with life/str/resists and a TON of armour. The build is pretty open ended when it comes to min maxing, my version I went for massive Strength for damage/life. Finding some really OP jewelry or jewels is a great way to dump currency into it. Things like an Amber Amulet with 30 strength implicit, t1 life, t1 strength, t1 all attributes. Jewels with life/fire damage/area damage/damage over time. 🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol 🥔 Mirror Thread (400+ Services): pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1753977 🍋 #1 Items, IIQ MF Item Duplication Services, Carries and More! 🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters |
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Hey thanks for posting this. Sorry in advance for my total newb question, but so much of this is new to me. Can I ask:
- What exactly does "low of life" mean (your unique shield) -- how low is low? Is that shield sort of like your emergency break that keeps you from burning yourself? - How does the build do against reflect (since you do damage yourself, not totems)? Thanks much! Underrated stats: Basic human decency, small quantum of respect, microportion of compassion
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" Low life is 35% of your max life. That bonus rarely comes into play, as you'll generally be full life or dead. Not much in between. It also says "cannot be ignited," not "removes ignites on reaching low life," so you'll still be able to keep burning with Righteous Fire. As for the last question about reflect, degeneration cannot be reflected. The burn from RF is just a damage over time, you don't have any reflect issues :). 🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol 🥔 Mirror Thread (400+ Services): pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1753977 🍋 #1 Items, IIQ MF Item Duplication Services, Carries and More! 🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters |
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Just wanted to update here on my progress. I am LOVING this build so far. It feels really tanky and still does decent damage and my gems aren't all even leveled yet. Current gear:
I made some tweaks. I moved the 2 auras into unset rings so I could run tempest shield for extra block, and I added arctic armor for extra damage mitigation by dropping one of the lightning warp support gems. This still leaves enough mana to pop enduring cry or lightning warp if we need it. |
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with new items can be more stronger
new flask Witchfire Brew Flask is great for rf Kaom's Heart and gloves with Essence of Delirium (Gloves: Socketed Gems deal 30% more Damage over Time) Kaom's Way is also nice +1 endurance charge and 0.4% of maximum Life Regenerated per second per Endurance Charge if you have 2x this ring is 7,2% life reg Marble Amulet 1,6% life reg or Ngamahu Tiki 70% fire damage Last edited by davc1234567890#2226 on Sep 20, 2016, 7:02:20 AM
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Quick question about how to spend the uber lab ascendancy points. You recommend getting the 2 small nodes, but since you stated that more life regen isn't necessary, wouldn't it be better to take the Hinekora node? I know we can't leech off of rf's damage (and I'm doubting the physical damage as fire damage would help since our phys damage is so low) but wouldn't the "penetrates 10% fire resistance" stack on our flammability curse to give us a damage boost?
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" Converting our Phys to Fire means every auto attack or Shield Charge/Cyclone will make Ele Equilibrium give Fire Res to enemies. Not worth it. I'd rather just take the extra regen for safety's sake. 🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol 🥔 Mirror Thread (400+ Services): pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1753977 🍋 #1 Items, IIQ MF Item Duplication Services, Carries and More! 🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters |
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" Looks solid to me! Could use some Lab enchants imo but otherwise very very good progress. Should be able to keep progressing and pushing higher and higher :D 🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol 🥔 Mirror Thread (400+ Services): pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1753977 🍋 #1 Items, IIQ MF Item Duplication Services, Carries and More! 🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters |
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" That is a very good point. It's a shame to waste the ascendancy point on "10% increased totem speed" though. I guess we don't really have a choice. " Thanks! My helm and boots are probably still the weak spots, not counting enchantments. And I also need some better jewels. I did come to the realization that I was wasting a skill point by taking a 5% health node in the health rectangle instead of a jewel slot that could give me 7% + damage, so I switched that around. I was able to do Atziri earlier without my gems being fully leveled, and that was kind of painful (only had 1 portal left) but I feel like it'll be easier when I have everything leveled up. I did do a T8 Rigwald fight on a legacy Dark Forest and that was intense but doable. I fee like with the right jewels and some enchants I'll be able to rock t15's soon. |
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is not this better 26% more elemental damage and 12% all resistance if you spend 1 more node
you lost retribution node but who care its give zero also 4% life +12% armour is better then 5% life http://poeplanner.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 Last edited by davc1234567890#2226 on Sep 20, 2016, 5:39:38 PM
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