PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

getting this error right now, was working fine yesterday:

[Error] Error reading character data for DrunkDoterr, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.
DrunkDoter wrote:
getting this error right now, was working fine yesterday:

[Error] Error reading character data for DrunkDoterr, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.

same thing
DrunkDoter wrote:
getting this error right now, was working fine yesterday:

[Error] Error reading character data for DrunkDoterr, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.

Same thing
please fix it :( its awesome program dont let it die!
Same here. I found this solution a few pages back and it work for me.

boesersven wrote:

-modify settings.xml in Procurement folder to not load characters:
a)Change the Bold marked statement from false to true (1st Spoiler)
b)have no character to load defined in the list definition at the lower part of the .xml(2nd spoiler)

How to:
a) modify statement in bold to True

<Setting name="UseSessionID" value="False" />
<Setting name="FavoriteLeague" value="Standard" />
<Setting name="FavoriteCharacter" value="Butchertoy" />
<Setting name="CompactMode" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyLeagues" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="True" />
<Setting name="CurrencyDistributionMetric" value="Chaos" />
<Setting name="EmbedBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="BuyoutItemsOnlyVisibleInBuyoutsTag" value="False" />
<Setting name="OnlyDisplayBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="CheckForUpdates" value="True" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshEnabled" value="false" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshUrl" value="" />

b) If you had chracter defined in the lists section, delete to make you settings look similar to what is default (see spoiler)


<List name="MyLeagues">
<Item value="Standard" />
<List name="MyTabs">
<!--If you only want Procurement to download specific tabs list them here, eg :-->
<!--<Item value="Shop" />-->
<List name="MyCharacters" />
<List name="AdditionalTemplates">
<!--Add yours own templates here. Eg-->
<!--<Item value="LvlingShop.txt"/>-->
<List name="IgnoreTabsInRecipes" />
I can't find the settings.xml in my procurement folder :O
I am recieving WARN 2016-12-10T20:38:18.591 There are no tabs, this should not happen, bailing out.
Should I redownload it?^

P.S.: Now I recieve the error an error occured instead of loading the tab content.
Last edited by flipser#2471 on Dec 10, 2016, 3:02:56 PM
Franqx wrote:
Same here. I found this solution a few pages back and it work for me.

boesersven wrote:

-modify settings.xml in Procurement folder to not load characters:
a)Change the Bold marked statement from false to true (1st Spoiler)
b)have no character to load defined in the list definition at the lower part of the .xml(2nd spoiler)

How to:
a) modify statement in bold to True

<Setting name="UseSessionID" value="False" />
<Setting name="FavoriteLeague" value="Standard" />
<Setting name="FavoriteCharacter" value="Butchertoy" />
<Setting name="CompactMode" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyLeagues" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="True" />
<Setting name="CurrencyDistributionMetric" value="Chaos" />
<Setting name="EmbedBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="BuyoutItemsOnlyVisibleInBuyoutsTag" value="False" />
<Setting name="OnlyDisplayBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="CheckForUpdates" value="True" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshEnabled" value="false" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshUrl" value="" />

b) If you had chracter defined in the lists section, delete to make you settings look similar to what is default (see spoiler)


<List name="MyLeagues">
<Item value="Standard" />
<List name="MyTabs">
<!--If you only want Procurement to download specific tabs list them here, eg :-->
<!--<Item value="Shop" />-->
<List name="MyCharacters" />
<List name="AdditionalTemplates">
<!--Add yours own templates here. Eg-->
<!--<Item value="LvlingShop.txt"/>-->
<List name="IgnoreTabsInRecipes" />

after modifying first part charachters are loaded empty and after modifying second part procurement doesnt work :(
Last edited by nykep#2966 on Dec 11, 2016, 4:01:05 AM
ok i have fixed it

1. open a settings.xml (Notepad++) in ur Procurments folder.
2. look in usersetings and und change it like this
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyLeagues" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="false" />

3.look in List
delete all beteen <List name="MyLeagues"> and </!List>
copy that inside <Item value="Breach" /><Item value="Hardcore Breach" />
it should look like this
<List name="MyLeagues">
<Item value="Breach" />
<Item value="Hardcore Breach" />
Last edited by kiffersau#7681 on Dec 11, 2016, 6:30:49 AM
kiffersau wrote:
ok i have fixed it

1. open a settings.xml (Notepad++) in ur Procurments folder.
2. look in usersetings and und change it like this
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyLeagues" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="false" />

3.look in List
delete all beteen <List name="MyLeagues"> and </!List>
copy that inside <Item value="Breach" /><Item value="Hardcore Breach" />
it should look like this
<List name="MyLeagues">
<Item value="Breach" />
<Item value="Hardcore Breach" />

it doesnt help too :(
procurement only works if i use email and password, but not with session id, and i dont know is it safe? BTW It started after few web updates.
Last edited by nykep#2966 on Dec 11, 2016, 10:13:57 AM
kiffersau wrote:
ok i have fixed it

1. open a settings.xml (Notepad++) in ur Procurments folder.
2. look in usersetings and und change it like this
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyLeagues" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="false" />

3.look in List
delete all beteen <List name="MyLeagues"> and </!List>
copy that inside <Item value="Breach" /><Item value="Hardcore Breach" />
it should look like this
<List name="MyLeagues">
<Item value="Breach" />
<Item value="Hardcore Breach" />

doesnt work for me i get a error most likely due to the new stash tabs

[11-12-2016 17:21] System.Exception: Downloading stash for Breach, details logged to DebugInfo.log, please open a ticket at and include your DebugInfo.log
at POEApi.Model.POEModel.GetStash(String league, String accountName)
at Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.LoadStashItems(Character character)
at Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<LoadItems>d__24.MoveNext()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass23_0.<Login>b__0()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

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