PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

melodia1 wrote:
How exactly do you select certain items to post onto trading thread? I can't find any "select this item" button? All I see in trade tab is the option to select an entire inventory tab... I don't have like 10 vacant stash tabs to reserve an entire tab just for a few items I'm selling. Also if I right click an item it forces me to set a price, otherwise it won't save it.

Manual selection tab implemented in my "bears" version here(new thread):
medved inside :)
Procurement Medved Edition on GitHub:
Do i have to delete my remove-only tabs in order to work Procurement?
i still get the same error message
what up cuzz
I had this problem with reading char XXX as well, apparently my account name was typed with small letters, so i just changed the first letter as it is big. And VOILA!!
IGN: Just_Another_Exile_II
GrayScar wrote:
B4al wrote:
[Error] Error reading character data for XXXXXXXXXXXXX, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.

Broken Procurement ????????????

Did the guys creating it come with the wonderful idea of updating it to break it ?

Workaround Solution to that particular error, 2015-04-22

(within Procurement folder)(version.1.9.0)
0)- this might work for other versions too
1)- make a backup copy of - Settings.xml (in case of messing it up)
2)- open - Settings.xml (with text editor)
3)- find line: <Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="True" /> (set false to true)
4)- find line <List name="MyCharacters" />
(make sure no characters are listed below at this particular section)
5) feedback, this worked for at least 3 different cases, if you run into any problems tell. if it works, please give feedback.
6) Yes, no characters will be listed now, that's why i call it a Workaround Solution.


this worked for me perfectly. have to deposit whatever you're using in your tabs if you want to sell anything on your characters now though.
Loving Procurement a lot to run my item-managment.

Nevertheless I have a small suggestion/idea to make trading/cleaning the shop with Procurement more convenient (if i did not miss that funsction somehow):

Add time stamps to buyouts->
As soon as a buyout is added to an item, also a timestamp is added:
On item display in Procurement: B/O as it is now + additionally the date the buyout was created/last changed

-->As i tend to lower my buyouts often after an items sticked to my store a while/vendor items that just don't sell for a cheap b/o I would just love to have procurement help me to keep track on the time periods my items were offered in my store.

Neat follow-up ideas for this feature would be:
-Search by date (e.g. highlight all buyouts older than 1 week)
-Defined Auto-Lowerering of buyouts by a defined rate over time (e.g. set buyout 30Ex and lower 1 Ex per week until threshold 15Ex)

Would possibly need to read local system time and add it to the buyout-info for the items, dunno how feasible/easy to code the search and the Auto-Lowering of buyout are.

The 'settings' trick worked for me too. Back in business after a week or two of no trades!
"What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh
is it just me or has procurement become really, REALLY slow ?

Is there another tool to use ?
Is it possible to remove the line breaks between each item from the template, other than doing it manually for each item in the export itself? I think it's really hard to compare stuff when the item list spans too long, whereas if they're side by side it's easier to look at.
Nice app but the interface design is killing me. It doesn't fit well on my screen, and the "smaller" option is only available after logging in.

Please dump the PoE website design in favor of something more usable.

Function > Form
melodia1 wrote:
Is it possible to remove the line breaks between each item from the template, other than doing it manually for each item in the export itself? I think it's really hard to compare stuff when the item list spans too long, whereas if they're side by side it's easier to look at.

Same problem here !

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