The Atlas of Worlds expansion launched last weekend. If you're new to the game and still not sure about what build to play, we have some player-made build guides to share with you! This post includes a Skeleton Summoner build, a Warchief Totem build, a Cheap Firestorm build, a Lioneye's Glare based Cast on Crit build and a Staff-based critical strike build.
Ghazzy has accepted the challenge from the State of Exile podcast to the community and has created a powerful skeleton build. He based this build on the Minion Speed Support Gem, the Queen's Decree / Queen's Escape swords and the Army of Bones Cobalt Jewels. Scaling the Summon Skeletons cast speed from the Ascendancy tree instead of skill tree points or support gems, he ensures that you'll be able to face Atziri and Uber Izaro. Click here or in the sub-header to see the build.

Give an Axe to each of your totems and let them fight for you! LiftingNerdBro has created a Warchief Totem Axe build that can take you all the way to the top even if you are starting a new league. If you don't have much experience with the game, don't worry, this build has a simple design and is easy to understand, taking you to tier 15 and probably tier 16 maps. It's viable for both Hardcore and Softcore and yes, it can kill Atziri! Click here or in the sub-header to see the build.

Make fire rain from the skies above and burn your enemies to the ground with this cheap Firestorm build created by Appels_Zijn_Gezond. This build is perfect for casual players, but it's also great for those who like to level hard. It can adjust to most scenarios, dealing with most threats effectively, while keeping safe. It's also possible to put decent amounts of increased rarity on items, without losing much combat power. Click here or in the sub-header to see the build.

Destroy the whole screen with an avalanche of skills using this cheap Cast on Critical build created by Mothren! Although it was changed in the last patch, this build is still fun to play. You'll be able to complete almost any content you like. The reason why the build is called Lioneye's Avalanche revolves around two simple facts: The "Hits can't be evaded" mod on the Lioneye's Glare bow and the fact that the build uses Glacial Cascade and Bladefall as spells and a chest with extra gore, destroying packs with an avalanche-like effect. Click here or in the sub-header to see the build.

Face and obliterate your foes with this insane boss annihilation build created by 15107514 (Anderson). This is a staff-based build that is extremely versatile, allowing you to utilise every possible AoE melee skill gems available in Path of Exile. The build makes use of several defensive and offensive mechanisms in order to make itself powerful. It's not a cheap one, but is a very effective choice if you're willing to spend some extra currency. Click here or in the sub-header to see the build.

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Nice presentation
Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions
Yeah those headers do look nice ^

Hopefully the new folks find some inspiration here.
Nice ideas, maybe I´ll try one of those builds later
Appels_zijn_gezond build looks very nice
Nice post, some good builds on here.

I feel like you should put links to the builds you talk about though...

I wouldn't have any problem finding these but the target audience might.

EDIT: Never mind, I realized the title headers are links. Not very clear though.
Last edited by afkforpizza#0012 on Sep 6, 2016, 12:53:37 AM
First page?

Edit: Yes! :D
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Sep 6, 2016, 1:06:09 AM
Keep up the good work! Love AoW!

Edit: First page :O
Last edited by mas_mariano#3542 on Sep 6, 2016, 1:06:35 AM
Nice headers ! :)
Hf :)
Loook at this mirrored gear staff build, its so beginner friendly..

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