Severe Server Problems

60k on queue gg
A reaper arise.
dalb3 wrote:
At this point, are you guys really surprised?

Supporter packs are like pre-ordering. Glad I didn't buy my pack and decided to wait for the league to start.

Can't wait to see how GGG handles this shit.
Close servers, say it will be a league restart tomorrow in 23 Hours.
Every minute it stays opens the worst.
yeah i got an eevee again
You did it!

Good job GGG

10 times? thats not good
In the words of Nelson Muntz: 'Haw Haw!'
What about kicking people out and letting them back in a none moving queue?

I was playing this game and got dced like crazy (great optimization btw *kuch kuch*) and then i got back in a fucking queue like what the actual fuck?

and all the streamers are playing while other are fucked... think u guys are doing this just to give them streamer a shitload of viewers while fucking the other 99 in the ass! not cool :S
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
you better restart this league.....

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