Severe Server Problems

offering high performance server only 400k! if you take two you get the price of three now! :D
Disconnect eveyrone please, or just restart to server due to fairless situation.
Reset or riot
so we are locked out of the fucking league so that other people can get ahead of us without crashing?

I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Last edited by Snorkle_uk#0761 on Sep 2, 2016, 5:49:46 PM
It's quite amusing to see that most poeple who complains are non supporters.

Spoiled much?

Anyway i feel sorry for everyone affected by this.
Meanwhile i've another issue that is, that steam taking ages to update, so i won't be able to play until about 4 hours anyway.

But yea it totally sucks for all of you who's been ready to play. :/

Reset and people don not forget

THIS IS A BUFF or BARF i don't know anymore
jjplay175 wrote:
Absolutely disgusting... I was place 500 in the queue, one of the first to get into the server but after being rolled back 4 times and disconnected 7 times, I am stuck in a 50k queue because it wouldn't let me on!

So you so graciously capped people on the server so that the few that already have a massive advantage due to not being kicked! now have completely uninterrupted play while we are stuck waiting for you to fix the problem!

Bias selection... disgusting solution considering how competitive the start of this game is! you should of closed the servers 20min in when you noticed the problem and just wiped it in my opinion...

we should all start with the same chance of being at the top but no... we are stuck falling further behind, ty.

Ghostm3n wrote:
d3unique wrote:

Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league
Reset the league


game instances are taking up ten times as much memory as they did previously on our servers, This is a buff!
I usually do not read popular posts again after i made a comment on it, unless it's one of my own. I wish to have a Black robed Grim Reaper micro set in game one day, grant my wish, GGG
This is so bad how can u let this happen ?
IGN: Silmar

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