Severe Server Problems
Tell it straight LeHeup
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I just came here to laugh at all the people that buys support packs! :D
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" Time to pray for GGG's servers! 1post == 1 Prayer!! |
Go go 120 pages in hour! We have 4 min more!
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lol, а great start of a new league
I really don't give a shit, but...
RESTART!!! cause it's fun) #RussiaIaATerroristState
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Breaking F5 key :(
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" Lol "Free". Yes, they are not a business entity that has a revenue stream or expenses to create a net budget. No, they are just doing this pro-bono out of the goodness of their hearts. This shit cracks me up. They have a business model that effectively garners more per month on average out of people than pay to play games like WoW. I am not saying they dont deserve some slack, and the hate is a bit silly. Launches always have some issues. But dont fool yourself into thinking they are this white knight gaming company that should be held to a lower standard of quality because they are "free" | |
Half the people taking up spots probably wont even be playing in a week from now.
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Getting temporary servers. That is going above and beyond. THANK YOU GGG!