Cospri's Malice - Embrace it

It would be hilarious to leave trail of vortexes behind with cyclone. Maybe even throw blasphemies+cospri's will for poison and dot dmg boosted.
This gives hope
PleiadesBlackstar wrote:
Problem with pyre is you lose the crit chance on chilled enemies. Probably negligible as an Assassin but kind of ruins the theme for me personally.

Ah well, let's fix this:

The weapon is independant of your main skill (like Mjolner), so 6L cyclone + CoC + cold spells for permafreeze/burn the screen. If works really good maybe even Emberwake can be interesting here.
My Low Life nonShav's/Solaris guide ->
Last edited by robotamen#2890 on Sep 1, 2016, 10:00:33 AM
Is the increased critical strike chance against chilled enemies multiplicative with the base crit on the weapon?

Hate you bro... I had perfect build plans for this league... And this sword destroyed everything.. UGHHH...

I know exacly perfect build that would be so OP with this weapon... Im mean ITS TRASH PLZ SELL ME COPIES 5c EACH on the start of the league !!!
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant -
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder [Retired]
Amazing! Love it.

Will this work like Mjolner, where a single skill use can proc multiple spells? e.g. Cyclone across the screen lasting longer than 100ms. So, do you get multiple procs from one button press on long skills?

I was planning on going CI elemental cyclone this league anyway and my tree wont be too hard to modify for end game if I can get my hands on two of these. Hope they aren't 10ex each!
Last edited by NattyMcLight#7638 on Sep 1, 2016, 10:23:14 AM
stormcrawler wrote:
Is the increased critical strike chance against chilled enemies multiplicative with the base crit on the weapon?

Dont think it is, since it's a stat on condition.. Conditional Stats always work global. (Same with Silvertongue)
KawaiiLoli wrote:
It would be hilarious to leave trail of vortexes behind with cyclone. Maybe even throw blasphemies+cospri's will for poison and dot dmg boosted.

Is the poison really going to do much though? That is my trouble at the moment. Poison is based off chaos and physical damage of initial hit and malice gives no physical damage so isn't added chaos damage the only chaos you can get without going pyre consuming dark and wouldn't that little bit be a bit lack luster versus physical/chaos?

At the same time, I realized in the last hour chaos/poison damage is probably a secondary thing compared to synergizing Frostbite with freezing and chilling on crit when spells are popping up.

I'm also terrible at theory crafting so maybe all the chaos damage and dot nodes on shadow area are plenty to ramp up chaos/poison with pure cold.
"It's all clearer now
And I hear her now
And I'm nearer to
The Salvation Code"

not that is a bad thing but it shares the same thing mjolnr has: it is OP or UP with very little room inbeetween

also the 60% crit vs chilled is global or local (like scaeva pre nerf/fix)?
Just food for thought:

Cospri's Malice can proc Glacial Cascade, which does quite some physical damage and ofc can be supported with Added Chaos. In conjunction with Cospri's Will you will be able to stack a lot of poison!

Nice synergy! ;)

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