[DEAD in 3.0] DESTROY THE ATLAS! | 2H Dual Warchief Totem
" Cant craft bleeding for it |
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Loving this build, swapped off facebreaker Berserker version to Disfavour once I was able to get one. I went Chieftain for totem durability, but I am having some concerns If I should go back to Berserker. I lost about 30-40k dmg going to Chieftain. My issues are frost damage freezes totems so Atoll boss, Sulphur waste bosses and Hydra are just a chore to kill. Also I only have 5.1k health with 172%. My totems are 69Kx2 with 6l using posion over added fire before flasks/vaal haste. I was curious if I should pick up a pair of vuln on hit snakebites and pop 3 -frenzy charges and use a 21/20 added fire over posion gem. Or if the increased poison damage the gem gives outweighs added fire. My totems ignite because chiftain, and get up to 158k dps fully flasked/vaal haste so besides Hydra/Chimera the bleed/posion build seems fun. I picked up 2 points of mana/mana regen untill I can get my gear situated better. I am trying to get 130 resists to run ele weakness with no worries. Just 6l'd brass dome and Loving it, just hate being frozen. |
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Very nice build again, here is my stuff ! still need vulnerability on hit, but everything is probably doable !
Tntkiller, is it better now ? I can craft bleeding on hit if someone need it on a weapon( ESC , just pm me in game : DeadonEssence ) Good luck and have fun ! Last edited by ELGAREN#4436 on Sep 19, 2016, 1:36:27 PM
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" im wrecking with that sword :) cant wait till i get atziris axe |
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Im sorry guys that I cant keep up with all the many questions atm. Im always checking the thread and let you guys know If I make any updates with this build, but so far it seems to work very well for me and for alot of you guys out there.
Im aware of the issue that many hardcore players here have trouble with stuff like hydra or minotaur. Someone pm'ed me that day that he had trouble killing hydra without using all portals. Im thinking about a way to make this build tankier for HC players without sacrificing too much damage. Right now the game seems to be very much asking for at least 9-10k HP to survive these massive hits that some of the highest tier bosses can drop. Its a tricky thing to pull off with a build like this and If anyone of you has some good ideas youre highly welcome. I have seen some of you are very smart and have a profound understanding how this build comes together. Last edited by GornoDD#3738 on Sep 19, 2016, 2:54:25 PM
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I'm actually using this gloves, and new voidheart ring with rapid decay 6l, should i switch voiheart ring for Doedre's Damning Paua Ring for 1 aditional curse and use poison as 6l? Can u guys help me with this decision? :D |
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" Hi! I started ESC with your build, been doing it "my way" with some different pathing and ideas about end game, but altogether, I've followed this build guide more than any other. It's been great so far. Only lvl 87 now, but still. Here's one suggestion for a tankier tree:
Maybe the Tireless-wheel is overdoing it, but if you want life above all, it's there. That tree is not quite how I've been pathing, but it's close. Or, rather, it is close to where I guess I will end up. I am still 87 in ESC and am still gearing everything and will change my passives as I get better gear. I don't like either Unwavering Stance, nor Iron Reflexes. I tested stuff out with Cast When Stunned, and even given the %-chance on it to proc when stunned, I found myself getting stunned very rarely, maybe like 3 times per level-appropriate map. I think Armour is in a bad place in PoE altogether. It's effective against small hits, but unless you have crazy amounts (20k+), it does hardly anything against the really big one-shot-kills of late bosses like Uber Izaro (20k armor against a 7.5k hit is 21% reduction; 10k gives 11%). Maybe I am wrong, but I prefer mixed defenses, not forgoing my chance to evade. For "levelling", I think Herald of Ash and Hatred are ok (and I am still using them), but I feel they are pretty bad for late game and would prefer to switch to something more defensive, like Enfeeble Blasphemy (with the VERY late game being Enfeeble + Temp Chains, with a +1 curse amulet). I've pathed near Skittering Runes, to make it easy to pick up curse effectiveness when I want it. BTW: As for "late levelling", I am still using a 472dps Kondo's Pride. With a 5L and no Voidheart, it easily slaughtered everything up to T9 maps. From there on, I felt the need to get a voidheart, and now with a voidheart and 6L, I've been happy in T11 maps (highest I've got to so far) and farmed Uber Lab today about 8 times in a row without dying (easy Izaro mods, admittedly). I feel the damage of Kendo's is enough. Sure, I am aiming for Atziri's Disfavour; damage, range, but most of all: bleed - which means I can get rid of Voidheart. Basically that is my aim: getting rid of almost all uniques so that I can have a T1 life roll in every slot. The only unique besides Disfavour that I see as being best-in-slot is Lightning Coil. You guys use Belly, but with enough %life on the tree, I think LC probably inches out in the really end game. Mind you, this is all just theory-crafting. Dirty Techniques-cluster works with Voidheart, increasing chance to poison, but to be honest, I can't wait to get rid of it. There's no double dipping there, and I would prefer to run bleed on weapon and Poison gem in 6L (currently using Added Fire instead). While much of the damage double-dips for bleed, poison double-dipping is harder. I've even thought of taking more totem damage via Iron Wood, or Shamanistic Fury, but I think in the end it mostly has to come from %area damage, %totem damage and %damage on jewels, plus Flame Golem (I've thought of Chaos Golem too, but Int causes it to be low level and I am the kind of player that prefers self-casting fully levelled golems over using CwDT). Talking of CwDT: This is the first character that I've ever played that feels like it is better without using Immortal Call. I took triple-Oak for bandit rewards and all the Endurance charges on tree, to get 7 charges, which give 28% phys reduction: I prefer not losing it over a short duration of physical immunity. I have essentially two free 4Ls. I've tried various things in them. Like I said, Cast When Stunned seemed dumb, as it triggered like once per map. I've tried Vengeange-Curse On Hit-Enfeeble, and while that was ok, I've decided that I prefer manually casting Enfeeble for the toughest fights proactively. I even ran two CwDTs for quite a while, since I had the "empty" gem slots, but they didn't really do that much. Even now, my CwDT is frankly a bit ineffectual - I would call it cute: lvl 1 CwDT: blade vortex - blind - arctic breath. At least it's better than levelling random gems in those slots. But like I said, I don't want Immortal Call. [I've tried CwDT-BV-CurseOnHit-Enfeeble and CwDT-Enfeeble-Vortex-IncAoE/IncDur among ten other things... And just thought right now to try this next: CwDT(1)-Arctic Breath-Enfeeble(high lvl)-CurseOnHit(high lvl)] Another "anomaly": I usually quite like Arctic Armour. But I prefer it with characters that have to stop to deal damage. With totems down, this character hardly ever stops, instead moving to avoid hits. Thus I don't think it is worth the mana reservation. So once I get Atziri's Disfavour (and no longer use damage Auras, I hope), but before I get a +1 curse amulet, I will probably run something like Determination or Grace alongside Blasphemy... or depending on the content, maybe an appropriate purity aura - this would seem good against, for example, against the guardians or Uber Atziri. I am also running Chieftain, mostly because I preferred enemies near totems dealing 8% less damage over Berserker's ability of 10% increased damage taken. Also, decoy totem is one of the best defensive abilities out there, and I knew I would miss it when I went with totems as damage dealers, so having that chance to taunt makes it a little less bad. But I've often thought that I might have been better off taking Champion instead and going even tankier. Anyway, I've not got to the point of implementing everything here. I feel like I am still mid-way in my build, as I have pretty bad gear (but at least the build works even then!). I am basically just throwing around some ideas I myself have been mulling over. Last edited by DeFoot#6812 on Sep 20, 2016, 2:09:30 AM
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NEED HELP!!! :), ok so i started new character aiming that chief + warchief would bet better build than mine another facebreaker + warchief version, but now that my buddy also leveled facebreaker version and comparing two builds DPS vise i feel little disappointed, FB rocks with 100K+ DPS while iam struggling with around 20K dps. Do i still missing something or this is what is like having chieftain and ancestral warchief running that way.
MY GEAR: CURRENT TREE: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAEDAAHnBLMFLQd1CZYLYRDMFCAWCxeMGjgaVSFVIWAnLymlKhMrtjboOQ48BTwtPfxAoESeRrdHflBHU7tXDVhjWOVZ81orXhNfP2EhZU1mnmjycg9yqXTtdPF2rHrve7N82YIHg1-E2YTvhVKHaoxGjM-QVZBslG-XeZ7NogCj8qcwqSeplKyqrY2vbL02vqfAZsCmxPbGrsbYz2fPftIh02_ZYdrB3D3kUeoY6wnvDu988B_yQfZI9zL4kw==?accountName=diabloxxx400&characterName=xDARKIOx |
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Hi, i have one of those gauntlets too. I used them with.... Cospri's will and it worked surprisingly well. Pros: - additional curse - free poison (7th link) (no voidheart!) - nice armour (with iron reflexes node) - hexproof mobs? - haha :D - chaos res - mobs are slowed when hit - it really helps - 3% more movement speed * i'm not sure here but i read somewhere that temp. chains scaling well with DOT damage Cons: - 184 dex minimum - no life and res on chest slot (excl. chaos) - getting offcolour sockets is pain in the ass - 6l Cospri's is not budget definitely Note, that life and res You can get from ring now (no voidheart, yeah?), but You will need really good rolled one with high res, high life and high dex in best option. Asenath gloves are lacking these stats too. Ofcourse, easier and (probably) cheaper way is using an amulet with +1 curses, but well rolled are not so cheap either. Atm i changed stuff back to old version, because i tried to corrupt veruso's last night and on first attempt i get "+1 socketed gems", on 2nd and 3rd i get corrupted rare shit, and then missclicked accidentally on other gloves and: i think my luck is gone now. Probably in endgame i will test Cospri's further, or setup with swapeed HoA for temp chains (Curse on hit with HoI? blasphemy? i dont know yet) plus +1 curse ammy. P.S. sorry for my english, trying to do my best. P.S2. this amyy costed 2 exa Last edited by Borehed#6510 on Sep 20, 2016, 4:23:05 AM
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" your gems need some lvlingand some quality still ive played a facebreaker too also to lvl 87 currently the same lvl as this char but i find even on paper the facebreaker has a lot more damage i died way more on my facebreaker, it was even hard to do uber lab for me with the abyssus 49% more physical damage taken(damn spykes and chainsaws hurt like hell with only 4500 life) so i sold all my facebreaker stuff and started farming for atziri's axe....at least even tho this char does a lot less damage compaired to facebreaker i still melt everything that ive done(upto T11 maps) and....im staying alive(also facebreakers lack a bit of movement skill yeah you could use shield charge but its not as good(and funny as hell) bunny hopping with leapslam on this build :) |
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