Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]

Edit: ok, the issue was different

Depending on "main skill" choosen, I either end up with no mana reserved or negative value. Purity of Fire, Lightning and Determination in Prism Guardian, Purity of Ice and Discipline in Alpha's, Clarity with blood magic in Alphas, Wrath and Hatred in Victario's chest.

Calc shows 0% mana reserved, and when I pick main skill Ball Lightning sidebar shows like -30% mana reserved, when swapped to anything else it shows 0% mana reserved. What am I missing here?
Last edited by Marrond#4432 on Sep 12, 2016, 4:48:03 PM
Sitnave wrote:
Thank you very much for those fixes Openarl.

Would it be difficult/time consuming to add a possibility to deactivate support gem in the Skills pane?

That's in the most recent update.

Sitnave wrote:
Also, would it be possible to display a kind of tooltip near support gems' quality part (screen above), displaying the bonus of quality?

Tricky; the quality bonus in the program's skill gem database uses the program's internal modifier names instead of a user-readable modifier description; for example, the bonus on Ball Lightning (1% increased Lightning Damage) looks like "lightningInc = 1". I'd need to add a way for the program to translate those internal modifier names into user-readable text; I was already looking into doing that for other reasons (mainly to allow conversion jewels to change the passive node tooltips) but if I get that done I'll look into adding this feature too.

Sitnave wrote:
Bug: when you use a curse skill, and set Enemy is a Boss? option, calculations does not include bosses' "60% reduced Curse Effect" property.

Oops, that property was supposed to be applied but it looks like I broke it while working on another part of the calculations code. The fix will be out soon.

Marrond wrote:
Edit: ok, the issue was different

Depending on "main skill" choosen, I either end up with no mana reserved or negative value. Purity of Fire, Lightning and Determination in Prism Guardian, Purity of Ice and Discipline in Alpha's, Clarity with blood magic in Alphas, Wrath and Hatred in Victario's chest.

Calc shows 0% mana reserved, and when I pick main skill Ball Lightning sidebar shows like -30% mana reserved, when swapped to anything else it shows 0% mana reserved. What am I missing here?

Ok, I've fixed that now. The "Socketed Gems have Blood Magic" on Prism Guardian was applying globally under certain conditions. Thanks for the report!

Sitnave wrote:
Edit: Also would you please change "Total DPS" to "DPS", and add a new "Total DPS" including hit DPS + DOT DPS? Like:

Short answer: Maybe.

Long answer:
The program already calculates an estimate of your combined DPS, and in fact this is what is used to compute node offensive power, but I don't consider it reliable enough to display to the user because there are many factors that can influence the contribution of each component (hit, dot, ignite, etc); so while the estimate is likely to be accurate for many (maybe even most) skill setups, there are also many setups where it could be wildly inaccurate.

Consider a skill that has a 25% chance to ignite: do you assume that the player will hit often enough during sustained DPS to keep ignite up 100% of the time (and how much ignite chance allows that assumption to be true?) or do you just add 25% of the ignite DPS to the combined total? The program currently assumes the former, by the way. Poison is easier though since it stacks, and hence effectively acts like a multiplier on hit damage.

Of course I could just ignore all of that and display the estimate anyway; but I'm not comfortable showing any calculation results that involved any amount of guesswork. With the current setup I feel it's better to give you the totals of each component and let you combine them according to your needs.

What could be ideal though is providing a means for the user to guide the program in calculating an accurate DPS estimate by telling it which assumptions to make... Maybe that's the long-term solution? It would also help with skills that have odd mechanics: you could tell it how many times a single Ball Lightning would hit a target, or how many secondary projectiles from Tornado Shot would hit. That's leaving the realm of simple calculations and entering simulation territory though.
Thank you for a detailed answer and all last improvements Openarl.
Loving these latest improvements! Doing my best to spread awareness of this thing too, because it's great for seriously in-depth theorycrafting.

Question: it looks like you intend to implement automatic item importing at some point in the future, but until then, is there any way to import items from the game without either opening the game or typing them up manually? Is there a way to get the item info in the correct format other than copy-pasting from the game itself?

EDIT: Okay, I tested some calculations. Added my exact gear and tree to the program and compared its numbers to in-game ones (completely unbuffed).


Most things are good. Cast speed seems like a problem - it's ignoring Faster Casting and some jewel mods totally, but also isn't even correct using the values it gives (should be ~9.6 casts per second using the numbers it lists in the sheet).

Crit chance is also a problem, I think it's ignoring Controlled Destruction.

See here for the character's gear/tree.
Have you done something awesome with [url=]Sire of Shards[/url]? PM me and tell me all about it!
Last edited by viperesque#7817 on Sep 16, 2016, 2:37:42 AM
viperesque wrote:
Question: it looks like you intend to implement automatic item importing at some point in the future, but until then, is there any way to import items from the game without either opening the game or typing them up manually? Is there a way to get the item info in the correct format other than copy-pasting from the game itself?

As it happens, I'm currently working on item/skill import. There's a bit of work involved as I'm also making some changes to the skills system to accommodate it, but it should be out in the next day or two.

viperesque wrote:
EDIT: Okay, I tested some calculations. Added my exact gear and tree to the program and compared its numbers to in-game ones (completely unbuffed).


Most things are good. Cast speed seems like a problem - it's ignoring Faster Casting and some jewel mods totally, but also isn't even correct using the values it gives (should be ~9.6 casts per second using the numbers it lists in the sheet).

Crit chance is also a problem, I think it's ignoring Controlled Destruction.

See here for the character's gear/tree.

Ok, this was a fun one. There's 2 things going on here:

Firstly, the crit chance. It seems that the "100% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies that are affected by no Elemental Status Ailments" modifier from Righteous Providence is applying at all times, instead of only applying in Effective DPS mode. It'll take a little tweaking to fix this one, but it should be in the next update. Regardless, it's not affecting the accuracy of the effective DPS calculation.

Secondly, the cast speed. Oh boy did this come as a surprise. The error is not with the program, but with the game itself! The cast speed penalty from Spell Totem Support isn't applying to the tooltip/character sheet cast rate. It does appear to be applying to the totem's actual cast rate though, so it looks like it's just a display bug.

Finally, a note regarding the tree/gear mod totals shown on the Calcs screen. These numbers only include simple modifiers (ones that don't have conditions attached such as "while Dual Wielding" or "with Fire Skills"). As such, attempting to manually derive the output numbers using only the mod totals shown there will often give a different result. That's something I'd like to improve at some point though.

Edit: It seems the totem cast speed display bug has been a known issue for a while now. So until that gets fixed, my program will actually be more accurate than the game itself. Go figure.
Last edited by Openarl#5558 on Sep 16, 2016, 6:16:56 AM
Im sorry if this was asked before, but is there an in depth guide on how to use it? Maybe even a video? Reason is that I opended it up, looked around for a bit and was mainly just confused. Skill tree is no problem, I use PoESkilltree. But the rest? Confusing, a little cluttered but I can tell that it would be a helpful tool which is why Id like to get into it. Just dont know how..
Openarl wrote:
Secondly, the cast speed. Oh boy did this come as a surprise. The error is not with the program, but with the game itself! The cast speed penalty from Spell Totem Support isn't applying to the tooltip/character sheet cast rate. It does appear to be applying to the totem's actual cast rate though, so it looks like it's just a display bug.


Well okay then! Congratulations on being better at calculating tooltips than the game itself, and thanks for the hard work and the info!
Have you done something awesome with [url=]Sire of Shards[/url]? PM me and tell me all about it!
Last edited by viperesque#7817 on Sep 16, 2016, 8:34:08 AM
Pyrollusion wrote:
Im sorry if this was asked before, but is there an in depth guide on how to use it? Maybe even a video? Reason is that I opended it up, looked around for a bit and was mainly just confused. Skill tree is no problem, I use PoESkilltree. But the rest? Confusing, a little cluttered but I can tell that it would be a helpful tool which is why Id like to get into it. Just dont know how..

I haven't created any guides or videos for the program yet; I haven't really had the time. I'm mainly focused on completing the major features at the moment, but I'll try and put together a basic guide at some point.
This tool is just awesome
- Melee Damage on Full life calculation is off by a lot (only quality is counted)
- tree is still flashing when doing a search. This is extremely hard on the eyes

Keep up the great work :)
Melpheos wrote:
This tool is just awesome
- Melee Damage on Full life calculation is off by a lot (only quality is counted)
- tree is still flashing when doing a search. This is extremely hard on the eyes

Keep up the great work :)

Melee Damage on Full Life does work, but the program doesn't assume you're always on full life so you need to tell it that that will be the case. The option is in the Calcs screen, under Conditions.

There's a major update on the way that will include changing the search highlight to a red circle. I hope to have it out in the next day or two.

Thanks for the feedback!

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