Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]

Why has the Rotting Legion body armor (Unique) never been added to any updates? It isn't a terribly good item but its hard to tinker with it when it is not available in PoE. I've seen mention of addition of other uniques in previous updates but I can never find Rotting Legion.
Good Day and thank you for creating Path of Building. I found,that the latest version does not have Barrage Support, in the Skill Gem selection drop down menu, nor will it allow you to import it from a current character. If this has already been brought to your attention, please ignore, and keep on keeping on.

Thanks again.
stupid question: how do you get mine just updates to 1.4.157
Where can i go to post some suggestions, i have a pretty cool idea that would make the POB very noob friendly not sure if you would be interested or how hard it would be to implement. Just pm me or whatever with where I can post suggestions etc. I appreciate it, just trying to make the community better.
After updating to, the Titanic Impacts and Martial Experience clusters on the passive tree don't add any benefits when allocating.
Last edited by xTartarSauce#4782 on Mar 12, 2020, 1:58:08 AM
Any1 else having problems to uptade PoB? Mine get stuck at some point and doesnt finish...
I can't find Cold Iron Point in POB newest version, is this a bug ?
still sane exile ? Nope
My PoB "Version: 1.4.159" is missing many mods for Items.
For example, i wanted to select the "Nearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistance" mod on a Helmet. Sadly i just have about 11 suffix mods i can choose from.
In a Video from "Tarke Cat", i saw that he has many more mods to choose from.
What am i doing wrong?
In 1.4.158 and 1.4.159, the Inquisitor ascendancy has migrated to the marauder area.
rnicknich wrote:
Hey, first, thank you for Path of Building, it's great and I've been using it for years.

I switched to a new video card recently (Radeon RX590) and cannot open Path of Building anymore. I tried installing old drivers but the error is still there.

I get this when I try running:
--- Render Init ---
Pixel format: need 32,24,0
--- ERROR ---
Critical error at address 00000000h:
Access violation: attempted to write to address 00000000h

I tried running as administrator but still got nothing. I tried installing on all my hard disks and same error.

Anyone have any idea of what is going on? Thank you guys! Have fun playing the game

I have this exact same problem, I had a nVidia GPU and recently got an Radeon RX580 and since the new GPU I cannot use PoB anymore.
I have wiped all the nVidia drivers completely and have wiped and reinstalled AMD drivers multiple times. Also uninstalled andd reinstalled PoB, also doesnt help it just shows this every time.

Please tell me you have solved this problem? Or anybody else have had this issue and solved it?

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