Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]

As making my own build to calc stats, the prefix Paragon's "+1 to Level of Socketed Gems" is missing from Dagger in Craft item. Please check again.
Hey guys,

I primarily use for my PoB needs so I'm unsure if what I'm about to say will apply for the normal PoB as well. Here are some things I've found while using

1) Combat Focus jewels dont seem to have the updated wildstrike effect on them.
2) Feeding frenzy doesnt seem to take into account the passive affect of, "In addition, while you have the Feeding Frenzy buff all of your minions have 10% more minion damage, 15% increased movement speed, and 15% increased attack and cast speed [1]."
3) There doesn't seem to be a way to calculate the buff Carrion Golem gets from nearby minions.

Just wanted to bring these up so they can be addressed in the future, Thanks for the program I've been using it a ton lately to create my first builds :3
Ethereal Feast cluster minor nodes work incorrectly.
Don't work yet marked as implemented.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Watcher' Eye mods are not up to date
Don't know if this has been mentioned or not, but Vermillion Rings are missing from the rare crafting list.

As a side note, it'd be nice if Incursion mods were available on the list of prefix's and Sufix's as well.
The gloves Triad Grip are also missing.
Sir ,
Inspiration is no effect on skill
Can someone tell me why the Hit Chance on a level 97 character in Path of Building is way lower (85%) than my Chance to Hit Evasive Monsters ingame (91%) when the field 'Enemy Level' in the PoB configuration is empty so it should use the max monster level 84 like the ingame tooltip?

I don't get where the difference comes from, because it's actually kinda huge...

Update: got some help from a kind person in the reddit questions thread... so after checking the accuracy values ingame and in PoB I found out that PoB does not take the +1000 flat accuracy from tempered mind in the witch area into its calculation.
check out my hideout templates at
Last edited by Noooberino#5579 on Oct 8, 2019, 5:13:40 AM
The "Bones of Ullr" in PoB are still listed as the old version from pre 3.8
Where is Triad Grip? Pleeeeaaase :)

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