Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]

Just tried to update PoB and my build was open at the time, now I cant open my build, it always crashes, other builds are fine.
Similar issues to others here, updated PoB with a build open and now I can't open any. :(

Last edited by Anherus#0087 on Aug 31, 2018, 5:47:28 PM
Anherus wrote:
Similar issues to others here, updated PoB with a build open and now I can't open any. :(

Same here. Updated 10 min ago, I can open old builds, but get the above lua errors when importing from pastebin...on any build from pastebin
Last update, cant open saved build

xml file with this build
ritor1sefa wrote:
Last update, cant open saved build

xml file with this build

The error happens as soon as your cursor highlights 'Spiritual Command' or if it is in your tree. I haven't seen any other nodes that trigger the error.
Minion damage support doesn't get taken into account with new notable Spiritual Aid
consitent error when switching from any node to Spiritual Command notable.

Consistent Error when allocating Spiritual Command notable.

Consistant error when mouseover any node while Spiritual Command is allocated

here with one of the int nodes above it

Last edited by Arizel#3639 on Aug 31, 2018, 6:43:42 PM
Quick note: the unique belt "The Nomad" (upgraded from The Magnate) is missing the "50% increased Flask Charges Gained" mod, which is present on both the Magnate and the Tactician.
I cannot find String of Servitude in the item list. Help?
Also abyssal jewels. I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

Edit: figured this one out. Still stuck on the unique belt.
Last edited by _kinimi_#7068 on Aug 31, 2018, 10:24:33 PM

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