Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]
Alright, I'll start off with the praise.
I must say, as an avid theorycrafter this has been a godsend for the past 2 days; seeing as the main problem I had with PoE was having to theorycraft "approximate" builds and then just hope they work and have to go ahead and level a whole new character (which I find incredibly tedious) just to roll it out. With this tool I've been able to determine exactly how my build would work out and not have to do any of the in-game testing! Secondly, the accuracy, depth and the amount of love you've put into this project is really praise-worthy and seeing as you constantly update this tool I feel obligated to tell you just how great this tool is and how I'll never touch the other tools out there again as words of encouragement! Keep up the amazing work you've put into the tool! Now, for the actual post. After extensively theorycrafting I've been able to put aside some feedback and suggestions for the tool that might be of interest: Firstly, as said before on this thread, I'd love to have a way to compare multiple builds while theorycrafting; This is important to have up while building so I can actively, side-to-side, (This would also include having a quick-load function on the compare tool to change both builds quickly) compare both paths (different classes/ascendencies) quickly and easily, making the process that much faster. Secondly, a big one for me, would be adding a third "list" panel for the items that would save custom items that are shared with every build. This would be great to add your own items/ideal items and quickly know which items are at your disposal on any given build and easily create new builds based on either life/es and not have to create new custom items every time, as well as knowing exactly how your own items would do (Checking all of your stashes/characters every time is incredibly tedious); I've been able to simulate this to a small extent by having one of my in-game characters have most of my good life items equipped so I can import those items onto any other life build but the custom list would be a god-send. Lastly, I'll just quickly go through small things (which may be hard to implement) that I've found would be a great addition. -Flask support -Mine/Trap DPS estimation (hard to do this one, a way to do it could be estimating the damage of your maximum capacity of traps/mines divided by however long it takes to throw/place them, could call this some sort of "burst DPS"(approximate DPS of each volley of traps/mines) or something along those lines) -Trigger DPS estimation (Might also be a hard one, but it would be great if there was a way to estimate CoC, Mjolner, Cospri's Malice DPS with normal skills or even discharge (I'd imagine Discharge would be the hardest to do) -DPS estimation for skills like Blast Rain; This can be done manually but it would just be a nice QoL improvement. (Like the one with Blade Flurry recently) That's all I can think of for the moment. Again, really great work with the tool! Last edited by simao1234#5168 on Nov 25, 2016, 6:27:37 PM
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Any way to account for power charges on the dps calc?
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Ok I just found now about the "Configuration" button, didn't noticed it before :D
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Effective DPS calculations (Ignite DPS) does not include "Is the enemy Chilled?" with Dyadus
Last edited by Sitnave#3076 on Nov 27, 2016, 5:03:47 AM
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I love this tool but the cyclone dps is wrong. It's about half of what it should be. Either that or PoE's cyclone tooltip dps is double of what it should be.
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I know its complicated but is there any way to account for double dip damage?
Last edited by Frenzir#1413 on Nov 27, 2016, 7:04:24 PM
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"Not much I can do about that, as there's no way of knowing which skills you're actually using in combat. "Not at the moment. I'll look into it though, since there's probably some uses for that. "I'll consider it. "1. I'll be adding some basic jewel templates in the next update. 2. It's on the TODO list, but there's a bit of work involved 3. The ability to have multiple passive specs within one build is something I plan to add soon, although probably not in the next update. Hopefully I'll be able to allow comparisons between specs "That should have been fixed in 1.2.16. Is that not the case? Because I can't reproduce this. "Minion and Minion support gems in general aren't supported yet, since the program doesn't do minion stat calculations yet. Summon Lightning Golem however is currently bugged as the attack/cast speed buff isn't working. That's fixed in the next update. "I do plan on adding a library for custom items, but for now you can copy/paste them between builds. "Elemental Equilibrium isn't supported yet, but you can simulate it by setting the enemy resistances in the Configuration tab. "It's on the TODO list, but not a big priority at the moment. "It is planned, but I need to find the time to work on it. "See answer to flip1 "Regarding flasks, see answer to tayfun3692. The rest fall under the general banner of "more detailed simulation of skills", which is something that gets very complex, very quickly. There's a reason I don't do that stuff yet! It'd be nice of course, but not something you're likely to see any time soon. "I'll add support for that modifier in the next update. "Cyclone's DPS is difficult to estimate because of the first hit penalty. The program's calculation doesn't match the game's, but technically neither of them are correct; but I will see if I can get them to match. "Clarify? The program already handles double dipping for poison/ignite etc. |
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Hey man, it PoB supporting import character weapon swap items yet? Btw, if you have the time, please consider adding The Tempestuous Steel "Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate 30% Elemental Resistances", thanks a ton for your contribution to the community.
AllanPls - A Poe.Trade-inspired style for the official Path of Exile Trade website (v0.1.2) Last edited by surVfate#7492 on Nov 28, 2016, 3:54:11 AM
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" Well me neither, I guess you fixed it in 1.2.15. Sorry for the inconvenience. " I was mostly thinking about resistances(+elemental type) and life (just as The same colors would be nice as well (orange rather red for fire, yellow-greenish for light, ...). I think it would help to find information faster. " Yes. I often find myself pressing "Back" and opening the build again because I don't remember what changed I made since last save. Thank you for the quick fixes! I also realized that my previous post was very direct, sorry about that. My feedback and "features" were more like suggestions. In any case, thank you for taking them into consideration! Last edited by thowthoww#5273 on Nov 28, 2016, 7:03:46 AM
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Another bug: the melee damage on full life gem is bugged. only its quality bonus gives dps. Its big bonus from %more damage doesn't work at all.
edit: nvm i just found the always on full life option. Last edited by otinanai2#4995 on Nov 28, 2016, 3:43:39 PM
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