Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]

Hi, I have 100% chance to poison from cospris will and assassin passive noxious strike.

I plan to use ethereal knives to do the poison damage.

My Question is why does spell damage not increase in the damage of the poison? I added a dagger with 80% spell damage which would increase the damage of ethereal knives but the damage of my poison did not increase in path of building.

Can anyone explain why?
So I tested a elemental based build in PoB, found an interesting interaction with wise oak flask

Assuming I have 100% res in fire cold lightning and +1 maximum fire res from the barbarism life cluster, PoB shows that wise oak turns into highest res: fire, meanwhile if i put fire at 99% res and +1(barbarism) and cold/lightning at 100% it shows that wise oak is balanced out as equal in all elements.

Is this a coding error or is +1 max res counted as 1 res for wise oak?
ign: DreamsofIllusions
There seems to be a wrong value in PoB 1.4.58 for Summon Skeleton Caster at level 20 - at levels 1-19 it grows smoothly, but at 20 it suddenly jumps about three times as high.
Last edited by EpicFail42#7165 on Aug 13, 2017, 10:17:33 PM
Hi, i have tested the Brinerot Mark unique ring with a Stone Golem gem, and it seems that PoB is not taking into consideration the 25% increased effect of buffs granted, only the +3 to gem level.

so my question is why doesn't this show dps for earthquake? The damage calculations is completely blank for earthquake, no dps, no average damage for initial or aftershocks.
The calculation on Assassin's Mark is all wrong in version 1.4.58.
Diablo2k7 wrote:
it looks crazy after i import a pastebin link build for my scion :(

here a screenshoot

and here the pastebin link
Assuming you're referring to the passive nodes being black/red/blue, that's the "Show Node Power" option; the checkbox for it is below the passive tree.

dantven wrote:
Minor bug: Storm cascade (from harbinger unique sword) cannot be supported with spell echo since it's a triggered spell
Spell Echo is a valid support gem for Storm Cascade, even if it doesn't actually work in-game.

DanielIsI wrote:
Hello! I'm trying to use PoB to import my slayer, but every time I enter my account name to import it gives me a 403 error. What am I doing wrong?
What version are you using? That issue should have been fixed in 1.4.57; if you're using that version or newer, could you show the exact error message?

DiegoWeiller wrote:
Elemental Damage with Attacks Affects SRS now? Cause its saying so...
Edit: Ruthless Support also '-'
EDwA now applies to unarmed attacks as well as attacks with weapons, so it does indeed apply to SRS. As for Ruthless, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't also work, although I haven't actually tested it.

Sitnave wrote:
Thank you for a fast answer Openarl.

Can you add a Config options for Vinktar and VLT for Effective DPS calculations according to 3.0 patch notes and Shock changes?

[] Is enemy affected by Vessel of Vinktar's shock aura? (*1.1)
[] Is enemy on a shocked ground from Vaal Lightning Trap? (*1.15)
Support for the new shock mechanics is still pending; I need to find the time to work out a good way of handling it.

Casia wrote:
Hey, Openarl.
I see you added a charged dash button.
Your option has a flat 0-100% more modifier based on travel distance that scales linear. Is this based off assumptions or actual datamining? steady increase vs a flat 100% more, only at the end.

Also, the rest of the charged dash calcs are totally wrong. The current system can't really handle it.
The skill description strongly implies that the bonus scales with distance, so the only question is how exactly it scales, and linear seems like the only reasonable option. As for the calculations being inaccurate, that is true for many skills with complex mechanics (e.g Firestorm and Ball Lightning); but I've made a decision not to pursue detailed simulation of such skills for the time being, as it is quite a big can of worms to be opening. Although in this case, as the skill DPS does scale with attack rate (breakpoints notwithstanding) and average damage, the program's output is still fairly useful for optimising the skill.

RagnarokChu wrote:
Does PoE builder properly calculate CoC spells or corpsi's in general?
It does not currently.

klipok wrote:
Wrong value on Pyre, Sapphire Ring. Inc. burning damage is 80-100% instead of actual 60-80%.
Fixed in the next update.

Omega_Philosopher wrote:
Blink/mirror arrow clones don't have an attack speed cap anymore! Please update so I can see exciting new nubmers =3
The next update will remove the cap.

CaptainWARLORD wrote:
Hi, can you do me a favour and please add "Wicker Man" as Spectre? Thanks :)
Unfortunately I can't add new spectres from 3.0 yet (or update old ones), as there's a new scaling mechanism used for monster and minion spells that I haven't been able to reverse engineer quite yet.

Kylis wrote:
Could we get a check box in configuration for attacked recently and casted recently? Seems like things like the Inquisitors Instruments of Virtue are devalued a bit by the lack of that.
Those options are present, but like most options they won't appear unless they can have an effect, which in this case requires having Instruments of Virtue allocated.

DrOwnage wrote:
PoB always shows a much higher dps than the ingame tooltip dps. Can someone explain why this is the case?
Path of Building takes many things into account that the in-game tooltip does not, such as curses and resistance/penetration, so it often shows a higher output.

GALLYmanson wrote:
hi,new user here
anyone get "wrong" HP calcs ?

it show 2929 hp and in game i have 4860 :)

anyone can tell me where i fucked up ? :)

Did you set your character level correctly? The option is at the top, next to the class selection.

RabidRabbit wrote:
For a skill with the Maim Support, "maim" shows up under curses and debuffs for effective damage, but the extra phys damage taken isn't calculated unless "enemy is maimed" is explicitly selected in configuration. Is this intended?
It is intended that the extra damage only applies when that option is selected, as it allows the bonus damage to be toggled on and off without having to disable the gem entirely. Ideally the debuff wouldn't show up if the option was disabled, but I don't have the technical capability to do that at the moment.

ericsundiu wrote:
Thanks this is really helpful. i recently start playing this game and i think this tool help me a lot.
Is it possible to sync character process? at the moment i have to re-download my character everytime i open it in order to resync my progress. it would be nice if i can save that character profile and the programme grab my character's progress automatically
please forgive me if the above feature is already available. I am fairly new to this
That's an interesting idea. It may be a little tricky to manage though, as I want to avoid saving character/account names within a build. I'll make a note to look into it when I have the time.

Garfunkel wrote:
Please , look at this thread -

so maybe the dps calculation of Ruthless support gem for Blade Flurry is not correct.
Perhaps; but if it does work that way, then how am I to simulate it correctly?

totalenigma wrote:
Damage on full Life
does not work in builder , it should support all "Attack" type skills with "More" damage
KIAEddZ wrote:
Confirmed it isnt calculating.
It does work, but you need to set the "Are you always on Full Life?" option in the Configuration tab; but like most options it won't appear unless it can have some effect, which in this case requires having Damage on Full Life linked to your main skill (although I'm considering removing that requirement in this specific case, due to the number of false bug reports about it).

defrostedgamer wrote:
Currently, when people want to share a PoB link, they upload the output to pastebin, then provide the shortened pastebin link. To try to streamline the sharing up builds, below is a humbly offered set of ideas for some new features.

New feature request: User accounts. Online build list. New build sharing options.
That is one of the first feature requests I received for the program, but unfortunately I don't have experience setting up things like that, so I don't know if or when it is likely to happen.

DippeltjeOrRiot wrote:
Hi, im trying to load my characters but it says my profile is private. I don't know why it keeps saying that because i set it on public..

Any tips on gettting it to work?
That's odd; I had no trouble importing any of your characters.

uit wrote:
Hello, I've linked Herald of Ice with the new helm (Tempest's Binding) and gems don't seem to work. What's happening?
Are you sure you have Herald of Ice's Socket Group socketed into the helmet? The supports from the helmet seem to apply just fine to Herald of Ice.

PraetorianMKII wrote:
I have one question about bleeding calculation. On the screen below, there is detailed math about it, and i agree with all parts except "8252.5 * 0.70 = 7930.9", because from all things i know it is should be 5776.75. So the question is: am i missing something important, or the program does?:)
Ah, it seems the breakdown for the Bleed calculation is leaving out the step involving the Ruthless Blow effect modifier; that's fixed in the next update.
Also would be really nice to see some way to analyze your real Bleeding DPS, i mean with Ruthless Support gem and Crimson Dance keystone, which not counted well together atm.
It would indeed be nice, however the calculations involved aren't quite so nice due to the number of factors that have to be taken into account, so it isn't something I'm likely to get around to working on any time soon.

alhazred70 wrote:
Yes but you could actually make some income off it unlike the PC version where everyone expects tools like these to be free.

What I'm saying is you would definitely make money off an app store version of PoB. I bought POEMate which next to yours is probably the most fully featured build planner, and I was happy to buy the app, and help support the guy who made it.

In any case great planner man.
I have very little interest in actually making money from this program; I only set up my Patreon after numerous requests from users who wanted to compensate me for my work. Anyway, as I said the amount of work required would be immense, and the existing version of the program would suffer from the loss of development time while working on a mobile version, so it isn't something I'll be looking into for a while.

Grownupfun wrote:
Not all boot enchants are showing accurately/if at all for minions.

The one I can confirm 100% is the Adds 1 to XX Lightning Damage if you haven't killed recently.

As a pure summoner I never Kill, thus this is always up. It DOES ACTUALLY increase the damage in game. Both on the minion character sheets and actually dealing lightning damage.
Any damage shown on the in-game character sheet for minion skills is 100% meaningless, and cannot be taken as proof that any give effect is actually applying to the minion itself. For those enchantments to apply to minions would be contrary to game mechanics, as minions do not benefit from the player's stats.

However, I did test it, just in case there was something special about those enchantments. I summoned a Zombie on a character with the Fire version (Adds X-Y Fire Damage if you've Killed Recently), and allowed it to hit enemies while I was killing often enough to keep the extra damage active, and found that it only ever dealt Physical Damage (there were no flames in the hit animation, nor did it ever Ignite an enemy). So I believe that Path of Building's handling of those modifiers is correct.

SerLynn wrote:
There seems to be a bug in the Weapon Set functionality, where skills socketed in swapped weapons cannot receive +X to gems from the swap weapons. For example, if I have a +3 fire staff with the same SRS skill gems in both weapon sets, there is a change in DPS equal to what you would get with no weapon when you change the weapon set.

Example PoB pastebin:
Fixed in the next update.

ShiningMeow wrote:
Quick report on Widowmaker unique dagger.

{variant:1}{range:0.5}Adds (15-25) to (35-45) Physical Damage
{variant:1}{range:0.5}Adds (35-40) to (55-60) Physical Damage

As you can see, it's doubled listed for the pre-3.0.0 and hence missing the stat for current.
Fixed in the next update.

Deciem wrote:
Hi, I have 100% chance to poison from cospris will and assassin passive noxious strike.

I plan to use ethereal knives to do the poison damage.

My Question is why does spell damage not increase in the damage of the poison? I added a dagger with 80% spell damage which would increase the damage of ethereal knives but the damage of my poison did not increase in path of building.

Can anyone explain why?
Ailments, including Poison, do not benefit from modifiers to Spell Damage, and never have, with the exception of certain spells pre 3.0.0, such as Essence Drain and Vortex.

polo2005 wrote:
So I tested a elemental based build in PoB, found an interesting interaction with wise oak flask

Assuming I have 100% res in fire cold lightning and +1 maximum fire res from the barbarism life cluster, PoB shows that wise oak turns into highest res: fire, meanwhile if i put fire at 99% res and +1(barbarism) and cold/lightning at 100% it shows that wise oak is balanced out as equal in all elements.

Is this a coding error or is +1 max res counted as 1 res for wise oak?
Where are you reading your total resistances from? If you're going by the "X Res. Over Max" in the sidebar, then you need to be aware that those stats factor in increases to your maximum resistances, so if the sidebar shows "Fire Res. Over Max: 24%" and you have 76% maximum Fire Resistance, then your total Fire Resistance is 100%.

EpicFail42 wrote:
There seems to be a wrong value in PoB 1.4.58 for Summon Skeleton Caster at level 20 - at levels 1-19 it grows smoothly, but at 20 it suddenly jumps about three times as high.
The data for Skeleton Caster's spells hasn't been updated yet, as there's a new scaling mechanism used in 3.0 that I haven't been able to reverse engineer.

ThePlash wrote:
Hi, i have tested the Brinerot Mark unique ring with a Stone Golem gem, and it seems that PoB is not taking into consideration the 25% increased effect of buffs granted, only the +3 to gem level.

Ah, I think I managed to break that when I reworked Socketed Gem modifiers to also apply to minions. It'll be fixed in the next update.

Imp1830 wrote:
so my question is why doesn't this show dps for earthquake? The damage calculations is completely blank for earthquake, no dps, no average damage for initial or aftershocks.
If you're not seeing any damage calculations then it means you don't have a compatible weapon equipped. That reminds me though, I really need to add a message somewhere that informs you if a skill is disabled in that way.

peterho0218 wrote:
The calculation on Assassin's Mark is all wrong in version 1.4.58.
Could you clarify, please? I'm not aware of any issues with that skill.
A problem: All of my armors that I have copy and pasted in from the game default to 20% Quality. Is there a way to change this so that my defense numbers are accurate? Thank you!
is there any plans for level by level passive planer ?
like on what level pick what
Openarl wrote:
Perhaps; but if it does work that way, then how am I to simulate it correctly?

For 'Release at 6 stages'- calculate is like 12 non-ruthless hits then 6 all-ruthless hits. Then repeat.
Though technically we would get same 6 ruthless blows in each 18 hits but maybe it has some effect on the total DPS calculation? I don't know really
Last edited by Garfunkel#1567 on Aug 14, 2017, 12:05:16 PM

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