[FERRUM] Iron Heights - Small, friendly guild looking to add new players!

I'm new to PoE but I came from a lot of D3, just looking for some peeps to play with to make the grind a bit less of a snooze. I'm super chill and don't gear hog. I have discord and a headset if you guys are down with that.
I just came back to the game and it sounds like you guys are right up my alley, namely social and friendly. Would love to play video games with y'all.
would love to join, fairly new. d2 player. madricks911 is steam and maverent is current poe.
Hey there! Was looking through the forums for a guild and y'all caught my eye! Pretty damn new to the game, just looking for some friends and tips and whatnot. I've played many ARPG's but this one is extremely intimidating! Thanks! Hit me up in game! Steam name is Cordell, in game name is Sylastian.
Last edited by cordellgaming#2405 on Nov 21, 2016, 1:49:11 PM
I'm fairly experienced but tired of playing alone. Looking for a group to party up with.

I like coaching new players and discussing game mechanics :)

Hey there!

Hoping you may have a spot in your guild for me. I'm slowly becoming more of a hardcore player, but still only have a lvl 86 as my highest. Would love to join though, I've been looking for a good group of people to hang around with while I play.

In game name is AdrikFirefist :)

Wanted to provide an update for anyone that still wants to know about the guild's overall status.

So, about a month ago someone close to me passed away unexpectedly. Since then I've neglected the guild when it came to adding people, helping our new players, generally being online more ofen, responding to messages, discord, etc etc. Many people left (Which is fine by the way - people should come and go in order find a guild that fits them best) And if anyone has been waiting on me for anything, I apologize for not getting back to you.

I'm doing better now, so I will try and get back to people within the next couple days as free time shows up. Hoping to be well prepared for Breach.

With that said, I have a few housekeeping announcements:

The last month made me realize that unexpected stuff will come up, and I can't (and shouldn't) be the only person running the guild. Reality is, I'm human and I'm going to fuck up now and then. So, I'm looking for players that would like to apply and become guild officers. Responsibilities would include simple stuff like adding new players/kicking inactive members, and anything else that comes up along the way. I want to keep the whole application thing as informal as possible, but I do want to make sure to only take on officers that will actively contribute. I've always wanted the guild to be a communally ran group in general, and I want officers to really feel like they have a say in how the guild is run.
Send me whatever experience you have managing online communities, or any group in general where you had to co-administrate with other people. This will be limited to experienced players only (I don't have any exact measurement for this) and players that have some sort of public reliability/trust (Say you do atziri service and have nothing but great reviews - that's perfect!) I just want to make sure I don't take on someone who will clear out our guild stash full of 1c uniques and disappear.

Also, the guild is running out of open spots. We are still looking for more players, but I'm going to ask people to chip in some points to the guild account so we can purchase new member spots. I am tight on funds after purchasing the spots that we do have. More info about how this works here. I can't personally take points out once they've been donated, so don't worry about your points going to waste. It is absolutely not a requirement for members to donate, but the reality is that if people want the guild to grow, we need more member slots.

Finally, I am going to soon trash the discord server that we have now and create a new one. This is just due to admin privileges that I don't have on the current server. I will need members to join the server as I want to try and use it as a permanent place to post announcements and the like.

I'll try to respond to the backlog of requests and any new messages over the next couple days. Sit tight if I can't respond right away - sorry for the trouble
Last edited by Jermermerm#3537 on Dec 1, 2016, 12:45:29 PM
Howdy Ho.

I'm a new player (just 2 days in now) who's been playing exclusively hardcore ( like the danger). I haven't died yet, but it's coming, i'm sure. It'd be cool to have a guild to cry to when it happens. Also i have no idea what i'm doing :-p

Well i have found your guild i have played this game (this is my second day) ive made it to lvl 21 and by the end of today im hoping for almost 40. i have played diablo 3 diablo 2 and i found this game after awhile, even though it is a bit complex im hoping to learn it fast... if you would have me id love to join
fairly new player but looking to join a fun and friendly guild
pls pm :))
Last edited by brennenk#2363 on May 7, 2017, 11:48:24 PM

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