Cumulative Atlas Completion Bonus

^ Ever-increasing level cap... no thanks.

You answer your own question, btw.

Why is GGG so stingy about map drops:


After a few days (for those who level quickly) or a week or more (for those who level slowly) maps are the only part of the game where players can continue progressing.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
DalaiLama wrote:
Chris wrote:
Old Atlas Bonus: 1% cumulative bonus to map drop rate per map completed (up to 123~125%). Overall map drops reduced by 33% to compensate at lower levels.

? Unless I am overlooking something, 1.25 x .67 = 82.5% map drops - so even someone who had completed a large chunk of the Atlas would be taking close to a 20% hit on the number of maps dropped.
The total Atlas bonus of 125% is cumulative which I assume means adding up to the default drop rate of 100%. That's (1.00+1.25) * 0.67 = 2.25 * 0.67 = 150.75%. After that the value is multiplicative with the map's quantity bonus. For example a quantity of 150% equals a multiplier of 250% with Atlas bonus of 125%, again equals 225%, altogether would have been 2.5 * 2.25 * 0.67 = 376.875%.
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Perq wrote:
^ Ever-increasing level cap... no thanks.

You answer your own question, btw.

Why is GGG so stingy about map drops:


After a few days (for those who level quickly) or a week or more (for those who level slowly) maps are the only part of the game where players can continue progressing.

Even more reason to not be stingy with map drops or force us to go to a lower tier when we're progressing. The entire system doesn't make sense.
Vote +1 to change Path of Exile to Path of Nerfs.
We hate to say, but ProjectPT was right.
See an awful lot of whining over a T1 becoming a T2 or T3... But with the currency coming out you can upgrade a map from T# to T#+5. So from my understanding the T1's won't be completely phased out, they will just be T1+1-2, effectively increasing the difficulty of the map as well as the item level and rewards. I could be entirely wrong though but my understanding makes more sense to me than thinking that GGG would completely phase out t1 maps.
I really don't get why so many people are so mad about this change. The new system seems way better for the player then the old one. I'd rather have better maps than twice as much of the shitty ones. If i had the choice between 2 t11 maps and 1 t12 i'd take the t12, especially since i need 3 t11 to upgrade to t12.
I for one am really happy with this and i would be kinda bummed out if the change got reverted based on the feedback of people who didn't even take a second to think about it.
I'm curious if rare/magic mobs will be able to drop +2 maps (assuming you've got a +2 map completed on the atlas). If not, then this change is really just "whatever you used to be able to sustain, now you'll be able to sustain 1 level higher". I liked the idea of map quantity being buffed at higher tiers if you put in the effort. I feel like a buff to drop rates at lower tiers to compensate for the 33% reduction would have been a better change.

Of course the control you'll have over your map pool is still an awesome change, so I'm not going to complain too much.
How Fusings Work:

IGN: TheHammer
Last edited by TehHammer#0539 on Aug 29, 2016, 8:07:41 AM
TehHammer wrote:
I'm curious if rare/magic mobs will be able to drop +2 maps (assuming you've got a +2 map completed on the atlas). If not, then this change is really just "whatever you used to be able to sustain, now you'll be able to sustain 1 level higher". I liked the idea of map quantity being buffed at higher tiers if you put in the effort. I feel like a buff to drop rates at lower tiers to compensate for the 33% reduction would have been a better change.

White mobs on T7 map can drop MAX T7 maps.
Magic mobs on T7 map can drop MAX T8 maps.

But it is MAX, not MIN.
With this bonus of 100%+ you will always get 1 tier higher, CLOSER to MAX drop level restriction, Not over it!
You all assume that T7 mobs drop only T7 maps? NO, they drop T1-T7 maps, and with this bonus you can get T7 maps at T6 drop chance, and so on!

On T1 maps this bonus doesn't work on white mobs, because MAX = MIN = 1 tier!
Last edited by CBEToffOP#6515 on Aug 29, 2016, 8:03:41 AM
TehHammer wrote:
I feel like a buff to drop rates at lower tiers to compensate for the 33% reduction would have been a better change.

it would have helped until people explored the whole atlas, then it would have congested their "lower tier map tabs".

this could have been countered by a better map trading recipe, maybe 5 maps of the same type for a map +2 but ... we'll see

TehHammer wrote:

I'm curious if rare/magic mobs will be able to drop +2 maps

chris wrote:

Correct, if you're in a tier 11 map then the boss can drop a tier 13 map at most. It's just a lot more likely if you have a huge bonus.

same will be valid for magic mobs, they get a greater chance to drop +1 tier maps.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio#1992 on Aug 29, 2016, 8:07:03 AM
Perhaps the logic is the map has a +2 cap, not the mob?
How Fusings Work:

IGN: TheHammer
dulahan200 wrote:
If the only problem you are trying to combat is possible map starvation of lower tiers, I propose an alternative. Keep "base" map drops as they are now but change the slope of bonus map drops.

For example, low tier maps grant 0.5%, mid tier 1%, high tier 1.5% cumulative bonus to map drop rate. This way you can balance the numbers to your endgame expectations without affecting the early maps of new players. At the same time, you enforce the identity of the different tiers, not only in a difficulty level (range of mods) but on a reward level (atlas progression).

Haven't read the whole thread yet, but this seems like a very good solution. Solves all stated issues with the added bonus of challenging the players who want to be picky about their T10+ in just how picky they want to be.

The GGG solution seems fine though. Will your T4s become T5s? Yes. But your 11s will become red too. Basically, take your map pool at its best sustained level in Prophecy. Then shift it up 1.25 tiers. I like the look of that. As an added bonus to this solution, it incentivizes rolling your maps to the max possible IIQ and packsize again in a way that a 'free' 125% quantity wouldn't have.

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