⚔️ Inmortales-active guild (170 members) is recruiting for POE 2/POE 1 ,active discord! ⚔️

Hello all. I'm interested in joining your guild. Thanks for your consideration!

1.The league You are planning to play ( temp.SC\HC/SSF) - SC Heist
2.Your IGN in game (not Your account name ! ) - Twirler_In_The_Night
3.The Gateway/Region do You play on. - US DC Server
Hello all. I'm interested in joining your guild.I am very active at league.

1.The league You are planning to play ( temp.SC\HC/SSF) - SC Heist
2.Your IGN in game (not Your account name ! ) - DemonAdvocateSS
3.The Gateway/Region do You play on. - Amsterdam EU
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
2- Burguer_King_Foot_Letuce

Player since beta, I stopped the game for a few years after our daughter birth.
Restarted the game since 3 leagues, enjoying it a lot again :-)

1) Softcore
2) Valmedar (in Heist: ValmedHeist)
3) EU (based in luxemburg) usually logged on Amsterdam or Frankfurt
1- SC Heist
2- BobMaurao
3- Brazil
play poe since delerium leauge very active on satururday and sunday

1.The league You are planning to play ( temp.SC\HC/SSF) Only SC league
2.Your IGN in game (not Your account name ! ) Aurabuffy
3.The Gateway/Region do You play on. Eu amsterdam
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
1.The league You are planning to play Heist SC
2.Your IGN in game Fredooh
3.The Gateway/Region Brazil

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