ZiggyD's Guardian of the Hydra Showcase

Bow-Hype. Man i love that bowdesign. Reminds me of the awesome "Arrowsong" Bow from WoW.
Morgoth2356 wrote:
johnKeys wrote:
yet another clusterfuck fight and huge-damage attacks with zero warning or time to react.
.... did you just fire the guy who designed Vaal Oversoul in Beta?
because I think you should give him a call.

Malachai syndrome.

You're coloring the past with a shiny glow it never really had. Back then the only ways to die to Vaal Oversoul if you were not sleeping on your keyboard were either to be RNG'd out by a rock fall quickly followed by a laser shot (nice skill requirement) or getting dsycn'd and slammed to death when you thought the Oversoul was 5 miles away from you. The fight was hard because DPS was way lower back then so you had to stay longer in that unfair environment.

lol, its true the removal of desync changed the game so much. I refused to play Palace Dominus with life based melee before lockstep, youd just randomly die and then it turns out one of his explody mobs actually walked up to you and 1 shot suicidevested your character, despite that same mob being offscreen from what you were seeing. Dominus fires his lasers, you run behind a wall, and then fall over dead? Then the game posts you a little 'oh btw dominus is actually the other side of that wall with you, here let me resync your game so you can see what killed you'. It was total bullshit. Basically go in with a bow or a spell, stay at the bottom and just edgeofscreen dps him during phase 1, only way to bring the odds of bs death back to acceptable back then.

Now its a fairly simple mechanical boss, you just go through the motions, any build style, take it down, if you die it was totally your fault and youll be left laughing at what an idiot you are rather than saying "wtf?!?!?!?!" followed by /OOS followed by "OMG FIX UR FUCKING GAME ARGGHHHH BABYRAGE!!!!".

Wiesl_1404 wrote:

Melee is always at an disadvantage:
There is no bossfight in this game where playing melee is strictly favoured.

I agree with a fair amount of what uve said. This tho, Im not sure its 100%, I would say Jungle Valley boss atm is a joke for melee and then a bit of a nightmare for a lot of middle of the road ranged builds. Uber Izaro is another fight were a lot of melee builds take virtually no damage at all, you could kill him with 2k tooltip cyclone, might take you half an hour of constantly hitting him but when you arnt taking any damage it doesnt matter. Theres a lot of spell and bow builds on the other hand who are in legit danger during that fight.

But, as has been said, when you then get to the point where you can 2 shot him without needing to tank anything, then it simply becomes both styles never die but the insane dps trapper or whatever is just way quicker to the same easy end.

Dr1MaR wrote:
This makes me happy and sad at the same time. Happy because new challenging difficult content. Sad because HC will keep dying off because HC is not rewarding or any different from SC league. My hopes are for GGG to implement something to motivate people to play HC leagues.

but isnt that kind of saying hc has taken a hit because GGG no longer makes SC players feel like they have to play some HC to get these rewards?

I feel that if HC cant hold its own without bribing the player base then its fucked anyway.

Personally I dont find the lack of exclusive reward a problem, the reason I havent played HC in a long time is because every league im playing sc and dying 10+ times in the first few days due to game performance. Running a PC that was fairly high end only a few years ago, this game is like 3x older than my pc and my game is literally freezing up for multiple seconds regularly in most new leagues due to some sort of fucked up code/content theyve added.

Then theres lab, which I outlevel by at least 10 levels even in softcore while playing hc style defense builds just so I have enough life pool to not be virtually 1 shotted by the boss. Getting to the boss if my net lags out on a trap Im dead, game over. Good thing I live in london and have a 5 ping to london servers? All except GGGs london server where I get a 25 to 30 ping which is the same sort of ping I get to most German servers that are multiple countries away from me rather than within 2 miles of my house. This is what makes me personally look at HC and just say no now days.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
can't wait!!!!!!!!!
1) I love the part where he almost gets bursted in the span of .001 seconds, and only survives because of CwDT+IC and Vaal Pact. Truly reflects the state of PoE.

2) Oh look, another boss covered in MTX armor. How silly of me to think they would put the effort into modelling an actual hydra instead of another glorified mannequin showing off stuff you can buy.

3) Passive omnidirectional projectile spam, because why design an interesting fight when you can just coat the screen in damage?
This is a buff™
If ZiggyD can handle it I guess it'll be pretty easy.

AkuTenshiiZero wrote:
2) Oh look, another boss covered in MTX armor. How silly of me to think they would put the effort into modelling an actual hydra instead of another glorified mannequin showing off stuff you can buy.

They literally announced with the supporter packs that the armour set is specifically the same as what the bosses wear.
Last edited by codetaku#0468 on Aug 19, 2016, 7:41:15 AM
pingo52 wrote:
SunL4D2 wrote:
RIP Melee chars?

RIP Melee chars.


Melee in poe ? THeir is like 3 melee skill... Melee in poe is just ranged attack with melee weapon XD
Just watched the video again...

This boss isn't currently immune to knockback it seems. As a long term player i would asume you can fuck up the bosses AI with reverse knockback and a fast hitting skill like Cyclone.

If you stand on top of a ranged enemy in PoE and can keep your postion the enemy always tries to walk out of your hitbox so they don't overlap anymore - when he has done that he starts attacking you again. If isn't able to do that he gets stuck in a loop of trying gaining some distance on your character model.

With reverse knockback you can keep the boss on top of you and he won't be ever to perform another action on you.

TLDR: GGG, please make all guardian bosses and the Shaper "immune to knockback" to prevent cheezing, thanks!
I_NO wrote:
AdFinitum wrote:
Is ProjectPT here ? This is ZiggyD fighting Hydra with a 6 link doing almost no damage to the boss and getting one shot. Refering to Powercreep : Not enough powercreep for you to progress past Hydra I think. I am very curious if you will even be able to reach the center of Atlas next season with 3 more bosses of this magnitude to defeat.

Easy game with too much power creep lul ( how irrational ). Power creep is adding power without appropriate content - I cant see this happen in PoE to the exaggerated degree some veteran players pretend it to happen. Can only hope not too many people fall for your pseudo elaborate attitude while swearing being your most used argument. I can only assume you are looking for ways to justify your rage about some previous changes you don't like.

Either his build is fucking terrible or the boss has a billion health whichever the case is.

Id say since it T16 the boss has a fuck ton of life.. As well it should thats a great way to bring more challenging interesting boss fights so you actually have to negotiate the mechanics no matter how much DPS your packing. Mechanics that Malachi, Atziri, and Darresso are also good for this to make sure no matter how powerful your build is damage wise you still have to do all the mechanics and such. Since there are phases to their life bar. Dont worry though im quite sure all the people crying the game is too easy will be right back to cry about the boss's being way too hard and overtuned and need to be nerf right on schedule.

cgexile wrote:

He's using Reach that got nerfed in to the ground and no longer even Dried Lake viable.

No hes not hes using a crafted Harbinger... around 500 PDPS according to Reddit.
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz#1375 on Aug 19, 2016, 8:28:42 AM
Any fight where you need to read the boss and pay attention to environment is fun, unless it's a cluster****. Both minotaur and hydra looks clear, good job GGG!

Would be cool if you let OTHER streamers do other bosses though, it would enhance the flavors. I don't think it's gonna happen...?
Not personally a huge fan of Bullet Hell bosses (because I'm bad at them) but I still think they're awesome. Interactivity is always a good thing, because standing in a corner spamming spells is boring.

Speaking of which..



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