Get Another Free Darkness Mystery Box!

Ianpact wrote:
I want it to be known that I really appreciate the work and dedication of the people who work for Grinding Gear Games. While the game is not actually the type of game that I truly want, it has still managed to be my favorite game that I have had the chance to play to date. It is awe inspiring to watch this game develop over the years and I look forward to what is to come.

While I will happily continue to support all of you at Grinding Gear Games by buying support packs and individual purchases, I will no longer do so via the gamble box gimmick. At least not as long as it continues in it's current form. I am tired of getting duel or more of items that there is little to no reason to have multiple copies of. What was suppose to be an opportunity to get some great items for cheap has too often resulted in an absurd amount of duplicates and an inability to acquire the desired items.

I would of course never tell you to stop selling the gamble boxes when you obviously make so much from them, according to your own account that it is a top seller. However, I do hope that you will consider reworking them and perhaps MTXs in general in the future, preferably sooner than later.

Personally I would be happy to purchase items in this way, gladly accepting even the items I didn't want, if it would perhaps remove the already acquired items from the pool of chance with a few exceptions (ex. the firework varieties) at least until we had managed to collect all that could be. Even if it took until the last item being the one I wish to get. Another option might be to allow a trade-in system that would let us return an item for another chance at the gamble. Or perhaps even the ability to exchange or gift items to others so that they do not go to waste.

On a side note, I really hope that MTX stash improvements are coming soon. I currently only have four tabs (soon to be five after the next supporter pack purchase) and the inability to organize the stash or keep track of where used MTXs are can be quite irritating. I can only assume that those with far more tabs than I must have superior minds to me as I think I would lose it had I had to deal with all the MTXs that top tier packs come with.

+1 To this. I am tired of this gambling thing. Sell me what I want or I am not buying anything.
Ianpact wrote:
I want it to be known that I really appreciate the work and dedication of the people who work for Grinding Gear Games. While the game is not actually the type of game that I truly want, it has still managed to be my favorite game that I have had the chance to play to date. It is awe inspiring to watch this game develop over the years and I look forward to what is to come.

While I will happily continue to support all of you at Grinding Gear Games by buying support packs and individual purchases, I will no longer do so via the gamble box gimmick. At least not as long as it continues in it's current form. I am tired of getting duel or more of items that there is little to no reason to have multiple copies of. What was suppose to be an opportunity to get some great items for cheap has too often resulted in an absurd amount of duplicates and an inability to acquire the desired items.

I would of course never tell you to stop selling the gamble boxes when you obviously make so much from them, according to your own account that it is a top seller. However, I do hope that you will consider reworking them and perhaps MTXs in general in the future, preferably sooner than later.

Personally I would be happy to purchase items in this way, gladly accepting even the items I didn't want, if it would perhaps remove the already acquired items from the pool of chance with a few exceptions (ex. the firework varieties) at least until we had managed to collect all that could be. Even if it took until the last item being the one I wish to get. Another option might be to allow a trade-in system that would let us return an item for another chance at the gamble. Or perhaps even the ability to exchange or gift items to others so that they do not go to waste.

On a side note, I really hope that MTX stash improvements are coming soon. I currently only have four tabs (soon to be five after the next supporter pack purchase) and the inability to organize the stash or keep track of where used MTXs are can be quite irritating. I can only assume that those with far more tabs than I must have superior minds to me as I think I would lose it had I had to deal with all the MTXs that top tier packs come with.

Thank you for all that you do.

best 25points ever:D
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Of course you do this after the last premium stash tab bundle deal of the Prophecy league is gone. And the first offer ended before that bundle. Well, I wouldn't have gotten anything nice anyway.
Had 5 points leftover from buying stash tabs so I figured what the hell.


That's a win.
Yeah Rain. Thanks for the event anyways, getting free stuff is fun.
This offer lasts from the time of this post until when the Prophecy challenge leagues end.

When does prophecy challenge league end?
kompaniet wrote:
This offer lasts from the time of this post until when the Prophecy challenge leagues end.

When does prophecy challenge league end?

As Bex mentioned here, it ends on August 30th.
Last edited by gh0stn0t3#8909 on Sep 2, 2020, 4:45:54 PM
Hiya all, With all respect, I find this headline misleading:
Get another free darkness mystery box

you have to buy something first to get that for free.
so its not for free.

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