Introducing New Base Items

Fozonblade wrote:
The truth is that the game was harder in the past but it made the game boring. Now you have variations, many builds and other options. This is better. "Veterans" whine because they must feel better than the others but majority likes the power creep more and it has been said by Chris already (based on statistics).

It isn't. It has never been. You always had a meta that facerolled most of the content. Only people who think spending 10 minutes with a tree calculator is a sign of intelligence jizz on their "super complex end game builds". Also Chris says alot of BS. He could run for president. Also learn to interpet statistics. Prophecy was one of the least populated leaques, almost dead on arrival.
I do like power creep, but I hate the way it is introduced. Ascendencies were great until you realized that half of them are shit or just there to "repair" builds / gems that otherwise wouldn't work, because no one could give a flying fuck to design a concept around them.
You also don't have many more builds, because half of the skill gems got phased out or were useless to begin with, despite the power creep.
New Baste items are cool, but all of them are there to cover up the inherent garbage they put in the game. And if anything at all it caters directly to veterans / hardcore gamers, because now they can farm themselves the perfect base and craft it for their build (which casuals wouldn't bother with). Like the minion helmet.
Hopefully "melee" gloves are one of the unannounced base types.
The countless times I mistook my MTX pet for prey... huehehehe
nice :)
what map does the crystal belt drop message me in my inbox plz or in game if i'm online plz

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