{{2.3}}66k Toolpit/1.1million dps, EcologicalFootprint's ROTC LA build (No Cospri needed)

Got a Reach of the Council bow drop but don't have a cospri and can't play one of those sexy expensive builds? Don't like Tornado shot? Well, look no further and check this out.

Midway Single target +1.1million dps. How?

-->We can place 6 frostwall total at once with spell echo. Assuming we are noob at placing them or the enemy only stops for a brief period of time, let us take only 3 successful frost walls

-->We fire 6 arrows

-->So easy math- 3X6X66,000dps = 1,188,000dps

NOTE- We have not even taken into consideration any shock stacks, flasks, Vaal Haste, no nearby enemies for further chaining and each arrow will chain only once to the boss.

Don't start the build if you don't have these-
i) Reach of the Council bow [You can replace this with Death's Opus but you'll have a hard time doing T11+ maps]
ii) Jewelleries, belt and boots with decent resists and life roll
--> Check this link for more info https://web.poe.garena.com/forum/view-thread/374648

Pros and Cons--
+ve -->
-No cospri needed
-Can run all maps except BM and check gems section for ele reflect
-1X6L to rule them all (Frost wall+LA abuse)
-Relatively cheap due to no requirements of mirror gear
-F**k charges, they can be a hassle against long duration bosses

-ve -->
-Can't run BM, f**k BM mod
-Need ROTC which can be a bit expensive and at least a 6L chest piece to have the proper feels, man

Video link
Items and Plateu map run with Elemental Equilibrium + Monster Life-

Unidentified Crematorium (Twinned+Temporal Chains+Exile in boss room)

My current gear and Passive tree-


Lightning Arrow 66k dps with Hatred + Arctic Armour + Ice Golem-

Puncture on a 5L-

Defence with Arctic armour-

Frost wall for single targets-

Movement Speed modifier-

Bandits- Oak(Life) ---> Oak(Phys) or Kraitlyn (Attack speed) ---> Kill All (Passive Point)

Ascendecy - Deadeye

Leveling till you can use Reach of the Council (64+)-
Items to use- Quill's, Roath's Reach, Death Harp, Death Opus and then finally ROTC

Passives for leveling-

Gem setup-

i)Main skill- Normal- LA+Pierce+Increased Crit Strikes+WED+Phys to Lightning+Phys Projectile dmg
---> FOR ELE REFLECT MAP- Split arrow+Increased crit strikes+Increased crit multi+Phys Projectile+Pierce+WED/Life Leech/Added Fire damage(If you can handle it)

ii)Auras- Hatred+Arctic Armour/Herald of Ash/Herald of Ice

iii)Single target dps for annoying enemies- Please use frost wall combo or for convenience, use Puncture+Trap+Trap&Mine dmg+Point Blank+Phys Projectile dmg

iv)Utilities- Ice Golem+Blink Arrow+Vaal Haste+Vaal Grace

v)Frost wall- FW+Inc Duration+Spell Echo+Reduced Mana/Faster Casting (Reduced mana feels good)

Important side notes-

i) If you're having stats issues, try taking the chunky intel and str nodes
ii) For learning to abuse frost wall against single targets, watch Mathil's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsn2wIKfKu0
iii) FOR BUDGET- If you can't afford a 6L ROTC, you may have to give up Belly of the beast+ROTC combo and use a cheap decent rolled 6L chest piece which are quite common because of the divination cards
iv) Herald of Ash/Ice instead of Arctic Armour? Bro, you're already one-two shotting everything. What's wrong with you? Get some defences, m8.

-->Added Videos
Have you considered using kaoms heart? Is the puncture really necessary?
Upload videos of atziri and uber please
Last edited by thisislife999#7550 on Aug 15, 2016, 3:27:43 AM
Have you considered using kaoms heart? Is the puncture really necessary?
Upload videos of atziri and uber please

1) Kaoms is definitely viable but I would need to give up some dps for it since I'd need to cap resists with rare gloves and plus then this build wouldn't be viable without a 6L rotc. Everyone doesn't have a 6L Rotc.

2) No you can live without puncture but it makes life better against single ele reflect mobs.

3) Working on videos. Will upload soon if more people are interested.

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