% chance to do status ailments vs 100% chance to do status ailments due to crit stike
Basically, status ailments such as freeze and shock will only occur based on the damage you dealt.
To actually freeze/shock enemies you have to deal at least 5% of its maxHP as cold/lightning damage. So, I am wondering, what are those "% chance to freeze/shock" for, assuming you only deal physical damage. There's no elemental on that, so where would the freeze/shock duration based on? because I have a crit build just do to status ailments, and planning to reset and try the "% chance to freeze/shock" and see if its worth it. Thanks! Last edited by ZiriusPH#7084 on Aug 8, 2016, 12:42:15 PM Last bumped on Aug 9, 2016, 1:28:43 AM
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" If you deal only physical damage, then they are pointless. Only damage that can shock (ie: lightning damage) will count towards the shock duration. Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/657756 |
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" Physical damage cannot ignite, chill, freeze, or shock unless a specific condition states "your physical damage can (status effect)". Normally, only the damage type can inflict its own status effect. Fire ignite, cold chill/freeze, and lightning shock. It is important to note the wording of various changes to these effects. For instance, Three Dragons states that "your lightning damage can freeze, but not shock", so your lightning damage can freeze, but it cannot shock OR chill. The only exception being another condition, like the passive notable Fingers of Frost, which states "enemies become chilled as they unfreeze". Using these two would allow you to chill an enemy with lightning damage, but only after a freeze. |
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oh got it. that cleared things up.
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By default, your character has 0% chance to freeze, shock, or ignite on hit, with a modifier that states "Critical Hits cause Freeze/Shock/Ignite". The +[X]% modifiers in the tree affect your base chance to inflict status ailments with appropriate elements (as stated, mostly of the 'correct' type, though various uniques can play around with what damage type can cause which status effect).
One thing to remember is that "cannot" modifiers, such as Three Dragons' "...but cannot [X]" mods, are always stronger than 'Can' modifiers. 'Cannot' acts as a hard stop to whatever else is going on - 'cannot' or 'Never' modifiers override everything else. That doesn't normally matter with elemental status, but as one example, if you link Vaal Arc (100% chance to Shock) with Elemental Focus (linked skills cannot inflict elemental status effects), the 100% Shock chance is ignored. Which is why virtually no one ever uses Elemental Focus, despite it being a 'More'gem. |
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" That last part is misleading. Elemental Focus isn't that uncommon but it isn't common either. If you deal cold damage and often shatter enemies, Elemental Focus is an excellent option for retaining corpses for consumption if you're a Necromancer. It's also a very good option, assuming this works, if you link it with an attack to augment your total damage, so that Herald of Ash's overkill damage is boosted so that nearby enemies burn for more. It's a matter of whether you need status effects more or raw damage. |
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personally i think the % chance to do status ailments is absolutely pointless in comparison to crit.
the problem lies with the duration. duration is based on damage dealt, so sure you could get an effect without crit but it won't last diddily squat long without the additional damage from crit. so crit wins in both cases. its a 100% chance for status effects, and its also longer duration. this is what i've been saying is wrong with crit the entire time i've played PoE since open beta, is that everything is based off of damage dealt meaning crit is always the best choice. status ailment duration and all DoT damage being based off damage dealt...crit is always going to be the way. |
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Elemental focus is really strong for non-crit builds without much chance to inflict staus ailments. It is also good for most skills that deal lots of smaller hits. Also for fire skills (or converted cold skills), since ignite is kinda crappy if you aren't deliberately trying for it. Chill and shock are usually much more generically useful, but even then they aren't very useful if you aren't inflicting them, or if the enemies die in one hit.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/657756 |
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Vaal RF with elemental focus is fun... and together with 2 or 3 additional support gems it oneshots bosses.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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yeah, ele statuses are currently lacklusters imo, maybe freeze only stands out. It happens mostly because trash dies in one hit and bosses (real bosses and not tier 8 map "boss") often are not effected by status ailments. Shock duration nodes/mods are meh since you usually pick up just raw damage instead of a better chance to shock tougher bosses and ignite is just horrible- saying that player has 200% increased fire damage and does 5 casts per sec, full ignite will deal 240% more damage, but since there are 5 casts per sec- 240% (which is during 4 sec) will be diminished to 240%/4/5= 12% more damage. Well, at least this is my perception of it.
As for op, as far as im aware, emberwake ignite and new claw (Touch of Anguish) are the only reasons to go for ele status inflict chance. Last edited by Andrius319#4787 on Aug 9, 2016, 1:28:58 AM
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