Upcoming Unique Items

Nelfor wrote:
Lextra wrote:
"Hey lets make a crit sword, with 5% crit."

Said nobody ever. You either go full crit or you go home. There is no middle-ground. Especially not for meele.

Well, thats 4 wasted affix and 1 wasted implicit.

The lack of creative thinking is strong with this one... And the same goes for many others.

That sword is very interesting to say the least. Although, voidheart could still make it useless. Please, just please get rid of voidheart.
No hes completely correct.

Its like 440 PDPS without whetstones, assuming it rolls higher itll probably be 500 PDPS or soo. People will just use this for RT because the high base damage and free % leech on it.

It doesnt matter how interesting an item is when aspects of the mechanics make it redundant, just like i mentioned before with my other post when i showed it being in the same category as Kongors.

Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.
Yo dawg, I heard you like mana.
OPA Guild Officer: to join see http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1119502
Riandro wrote:
Damn! Nice looking previews here!

The armor teaser looks like it draws heavy inspiration from The Butcher from Warmachine, coincidence?

I dunno, sort of reminded me of Prince Stennis out of the Witcher series:

Fluffy_Puppies wrote:
ladish wrote:
That mana ring makes me long for the good old days of mana regen/mom/aa :(

That katana looks strong with rt ignoring half the suffixes.

That is why I made it...

I loved old EB / MoM / AA

I actually tried to get GGG to put "damage taken goes to mana before life" but had to settle for damage taken gained as mana.

I REALLY miss the old arctic armour. I think it had such a unique flavour, and a very definite way to build for it. These days with it being a reservation, it just seems like the auras, curses, heralds. It also doesn't have it's old integer reduction either, which could also potentially be built around instead of the current %reduction which is similar to endurance charges, chaos golem, fortitude.
I feel the loss of it's own distinct function has watered it down to the point where I don't include it in many of my builds now. Maybe they could make a Vaal version which fulfils the old functionality?
VERY NICE, good work GGG. I'm looking forward to more unique always especially nice graphics! bring moar micros for the auras plz! :)
that sword should have 50% more damage(or less) against bleeding enemy, 50% increased not make any sense(cos for 2hand weapon you can easily take 500%+ inc damage from the tree). Just another mediocre weapon.
Great! another USELESS UNIQUES. Disfavor is way better than this blade and any random rares are better than those rings. Come on GGG..
Nelfor wrote:
Lextra wrote:
"Hey lets make a crit sword, with 5% crit."

Said nobody ever. You either go full crit or you go home. There is no middle-ground. Especially not for meele.

Well, thats 4 wasted affix and 1 wasted implicit.

The lack of creative thinking is strong with this one... And the same goes for many others.

That sword is very interesting to say the least. Although, voidheart could still make it useless. Please, just please get rid of voidheart.

Lack of creativity? How creative can a meele crit build with a 5% crit 2H sword get?
WielkiBej wrote:
Great! another USELESS UNIQUES. Disfavor is way better than this blade and any random rares are better than those rings. Come on GGG..

So, you want them to add items that are always better than the previous? Look up POWER CREEP.
If you think that random rares are better than those rings, you clearly have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Rare rings CANNOT HAVE those affixes.

And the sword? It is still around 500 DPS with free Leech. Yes, disfavor is better, but again, look up Power Creep. Disfavor is arguably too strong, but given how rare it is, it can be. You can expect this sword to be less rare.

Hope you get the idea.

Lextra wrote:
Nelfor wrote:
Lextra wrote:
"Hey lets make a crit sword, with 5% crit."

Said nobody ever. You either go full crit or you go home. There is no middle-ground. Especially not for meele.

Well, thats 4 wasted affix and 1 wasted implicit.

The lack of creative thinking is strong with this one... And the same goes for many others.

That sword is very interesting to say the least. Although, voidheart could still make it useless. Please, just please get rid of voidheart.

Lack of creativity? How creative can a meele crit build with a 5% crit 2H sword get?

Uh huh. Assasin?
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Last edited by Perq#4049 on Aug 5, 2016, 1:17:53 AM
Lextra wrote:
Nelfor wrote:
Lextra wrote:
"Hey lets make a crit sword, with 5% crit."

Said nobody ever. You either go full crit or you go home. There is no middle-ground. Especially not for meele.

Well, thats 4 wasted affix and 1 wasted implicit.

The lack of creative thinking is strong with this one... And the same goes for many others.

That sword is very interesting to say the least. Although, voidheart could still make it useless. Please, just please get rid of voidheart.

Lack of creativity? How creative can a meele crit build with a 5% crit 2H sword get?

Well, I usually play as a spellcaster, but I can tell you that the addition of Elemental Overload (which is similarly tied to crit, but doesn't involve building tons of crit) and the builds that use it shows that yes, you can use crit without going all-out crit (and most spells have just the same 5% base crit). There's no reason why the same can't be true for melee.
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Aug 5, 2016, 1:21:15 AM

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