Upcoming Unique Items

pls spoil a stat on that body armor
nice & sick chest!
my english sux.
lol, fucking pants, trash tier.
And here we go again...
From previous announcement http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1662279/page/1

"Jesus, the possibilities!" "nice" "neat" "HYPE" "cool" "Awesome!" "Always great to see some new uniques!"

And list goes on...

Nao (prices from poe.trade):


Veruso's Battering Rams - ONE ALCH. OMFG NEW BIS!!!

Three-step Assault - ONE JEWELLER. OMFG The power isn't creeping any more. It's leaping!!!!

That's what happens when you sellout in game content to braindead people without a clue. Go on, make some more shit, it is great already to skip all drops (which is major part of arpg) and just gorge/gorge/gorge because that's best rewarding gameplay atm.
Bullshit makes the flowers grow
the problem lies in the fact GGG want rares to be BIS , until they change this philosophy ( which will be never) we are stuck with trash uniques that are utter garbage, the ones that are good like shavs, varanustra etc are extremeley expensive or impossible to self find, again in a ARPG where loot drops is the focus the game delivers very little, i love this game but for gods sake revise your design limitations guys ffs.
The idea behind that 2-h sword is great, but implementation is bad.

So, you want to make a CRIT weapon with 5% base crit chance and huge base damage? Oh, and it cant leech on critical strike? Wait, what's the actual BENEFIT for going crit with such a weapon? Just bleeding on crit? LULWHAT???? Just for that, no sane player will sacrifice LL and go crit with shitty base 5% crit item!!! Any sane player will just IGNORE crit with that sword, and go RT!

To make it worthwhile, there should be much MORE stats, that favour crit. Something like +150% critical strike multiplier, for example. Or " bleed with this weapon can stack". Or both. Or something else of the same "caliber". Otherwise, it wont be used "as intended".
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Like em but I wish we could get some of these affixes on rares to make them a little more interesting as well.
Can we please get more uniques with unique mecanics like scold, zerphi, the harvest, trypanon?

More damage/ BiS for existing builds uniques are boring.

Quality over quantity.
Builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1813247
Challenge boss kill services : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1814668
Last edited by SUPEROUMAN#3039 on Aug 5, 2016, 11:15:18 AM
Mindsmog wrote:
the problem lies in the fact GGG want rares to be BIS , until they change this philosophy ( which will be never) we are stuck with trash uniques that are utter garbage, the ones that are good like shavs, varanustra etc are extremeley expensive or impossible to self find, again in a ARPG where loot drops is the focus the game delivers very little, i love this game but for gods sake revise your design limitations guys ffs.

It is the same philosophy when d3 was released. We all know how it ended. I'm not saying d3 is ok arpg (actually it is a joke compared to what it supposed to be) but at least you can play it on modern PC and don't feel like tasting a shit. PoE "had" great potential, but it turned to be another half assed wannabe crap which focuses on milking nub money and releasing new poop without focusing on actual game balancing and reworking old stuff.
Bullshit makes the flowers grow
To all saying that sword is bad. It's meant for a dirty crit build. Not a max crit build. Duh.....

I like it a lot.
God_of_Thieves_LLD_PVP__I hate the Labyrinth
Last edited by ripnburn69#0202 on Aug 5, 2016, 11:57:24 AM

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