[PVP] Path of Exile 3vs3 Parallel~
" i think a well invested spell caster is the most OP build concept ever at the moment. for example, inquisitor + high aoe spell is quite strong. my point is, let's don't talk as if inquisitor + spell caster is somehow inferior to other builds. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Aug 4, 2016, 4:09:32 PM
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" Man that 120%-140% more dmg (ignore resit + extra support) is so damn weak. Especially on a crit elemental build. Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Aug 4, 2016, 4:37:13 PM
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I mean it's not a pathfinder if it's an inquisitor, sooo.
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Inquisitors got, hands down, the best damage output in the game by a massive margin (especially on a crit build). No one can argue about that.
On the other hand, pathfinder got the best survivability wich i'm not sur is better if not combined with broken mechanisms like secondary damages and/or shotgun effect. Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Aug 4, 2016, 4:42:55 PM
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" I wasn't referring to the ascendancy he picked, but the fact that a lot of spells just don't perform anywhere near as well as offscreening bow builds. Save for vortex and firestorm, tons of spells are just mechanically bad in this meta. Things that were good before like incinerate, etc. Spark was gutted. You get the point. Jorge's glass cannon flameblast is doing pretty good, but that's cause he's playing it extremely well. Anyway, yes inquisitor is dumb too. Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708 1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847 Last edited by Simplesim45#4104 on Aug 4, 2016, 4:53:48 PM
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Yes low life crit inquisitor is probably one of the highest outputs in the game, but it still requires you to scale the spell.
Even if i'am inquisitor, i still cant one shot anyone n'or offscreen and all of my skills are blockable/dodgeable. The fact that it's blockable and dodgeable means that you can manage it quite well if you stack dodge and block, there are multiple ways like that to mitigate it. Whereas stuff that cant be blocked or dodged, evaded has much more ability to take down an opponent since you cant rely on the fact that you can block some of the hits. If you compare current builds that have 1 shot capabilities, LA, iceshot and you know the rest it's pretty easy to see that you can manage my firestorm much more than the others which makes it more balanced. If i wasnt getting 1 shotted all the time by stuff i cant use my defense mechanics against you'd realize how strong and well built my caster is, it's just really not appearant in a meta where everything is too strong and bypasses defense mechanics. If the meta switches over i will probably go back to witch to get more defenses since low life provides me a lot of damage, other than that it's not Worth it at all right now. My point is with a caster you cant just put gems in your bow and call it a day, you need to scale it more with spell and elemental damage. For exemple with bows the only real scaling you have to do is via how much dps your bow puts out and what gems you put in it, the tree can focus on defenses instead. I could turn my caster into a glass cannon and potentially 1 shot with my spells, but that would make me prone to 1 shots by pretty much anything out there. I like my builds rounded and being one sided is not something i like to do. When the time comes for a balanced meta my rounding efforts will pay off and you'll see what perfecting a build for years looks like, ofcourse when i'am getting 1 shotted the build looks like shit. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Aug 4, 2016, 5:19:13 PM
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" You're saying it would be the best damage, if not for Bear trap, EA, Vortex, BV right? Cause those aren't really comparable. Pretty far above INQ in dmg. Which is pretty nuts considering INQ is busted lol. As long as those options exist no reason not to go pathfinder for reasons you already stated. From a pure beardy gotta win perspective Last edited by Lordsidro#6913 on Aug 4, 2016, 5:37:54 PM
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all i was saying is that 8k is tooo glass cannonish unless you are pathfinder in this meta. and generally going low life is too edgy.
chaos resistance even as 75 can be not enough vs SRS abusers nowadays. on top of that 75 chaos resistance means like 5 x t1/t2 suffixes investment. as we all know also, 135% all resists is essential to get nowadays. you need 9 t1 suffixes for that plus 5 t1 for chaos resistance. 14 t1 suffix is like having full of t1 suffixes all around and having nothing else all around gear. you cant any suffixes from boots, since skyforth is BIS. my point is you can use all those x5 t1 chaos suffixes as flask duration + less flask charges + cast speed + shield cast speed and so on. the biggest problem of casters are lack of mobility and flask duration + less charge consumption bla bla is a must for every caster on their belt. for 30% more damage on sheet losing all these defences/utilities is just too edgy choice for me. 75/75 rumi means only something in the hands of pathfinder now. once i see rumi flask affect on a non pathfinder character i can just use my movement flask and travel around the map until my opponent depletes all his charges. 180+MS is something like only can be stopped with bear traps. rumi is cool, but vs pathfinder it would just cost 1 time or maybe non flask charge. LA has one shot potential its true, then again, firestorm is also lacking proper T damage value, its a duration and its aoe at the same time. as we all know well firestorm does aoe overlap damage too. if you invest on temp chains + aoe + duration, since damage values got crazy nowadays firestorm can be inevitable and deadly. only EA can be a big problem since EA players are very fast and hard to lock them in a corner. im pretty sure that i cant even stand a small chance versus a well built firestormer in these small 1v1 areas. the best thing to do to analyze a build is playing it. from 3rd look every T1 build looks strong. but once you play one you see the weaknesses and i know that i cant stand a chance. losing to LA means you gave me a corridor to offscreen you or come very very close. aoe + duration skills are just preventing yourself from hving such situation. i believe except vortex nothing can outdps firestorm face to face. needless to say vortex needs initiation, while firestorm can be casted from a distance and with decent aoe locks your target to a corner slowly step by step. there is no risk of initiating while using firestorm. your opponent has to initiate. firestorm grants the highest dps per second in its effective area in the game. so in this case, asking for possible 30% more damage in exchange of around +3-5k+ ES and 5 suffixes is just too greedy and i cant see a wise idea behind that. there is no one who can outdps firestorm, just dont get one shotted or 2 shotted. and dont get out outmaneuvered which happens to casters a lot. i remember never csters had a lack of dps problem even with 200ex gear investment. which is not even one item in my gear. talking about glass cannons, choosing CI and getting glass cannon is better idea than having a try hardly balanced a low life build imho. thats what jorge does. the outcome would be probably even better. im not trying to be wise guy here, since you are inactive things changed a lot "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Aug 4, 2016, 7:22:24 PM
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While we're all discussing the firestorm thing, let's not forget that if you don't use firestorm or vortex, your choices of viable self cast spells are garbage.
That makes me sad :( Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708
1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847 |
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Haunt, you only showed 2 pieces, but there must be 3 more with chaos res to get the 75% if not having the new T1s. Cast speed was only one of my examples you can lose when picking chaos res, but then you don't have normal resist on those. (And please use some blessed orbs on that ring). My character has good resists on one ring and, I also need 2 offstats on one of the rings and belt, so thats another 2 suffixes, and overall I have barely capped resists that way. Getting good chaos res also affects prefixes as with their rarity there are much fewer available pieces in general.
CI vs LL the bigger downside is the ES loss anyway, and there is a significant difference between 8k ES and 12k ES. As you said not that much in this meta, where dps matters a lot more, but still thats a 1.5x difference in defense, while PA 30% is getting reduced by the pvp formula, depending on the skill, that is probably just a 15-20% actual higher damage, which is important to know. Comparing more dmg vs more damage the pvp reduction plays very similar significance, but more dmg vs more defense the damage is always getting that downside. IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) |
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