Very annoying instance crashes

hope they come with a fix soon, unplayable till a patch comes :'(
I'd just like to say that I've been having the same issue which started around the same time as OP. I thought it was my own connection, but upon finding this, now I know it's not just me.

Already lost many T15's (back when it first started happening), and I've been testing it every few days but it is still unplayable for ghostbusting.
Oh man, I waited 5 days before trying out some ghostbusting. Did 5 maps fine, then my vaals winds prophecy procs. It hurts. This issue has the worst possible outcome of any issue in the game. I would take FPS drops, desync, sound bugs, bugged doors/passage, anything. But don't rip my vaal winds map before i even drop one good item. Thats crossing the line :'(
Bump... Btw anyone seen Racheal?
"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
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There is no need to bump this thread. We've acknowledged there is an issue and are doing what we can to resolve it.
I just used twice enchanted proph at last Izaro on uber lab and disconnect to a gameserver crash... pisses me off. Bye time and 10 chaos orbs.
will it be posted in the news when its fixed? dont want to play any more high maps till this is sorted.
Are we going to get any word as to progress on this issue? it's been a long time now... I can only play so much path of global 1 until i get muted permanently, so please, in the interest of being able to message people, please let me get back to playing path of exile!!!!!
guess this isn't fixed yet.

i weep for the future and for the children.

Last edited by Unknown_User#5928 on Jul 30, 2016, 4:48:12 PM

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