IGN (POE1): Flame_Scorpion
Age: 30
Game experience: I am a huge fan of ARPG and played multiple, in POE I have around 6000
Reason for wanting to join: I want to share ideas and play together with more people
IGN ( PoE1 ): KlexPhrecia
Age: 45
Game experience: 1k hours
Reason for wanting to join: no one in my guild plays. I'm bored by myself
Any additional information/comments: I play about 2-3 hours a day
IGN (PoE2): CantTouchThisDunNunNunN
Age: 37
Game experience: relatively new to POE, but have 4 chars at lvl 85+
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a community to play with
Any additional information/comments: Try to play daily
IGN (PoE2): Dimzbomber - PoE2
Game experience: PoE2 is my first experience with path. Currently have all classes to maps and pushing two classes to beyond 93. Running tier 15 and 16 maps and have completed all ascendancy trials and Arbiter. So at this point I got a pretty decent grasp of the game
Reason for wanting to join: Simply looking for a larger community of people to play with
Any additional information/comments: Not much to say. Work, family, black metal, comics, and horror movies/books pretty much take up most my time.
Last edited by DIMZKVLT#9968 on Mar 19, 2025, 6:40:17 AM
IGN POE1 Praevyn
Age: 50
Game experience: I have been playing since 2015. I enjoy mapping, running labs, and heist. My highest-level character was a 93 Elementalist
Reason for wanting to join: I want an active guild so I can have a sense of community. I love helping people out when I can.
Any additional information/comments: I am returning to the game after taking a couple of years off.
Game experience: Been playing since the Ancestor league, highest char lvl is 98, just started po2 tho, have bout 8h in it
Reason for wanting to join: just want o experience what it feels like to be in a guild, just looking to have fun n farm with people or help
Any additional information/comments: play about 3-4h a day
IGN: Konrad_rus
Возраст: 43
Опыт игры: Играю с момента запуска POE2(ранний доступ), наиграл около 200 часов. Максимальный уровень - Наемник 88 лвл.

Причина желания присоединиться: общение, обмен опытом, помощь в игре, торговля.

Любая дополнительная информация/комментарии: играю в будни 1-3 часа, на выходных(если не уезжаю с города) - 3-5 часов.
IGN: Scorpoisus
Game Experience: A decent amount
Reason for joining: Just wanted help to lvl up
Hey, do you have open spots atm? want to start with the launch of new patch.

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