IGN: SummonerChango
Age: 34 Game experience: On and off since 2013ish Reason for wanting to join: none of us is stronger individually, we all are strong together Any additional information/comments: Let's have fun :) |
Age:43 Game experience: 4 years so none LOL Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a guild that is active and talkative. Hope thats y'all Any additional information/comments: None |
IGN: MsHolyTotes, BallistaSinestra
Age: 38 Game experience: I've been playing solo in most Leagues since 2013, usually getting 2-5 characters in the 90s most leauges. I also used to play multiple MMO's, but MMOs are so stale now, lol. I also played almost every season for D3 up until about a year ago. I don't want to know how much time I've spent on D2, it will probably make me cry, haha. Reason for wanting to join: I'm tired of playing by myself and I'm looking to join others for casual mapping and experience grinding. I have a lot of experience playing top down loot grinders, and I think I could learn the group scheme pretty quick. Any additional information/comments: I like old school serious anime like Monster, Evangelion, and legend of the galactic heroes. Isekai is played out, anime needs a new trend. I also like games like Darksouls/Eldenring and pretty much any JRPG. I'm married, but I still play quite a lot, lol. |
IGN: (current main char) SymBolic___ / (Account) XelSymbol
Age: 36 Game experience: Played once for a short period on XBOX (think that was delve league), started again on pc in january. Reason for wanting to join: POE seams to be quite a universe of it's own and it's best not to travel alone. It's always good to share knowledge and help each other. Any additional information/comments: I'm currently in a kind of "explore" mode, discovering, which builds and playstyles I like. In Arch Nemesis league I did Poisonous Concoction Pathfinder, which I quite liked and started with it again this league. But now with some currency, I'm trying out some other options. So my main goal this league is not to beat as many challenges as I can or rush to 100 or something like that, but to get some currency, try some play styles and get the knowledge to be more focused on one or two builds next league. Sometimes, while I'm working, watching videos or the like, I'm exclusively online to take care of trade requests. |
Age:22 Game experience:2 YEARS Reason for wanting to join: I want to practice my English ability,and maybe make some friend. |